TW; sensitive things

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TW; sensitive things
More expressions :D
Yippee :3
this is a vent drawing but, im proud of this sketch :3
need to finish, I haven't submit any art within a month, need to do so qwq
Gutzz snatches a pair of sais.
Flameteeth finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Wilber grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
BrownieSketch retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
Mr Flagada severely injures Juju and leaves her to die.
Ayaz grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
V0MiT sets an explosive off, killing Seb, DRAGON, Ein and Belle\Will
Zer00 kills Lex with a sickle.
Bread runs into the cornucopia and hides.
LongLegLuz (got frozen) strangles Cans with a rope.
Rey_202 scares BRI away from the cornucopia.
!!!ADAM!!! breaks EV@'s nose for a basket of bread.
invisible man runs into the cornucopia and hides.
Day 1
BRI stalks EV@.
V0MiT and !!!ADAM!!! split up to search for resources.
Wilber searches for firewood.
Bread attacks BrownieSketch, but LongLegLuz (got frozen) protects her, killing Bread.
Flameteeth begs for Zer00 to kill him. he refuses, keeping Flameteeth alive.
Gutzz diverts Invisible man's attention and runs away.
Mr Flagada dies trying to escape the arena.
Ayaz poisons Rey_202's drink. Rey_202 drinks it and dies.
Night 1
Zer00 and EV@ tell stories about themselves to each other.
Invisible man, BRI, and LongLegLuz (got frozen) discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Gutzz, V0MiT, Ayaz, and Wilber track down and kill Flameteeth.
!!!ADAM!!! tends to their wounds.
BrownieSketch stays awake all night.
The Fallen
11 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Lex has died this round.
Seb has died this round.
DRAGON has died this round.
Ein has died this round.
Belle\Will has died this round.
Cans has died this round.
Juju has died this round.
Rey_202 has died this round.
Mr Flagada has died this round.
Bread has died this round.
Flameteeth has died this round.
Day 2
Invisible man accidentally steps on a landmine.
BrownieSketch strangles LongLegLuz (got frozen) after engaging in a fist fight.
Zer00 questions his sanity.
!!!ADAM!!!, Ayaz, Gutzz, and V0MiT raid Wilber's camp while she is hunting.
EV@ discovers a cave.
BRI discovers a cave.
Night 2
Ayaz and BrownieSketch talk about the tributes still alive.
EV@ attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
V0MiT and Wilber run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Gutzz sets an explosive off, killing !!!ADAM!!!, BRI, and Zer00.
The Fallen
5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
LongLegLuz (got frozen) has died this round.
Invisible man has died this round.
!!!ADAM!!! has died this round.
BRI has died this round.
Zer00 has died this round.
Day 3
EV@, Gutzz, Wilber, and Ayaz hunt for other tributes.
V0MiT defeats BrownieSketch in a fight, but spares her life.
Night 3
BrownieSketch thinks about home.
Ayaz, EV@, Wilber, and V0MiT track down and kill Gutzz.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Gutzz has died this round.
EV@ falls into a pit and dies.
BrownieSketch, V0MiT, and Ayaz track down and kill Wilber.
Day 4
V0MiT falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Ayaz camouflages herself in the bushes.
BrownieSketch discovers a cave.
Night 4
BrownieSketch kills Ayaz while she is sleeping.
The Fallen
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Wilber has died this round.
EV@ has died this round.
V0MiT has died this round.
Ayaz has died this round.
The Games Have Ended
The winner is BrownieSketch!
BrownieSketch Kills: 3 ⭐Winner⭐
The Rest
Invisible man Kills: 0 Died: Round 3
EV@ Kills: 1 Died: Round 7
Mr Flagada Kills: 1 Died: Round 1
V0MiT Kills: 7 Died: Round 8
Bread Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Juju Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Ein Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Ayaz Kills: 4 Died: Round 9
Belle\Will Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
!!!ADAM!!! Kills: 0 Died: Round 4
Seb Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Zer00 Kills: 1 Died: Round 4
Lex Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Rey_202 Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
DRAGON Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Cans Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Wilber Kills: 2 Died: Round 7
Flameteeth Kills: 0 Died: Round 2
LongLegLuz (got frozen) Kills: 2 Died: Round 3
Gutzz Kills: 4 Died: Round 6
BRI Kills: 0 Died: Round 4
this is a vent drawing but, im proud of this sketch :3
need to finish, I haven't submit any art within a month, need to do so qwq
this is a vent drawing but, im proud of this sketch :3
need to finish, I haven't submit any art within a month, need to do so qwq
i think i good at water colors :)
kaiden :3
Zer00 repeatedly stabs Ein to death with sais.
Juju kills DRAGON as they try to run.
!!!ADAM!!! snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Flameteeth snatches a pair of sais.
Lex kills EV@ for her supplies.
