Totally_not_YveNRen liked!
I was mainly putting what I've heard my family done in the past (before I was adopted) an this showed.
I was told my (birth)mum was abused/ and was a dr-g/ alcoholic. as well as my (2'd dad(half))
I often got forgotten in that house hold and was forced to take care of my siblings at age 4 when they were 3 and 1, usually skipping meals so they could eat (crakers and ketchup - it still taste good to me..) My other family members useally came to take us away or check up on us, my (birth) dad left before I was born so that's nice(who tf is he? I dunno lol). So.. but still, I still starve alot and make sure my little siblings eat first, I dunno, guess its a bad habit. then my aunt/uncle adopted me at 4 after they got evidence and such. so. peace :3
(sorry for my little rant I had to get it out XD)