halftone test 2/3
明日、シェーディングにテクスチャやパターンを入れてみるよ。アートプログラムがクラッシュしないことを祈るよ。 すでにラグがひどいんだ! (๑•﹏•)⋆* ⁑⋆*

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Krita, Rebelle, CSP, Blender GP, Realistic Paint Studio
Things you always carry
pencil, sharpener, eraser, paper
What you eat when hungry
holy trinity: Curry, Donuts, Chocolate ♥♥♥
Future goals
have many (VTuber) children & write stories that move ♡s!
Thing you interested in
Games, Anime, Animations, Music, good Stories, cute things, FOOD
halftone test 2/3
*Only available for illustrations.