Mr Flagada runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Wilber stabs Ayaz in the back with a trident.
Cans stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Gutzz, Invisible man, and Bread start fighting, but Invisible man runs away as Gutzz kills Bread.
Rey_202 runs away with a lighter and some rope.
BRI catches Belle\Will off guard and kills him.
BrownieSketch sets an explosive off, killing V0MiT, Seb, and LongLegLuz (got frozen).
Day 1
!!!ADAM!!! attempts to climb a tree, but falls on BrownieSketch, killing them both.
Invisible man and Mr Flagada fight Juju and Flameteeth. Invisible man and Mr Flagada survive.
BRI defeats Rey_202 in a fight, but spares Rey_202’s life.
Gutzz goes hunting.
Zer00 chases Lex.
Wilber sets Cans on fire with a molotov.
Night 1
Rey_202 severely slices Gutzz with a sword.
Wilber, Lex, Invisible man, and BRI form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Mr Flagada convinces Zer00 to snuggle with him.
The Fallen
19 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
DRAGON has died this round.
Belle\Will has died this round.
Bread has died this round.
V0MiT has died this round.
Seb has died this round.
LongLegLuz has died this round.
EV@ has died this round.
Ein has died this round.
Ayaz has died this round.
Cans has died this round.
Juju has died this round.
Flameteeth has died this round.
!!!ADAM!!! has died this round.
BrownieSketch has died this round.
Wilber has died this round.
Lex has died this round.
Invisible man has died this round.
BRI has died this round.
Gutzz has died this round.
Day 2
Zer00 fishes.
Rey_202 shoots a poisonous blow dart into Mr Flagada 's neck, slowly killing him.
Night 2
Rey_202 is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Zer00 cries himself to sleep.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Mr Flagada has died this round.
Rey_202 shoots a poisonous blow dart into Zer00's neck, slowly killing him.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Zer00 has died this round.
The Games Have Ended
The winner is Rey_202!
Rey_202 Kills: 3 ⭐Winner⭐
The Rest
Invisible man Kills: 2 Died: Round 2
EV@ Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Mr Flagada Kills: 2 Died: Round 3
V0MiT Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Bread Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Juju Kills: 1 Died: Round 1
Ein Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Ayaz Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Belle\Will Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
!!!ADAM!!! Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Seb Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Zer00 Kills: 1 Died: Round 5
Lex Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
DRAGON Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Cans Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Wilber Kills: 2 Died: Round 2
Flameteeth Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
LongLegLuz (got frozen) Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Gutzz Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
BrownieSketch Kills: 3 Died: Round 1
BRI Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
Zer00 repeatedly stabs Ein to death with sais.
Juju kills DRAGON as they try to run.
!!!ADAM!!! snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Flameteeth snatches a pair of sais.
Lex kills EV@ for her supplies.
Mr Flagada runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Wilber stabs Ayaz in the back with a trident.
Cans stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Gutzz, Invisible man, and Bread start fighting, but Invisible man runs away as Gutzz kills Bread.
Rey_202 runs away with a lighter and some rope.
BRI catches Belle\Will off guard and kills him.
BrownieSketch sets an explosive off, killing V0MiT, Seb, and LongLegLuz (got frozen).
Day 1
!!!ADAM!!! attempts to climb a tree, but falls on BrownieSketch, killing them both.
Invisible man and Mr Flagada fight Juju and Flameteeth. Invisible man and Mr Flagada survive.
BRI defeats Rey_202 in a fight, but spares Rey_202’s life.
Gutzz goes hunting.
Zer00 chases Lex.
Wilber sets Cans on fire with a molotov.
Night 1
Rey_202 severely slices Gutzz with a sword.
Wilber, Lex, Invisible man, and BRI form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Mr Flagada convinces Zer00 to snuggle with him.
The Fallen
19 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
DRAGON has died this round.
Belle\Will has died this round.
Bread has died this round.
V0MiT has died this round.
Seb has died this round.
LongLegLuz has died this round.
EV@ has died this round.
Ein has died this round.
Ayaz has died this round.
Cans has died this round.
Juju has died this round.
Flameteeth has died this round.
!!!ADAM!!! has died this round.
BrownieSketch has died this round.
Wilber has died this round.
Lex has died this round.
Invisible man has died this round.
BRI has died this round.
Gutzz has died this round.
Day 2
Zer00 fishes.
Rey_202 shoots a poisonous blow dart into Mr Flagada 's neck, slowly killing him.
Night 2
Rey_202 is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Zer00 cries himself to sleep.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Mr Flagada has died this round.
Rey_202 shoots a poisonous blow dart into Zer00's neck, slowly killing him.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Zer00 has died this round.
The Games Have Ended
The winner is Rey_202!
