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"紅葉の里です~Hometo" team official activities

Dear friends, our "紅葉の里です~Hometown of red leaves" team will hold a western European classic fairy tale event "Alice in Wonderland". The theme is Western European classical fairy tale stage. Each member plays a role in their favorite fairy tales for team exchange performances, and performs Western European fairy tales in the team, including the characters in various fairy tales. Friends are welcome to describe fairy tales with their own characteristics.
This is the background theme song for the fairy tale event "Alice in Wonderland", which is still being planned.
When the "Alice in Wonderland" fairy tale event story officially begins, we will open the role registration in advance, such as "Alice", "March Hare", "Cheshire Cat", all friends need to sign up to participate. There is no limit to the number of applicants, and all fairy tale characters can participate. Different types of fairy tale characters are available for team performances. When the event officially starts, the "紅葉の里です~Hometown of red leaves" team will build a Western European classical fairy tale stage, in order to make the performances of friends have a more sense of the scene.
"Alice in Wonderland" is a fairy tale role stage performance organized by the team. The theme is Western European classical fairy tales. The purpose is that cultures from all over the world communicate and coexist, and the friendship of friends develops and prospers together. In order to let friends experience Western European classical fairy tales The beauty of the story.
Thank you for the official release of the "紅葉の里です~Hometown of red leaves" team.
親愛なる皆さん、私たちの「紅葉の里です~Hometown of red leaves」チームは、西ヨーロッパの古典的なおとぎ話イベント「不思議の国のアリス」を開催します。 テーマは西欧古典童話の舞台。 チーム交流公演では、メンバーそれぞれが好きなおとぎ話の役を演じ、様々なおとぎ話の登場人物を含め、西欧のおとぎ話をチームで上演します。 友達は、おとぎ話を自分の特徴で説明することを歓迎します。
「アリス・イン・ワンダーランド」おとぎ話のイベントストーリーが正式に始まると、「アリス」、「三月うさぎ」、「チェシャ猫」などの役割登録を事前に開始します。すべての友達が参加するにはサインアップする必要があります。 応募人数に制限はなく、童話のキャラクターなら誰でも参加できます。 チームパフォーマンスには、さまざまな種類のおとぎ話のキャラクターが用意されています。 イベントが正式に開始されると、「紅葉の里です~Hometown of red leaves」チームは西ヨーロッパの古典的なおとぎ話のステージを構築し、友人のパフォーマンスにシーンの感覚を持たせます。
「アリス・イン・ワンダーランド」は、チームが主催するおとぎ話の役割舞台公演で、テーマは西ヨーロッパの古典的なおとぎ話で、世界中の文化が交流し、共存し、友達の友情が発展し、共に繁栄することを目的としています。友達に西ヨーロッパの古典的なおとぎ話を体験させるために 物語の美しさ。
「紅葉の里です~Hometown of red leaves」チームの公式リリースありがとうございます。
親愛的朋友們,我們“"紅葉の里です~Hometo" team official activities”團隊將舉辦西歐古典童話故事活動“愛麗絲夢遊仙境”。主題為西歐古典童話舞台。每個成員都扮演自己喜歡的童話故事中的角色進行團隊交流表演,在團隊中進行西歐童話故事的演出,包括各種童話故事中的角色。歡迎朋友們描述具有自己特色的童話故事。
“愛麗絲夢遊仙境”童話活動故事正式開始的時候,我們會事先開啟角色報名,比如“愛麗絲”,“三月兔”,“柴郡貓”,都需要各位朋友來報名參加。報名人數沒有限制,所有童話故事中的角色都可以參加。不同類型的童話故事角色都可以進行團隊演出。活動正式開啟時,“"紅葉の里です~Hometo" team official activities”團隊會建設成西歐古典童話舞台,為了讓朋友們演出更具有場景感。
“"紅葉の里です~Hometo" team official activities”團隊官方發布文章,謝謝你。

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lost house/失われた家/迷途之家

Lost House (マヨヒガ or 迷ひ家まよひが, Mayohiga) is the second level scene of Touhou You々梦~Perfect Cherry Blossom. At present, it is only known that it is located on the border of Gensokyo, somewhere on the Hakurei Great Barrier, but the exact location is unknown. In Youyemon, Orange once appeared as the leader of this scene, but it is not clear whether the three members of Yakumo's family live here.
A small deserted village located in Youkai Mountain.
Now it is occupied by wild cats in the mountains, forming a cat village, and the cat demon orange manages it.
The original intention of Orange to gather and manage the cats is to have a subordinate who obeys her command, but now the Lost House has become a paradise for cats.
It should be noted that although Orange lives in the Lost House, Yakumo Lan and Yakumo Zi do not live here. The location of their residence at the border of the enchantment is still unknown.
Because it is in the middle of the mountains, there are few people, people who get lost in the mountains will accidentally enter here by mistake, and can never get out again.Based on "マヨヒガ" (迷い家) described in "Tono Tale", the theme song of the scene is Tono Fantasy Monogatari.
The master of Japanese folklore Yanagita Kunio visited Tono Township in 1909, collected a lot of folklore knowledge from the local area, and compiled and polished it into the famous work "Tono Tale". twenty three
"マヨヒガ" described in "The Tale of Tono" is an unnamed settlement hidden in the deep mountains. Although the houses and fields are all available, there is no one there. 4
According to legend, people who lost their way in the mountains can reach here by chance. If they bring the objects back, they can attract wealth, but if they want to find them again, there will be no traces.
It is related to the legend of "隠れ里" widely circulated in various parts of Japan. The plot of the story is generally a hidden settlement in the mountains by mistake. 5
The scene design of fields, houses, and torii gates may also be based on the descriptions in "The Tale of Tono"."Tono Tale" six three
The Miura family in Xiaoguo Village is the richest family in the village.
But it is said that until two or three generations ago, they were still extremely poor, which is a world of difference from now.
And at that time, the wife of this family was a stupid woman with a dull head.

