일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

⛓ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ⛓ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

I had a cringe day at school

It's something pretty personal, but i'll try to resume it, that classmate i made a gift, asked me if i liked him.. i was super nervous... But he already knows it because one of my friends told it to him and she already know it's a SECRET, but i forgave her.... Please dont insult her in the comments lol, then that boy asked me it again and i said yes, he said" it's ok, we are just friends" and later i calmed down.... Thats it. Again im saying this is something personal so dont make fun of it, just feel free to put your oponion in the comments, also i might delate this later, or maybe not

Last, i did my bio exam and i didnt know all the answers really well so the teacher gave me another day to get it done.... Lol
Now, my clothes are all wet because is freaking raining

Thats my cringe day at school

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⛓ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ⛓ 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Rare vent from a rare person

Yes Im alive but it's only to voice out how frustrated I am right now

I'm so fucking tired of never feeling like I'll be good enough for anyone, lord fucking forbid I do anything for myself cause good lord Im just so selfish aren't i. What do I expect from anyone anymore, why am I surprised that someone got mad at me because I did something for myself. Im done, I don't want to do this shit anymore, i've fucking had it with everyone. If Im selfish then fuck it I don't want ANYTHING to do with anyone.

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