Rey_202 Kills: 3 ⭐Winner⭐
The Rest
Invisible man Kills: 2 Died: Round 2
EV@ Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Mr Flagada Kills: 2 Died: Round 3
V0MiT Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Bread Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Juju Kills: 1 Died: Round 1
Ein Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Ayaz Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Belle\Will Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
!!!ADAM!!! Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Seb Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Zer00 Kills: 1 Died: Round 5
Lex Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
DRAGON Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Cans Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Wilber Kills: 2 Died: Round 2
Flameteeth Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
LongLegLuz (got frozen) Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Gutzz Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
BrownieSketch Kills: 3 Died: Round 1
BRI Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
Ein grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia
Wilber and Ayaz fight for a bag. Wilber gives up and retreats
Bread grabs a sword
DRAGON breaks LongLegLuz's nose for a basket of bread
Belle\Will stabs LEX while her back is turned
EV@ shoots an arrow at !!!ADAM!!!, but misses and kills Juju instead
Cans grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia
Zer00 accidentally steps on a landmine
Gutzz grabs a backpack and retreats
BrownieSketch runs into the cornucopia and hides
BRI grabs a jar of fishing bait while Seb gets fishing gear
Rey_202 cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide
Flameteeth throws a knife into V0MIT's chest
Day 1
Wilber sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
BrownieSketch attacks !!!ADAM!!!, but they manage to escape.
Belle\Will makes a slingshot.
LongLegLuz receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Ayaz kills Bread while he is resting.
BRI tracks down and kills DRAGON.
Cans begs for Ein to kill her. they reluctantly oblige, killing Cans.
Seb injures himself.
EV@ thinks about home.
Gutzz attacks Flameteeth, but he manages to escape.
Night 1
Belle\Will looks at the night sky.
Seb pushes BrownieSketch off a cliff during a knife fight.
Gutzz begs for Wilber to kill them. she refuses, keeping Gutzz alive.
LongLegLuz kills Ein with their own weapon.
Flameteeth and EV@ huddle for warmth.
Ayaz cries herself to sleep.
!!!ADAM!!! tends to their wounds.
BRI is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
The Fallen
10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Zer00 has died this round.
Rey_202 has died this round.
V0MIT has died this round
LEX has died this round.
Juju has died this round.
Cans has died this round.
Bread has died this round.
DRAGON has died this round.
Ein has died this round.
✨️BrownieSketch✨️ has died this round.
Day 2
LongLegLuz kills Belle\Will with a sickle.
!!!ADAM!!! and Seb hunt for other tributes.
Gutzz discovers a river.
EV@ shoots an arrow into Flameteeth's head.
Ayaz strangles BRI after engaging in a fist fight.
Wilber dies from hunger.
Night 2
Ayaz, EV@, LongLegLuz (got frozen), and Gutzz tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
!!!ADAM!!! receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Seb receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
The Fallen
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Flameteeth has died this round
Belle\Will has died this round.
BRI has died this round.
Wilber has died this round.
Day 3
EV@ sets an explosive off, killing !!!ADAM!!!, Ayaz, LongLegLuz (got frozen) and Seb.
Gutzz questions their sanity.
Night 3
EV@ begs for Gutzz to kill her. they refuse, keeping EV@ alive.
The Fallen
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
!!!ADAM!!! has died this round.
Ayaz has died this round.
LongLegLuz (got frozen) has died this round.
Seb has died this round.
Gutzz is unable to convince EV@ to not kill them.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Gutzz has died this round.
The Games Have Ended
The winner is EV@!
EV@ Kills: 7⭐Winner⭐
The Rest
✨️BrownieSketch✨️Kills: 0 Died: Round 2
Gutzz Kills: 0 Died: Round 7
LongLegLuz (got frozen) Kills: 2 Died: Round 5
Flameteeth Kills: 1 Died: Round 3
Wilber Kills: 0 Died: Round 3
Cans Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
DRAGON Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Rey_202 Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
LEX Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Zer00 Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Seb Kills: 1 Died: Round 5
!!!ADAM!!! Kills: 0 Died: Round 5
Belle\Will Kills: 1 Died: Round 3
Ayaz Kills: 2 Died: Round 5
Ein Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
Juju Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Bread Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
V0MIT Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
BRI Kills: 1 Died: Round 3
I played deadplate for the first time 😭😭😭
on the face in gym today,
am bleed from nose
I want soup :(
on the face in gym today,
am bleed from nose
I want soup :(
on the face in gym today,
am bleed from nose
I want soup :(
cuz I cant 0-0
I might ligit be half colorblind -__-
cuz I cant 0-0
I might ligit be half colorblind -__-
on the face in gym today,
am bleed from nose
I want soup :(
My b day is in 8 days also my oc!
My b day is in 8 days also my oc!
Oikawa Tooru 😃👍
Oikawa Tooru 😃👍
(I'm still doing my birthday art i'm just postpone it becuz my birthday is in 26 days and I have time lolz)