One day, the wife of Sanpu's family went out to pick coltsfoot.
In the Tono area, every household has a "door".
The door is the abbreviation of "Kawado", which refers to the washing place where the river draws water and washes dishes in front of the house.
The wife of the Miura family looked for coltsfoot along the small river in front of the gate, and kept walking upstream, but did not see any beautiful coltsfoot.
In order to collect beautiful coltsfoot, the wife gradually moved away from the village and broke into the depths of the valley.

Suddenly, he took a closer look, and there was a majestic black gate in front of him, and inside the gate was also a majestic mansion.
The wife felt strange, although she felt strange, but because her head was a little dull, she was not wary, and driven by curiosity, she entered the door.
After passing through the gate, there is a huge courtyard.
The courtyard is full of red and white flowers, and many chickens roam here.
The wife looked at it for a long time, stunned by the scene, then walked through the courtyard and went around to the back of the building.
There is a big cowshed behind the house, where several cows are squeezed. There are also stables, with many fine horses with bright fur and strong physique.
No one was seen, and there was no sound of anyone.

The wife looked around, and finally entered the house through the porch.
She entered the Japanese room, opened the paper door and looked at the next room, where there was a whole row of high-end looking red and black lacquered dining tables, and on the dining table were placed equally high-class wooden bowls.
There is a fire bowl in the inner hall, and the water in the iron bottle is boiling.
However, there was no sign of anyone, and his wife looked all over the house, but there was no sign of him.
At this point, the wife finally became frightened.
Could this be Shanren's home?
Thinking of this, the wife suddenly became frightened, rushed out of the house and fled home.
The wife told her family what happened in detail, but no one believed her.

Then some time passed.
When my wife was going to wash things in her laundry, she saw a red thing floating upriver.
It looked like a beautiful thing from a distance, so my wife picked it up.
Upon closer inspection, it is a beautiful red lacquer bowl, a very high-end bowl.
But it's okay, it can't be used at home.
If you bring the things picked up in the river to the dining table, your husband may scold you for being dirty, but you are reluctant to throw them away.

At this time, the wife had a plan. She decided to put the bowl into the rice bucket and use it to measure the rice.
However, after starting to measure the rice with this bowl, it is incredible that the rice did not decrease at all.
No matter how much you scoop it up, the rice will never bottom out, and the family members can't help being suspicious and questioning his wife.
Only then did the wife tell the story of scooping rice out of a bowl she picked up in the river.
Since then, the Miura family has become rich.
After starting to use this bowl, the Miura family encountered good things one after another, and got the current wealth.

In Tono, the mysterious house in the mountains is called "Mayoiga".
Does it mean someone who got lost and strayed into it?
You can go to Mijia if you want, but it is said that if you can meet Mijia, you are very lucky.
Those who find the lost house, it is best to bring back the things in the house.
As for what to bring back, it doesn't matter if it's furniture or livestock.
It is said that in this way, happiness can be obtained.
Mijia is a home from another world, it appears to bestow luck to those who meet by chance.
As for why we can meet each other, what determines it, and what kind of person can be lucky, we don't know.
Mijia is such a thing.
The wife of the Miura family has no greed and has not taken anything from the Miura family.
People in the village said that it was because of this that the bowl floated in front of her on its own initiative.
Lost House (マヨヒガまたは迷ひ家まよひが、マヨヒガ) は、東方妖々梦~Perfect Cherry Blossom の 2 番目のレベルのシーンです。 現在、幻想郷との境、博麗大結界のどこかにあるということだけはわかっているが、正確な場所は不明である。 洋右衛門ではかつてオレンジがこのシーンのリーダーとして登場したが、八雲家の三人がここに住んでいたかどうかは定かではない。
明治42年(1909)、民俗学の巨匠柳田國男が遠野郷を訪れ、地元の民俗学の知識を集め、編纂して磨き上げた名作『遠野物語』。 23
『遠野物語』に描かれる「マヨヒガ」は、山奥にひっそりと佇む名もなき集落で、家も畑も揃っているが、誰もいない。 4
日本各地で広く流布する「隠れ里」伝説と関係があり、物語の筋書きは一般的に山奥の隠れ里と間違えられる。 5
しかし、2、3 世代前までは極貧だったと言われており、今とは別世界です。


家の裏には大きな牛舎があり、そこには数頭の牛がしぼられています。 厩舎もあり、毛色が明るく力強い体格の立派な馬がたくさんいます。
しかし -





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