Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Frosted_Flake left a comment!

Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Ok so real quick, I may not post much, but i do check Medibang as often as my schedule will let me, and I've noticed more and more of my friendos droppin off

Not sayin theres anything wrong with leaving Medibang, i did it too, i aint judging,

But I aint got any other way to keep in contact with y'all which really sucks

I know most of y'all have your reasons for only communicating over Medibang

But if ya want to and or and can keep in contact outside of medibang, uh, message me?

Havent been able to talk to y'all as much as before and it sucks (mostly my fault I know) but I still think y'all are great and really do miss talkin to ya

So yeah idk just uh, message me or something, or not, idk

Not gonna say names for the sake of privacy just in case but y'all probably know who ya are aha

Anyways hope your doin well and have a wonderful day/night/evening my friendos and Happy (almost) Halloween : )

Have a repost(?) of that art I drew of Tarkir cuz It's the best I got atm and it's 1:38 AM here >_>

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Made in Abyss

If you haven't heard of Made in Abyss, you NEED to watch it. It's a gorgeously animated masterpiece that will wrench your heart open and fix it and warm it and the wrench it open again
Okay, I wouldn't recommend it to absolutely everyone, because if you're squeamish with blood (It doesn't overdo it with blood, but there is some) and there is some things in there that might make some people uncomfortable, but MAN THIS SHOW
Made in Abyss is basically about this spunky, optimistic little girl called Riko, and her best friend, an amnesiac cyborg kid named Reg, as they journey to the bottom of the famous, mysterious abyss to find Riko's legendary mother, Lyza. The Abyss is split into different layers (The 4th Layer, The Goblet of Giants, The 5th Layer, The Sea of Corpses, etc.).
Made in Abyss explores deeply into psychology, temptation, morality, and a harsh, gritty reality. Curiosity and willpower are amazingly portrayed in this anime. If you want your mind blown by stellar backgrounds, mind-boggling plot and lore, and AMAZING characters, you should watch it!


The Abyss is a mysterious hole that just goes straight down. Nobody has ever reached the bottom of it, and the furthest layer anyone has every seen is the 7th Layer, The Final Maelstrom, 15500 meters below sea level. You can go down as far as you want, but each layer has a Curse, which affects you going up. You can let your curiosity take hold of you and go down to the 7th Layer, but the Curse will prevent you from ever going up again.

The Curse gets progressively worse the farther you go down. At the 1st Layer, you will expereience nausea. At the 2nd Layer, you might vomit. At the 3rd Layer, you hallucinate. At the 4th Layer, you bleed from every hole in your body. (Yes, you butt too.) At the 5th Layer, you experience complete sensory deprivation. At the 6th Layer, you become inhuman. At the 7th Layer, you die.

There are also different classes of people who have permission to go down certain lengths, such as black whistles, who can go down to the 4th Layer. Red whistles can only go down to the 1st Layer. White whistles can go anywhere, and there are only a few legendary white whistles.

The worldbuilding in this is absolutely spectacular. I'll stop rambling and YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT OKAY

Also check out this fuzzy tsundere NANACHI!!!
If you are a furry you will love Nanachi ,<3

Here is a link to the trailer for the English dub. You can watch an English sub in the meantime :3

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


I'm leaving. No not because of medi bang. Because I want to. I love all the support and love i got from all of you! But I think I'm going to take a break and work on my art skills. Who knows? Maybe I'll come back some day? But for now I'm leaving this account. You can unfollow me if you want I don't mind. Good by all of you and I loved all of your art. I'm not upset I'm just going to take a break. I love all of you and I wish you a good life and future! ❤ ~ I'll miss chu guys

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We've been getting a lot of rain where I am, and my mom discovered 2 GIANT FUCKING MUSHROOMS. Like, fucking MASSIVE. I can only show you pictures of one of the mushrooms, because I kinda kicked the shit out of the other one. (Whenever I find mushrooms, I have to kick them) This mushroo is now my religion. I pray to this mushroom. I need to build a shrine to the mushroom. I need to hold human sacrifices in the name of the mushroom. ALL HAIL THE MUSHROOM. (Btw, I touched it so I'm probably gonna die now. You guys can come to my funeral though.)

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2. Height
3. Weight
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

uh, let’s try this :v

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Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!


Hopping on the trend train..... then ima fall off and die.
pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly-
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice

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