Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Chapter Fourteen : Help

     "I'm sorry," the deep voice spoke again. "I just heard. I felt-" the voice kept hesitating.
     "I apologize if I startled you." A huge Earth Dragon spoke, materializing in front of the two. Frostbite never knew Rock Dragons had camoflauge. The dragon was gigantic, he was about 3 times their size. He was a dusty brown with a faded umber snout. "I'm TimberWings." He grinned.

     Frostbite heard Melody gasp then release from his grip, running up to the Rock Dragon.

     "It's you!" She said happily.

     "Huh?" He said, bending his head down to meet her.

     "It's you," Melody said again. "You're Storm's friend."

     The dragon stood back up, rubbing his chin.

     "How do you know him?" He inquired curiously.

     "You can help him! You can help us!" Melody said quickly. "My father-" Melody exclaimed.

     Frostbite saw the Rock Dragon's eyes slowly light up.

     "He's still alive," the Rock Dragon held his head. It was a moment realization. "Storm is still alive?" He asked again.

     "Yes yes, and we need help," Melody pleaded. "My family is in danger-" she coughed and struggled on the last words of her sentence.

     The Rock Dragon glanced at Frostbite, and for some reason he felt fine. He didn't feel threatened at all. The Earth Dragon was friendly.

     "C'mere," he said taking Melody under his wing and carrying her. "Tell me where they are." He said determined.

     "Okay," Melody said muffled in his wing.

The Rock Dragon glanced back at Frostbite.

      "You can fly right kid?" He asked quickly.

     Frostbite nodded vigorously, and before he knew it the Earth Dragon was off stomping through the trees. Frostbite darted into the air, listening to the thud of his footsteps and glimpse of his scales. He gazed ahead and saw the Sea Kingdom, they had passed the Sky Islands. Why did Melody live there? Air Dragons can't swim.

     As they came closer he saw a tiny island in the center of the sea. It was miles away from the closest town and far away from Terragon Heights. He saw the Rock Dragon- what was his name? TimberWing? He saw TimberWing dash out of the forest and into a clearing, sand kicking out behind him. He looked like a tank. Frostbite thought it was pretty cool that an Earth Dragon was helping other dragons he didn't even know.

     "YOU," before he knew it Frostbite plummeted into the water.

     He opened his eyes, seeing nothing but blur around him. The water was salty, and stung his eyes. He clasped his throat as air bubbles escaped his mouth. He flailed his claws around and inhaled water. Suddenly, he felt talons around his body, and he saw the bright color of the sky again.

     "Are you okay?" A new voice asked him, bringing him closer to the shore. Frostbite vomited out water, rubbing his eyes and staring at the dragon who saved him.

     "Melody?" He squinted. He felt the sandy floor and continued walking on his own, he glanced down the beach and found TimberWing roaring with Melody on the sand behind him. "What?" He looked back at the dragon in the water with him.

     She spat out sea water, taking seaweed off of her claws. She looked back up at him in a concerned way, tilting her head. She had the same scales and same eyes with the same hair and everything. One thing was different though, she had no wings.

     "LOOK OUT," She ducked and darted back into the water, Frostbite whirled his head to find the assassin stretching his claws out to kill him.

     "WHY DID YOU FOLLOW ME YOU NUSIANCE," He roared, slashing at Frostbite's neck. He darted away from the water.

     "YOU-" The assasin was tackled by a dragon about his size, he was a deep cadet blue with the same colored iridescent scales as Melody. He looked like an Air Dragon.

     "And you," the assassin hissed. "You should've been dead Storm," he said shoving the Air Dragon off of him.

     "I knew there was something off about you," Storm growled, gliding into the air.

     Frostbite's eyes landed on the island with a cave in the distance. A small little dragonet stood terrified at the door as a larger Ice Dragon flew from the cave onto the beach. She was a pale blue with dark freckles.

     "Melody! Melody my baby!" She gasped landing onto the sand and holding out her arms to embrace her daughter. Before she could reach Melody she was shoved to the ground.

     "AGH," the Ice Dragon said clutching her head. She gasped and gazed up at the assassin.

     "Peak." She said squinting her eyes.

     "You most of all," Peak spat, eyeing the mother. "You've lied to me, lied to our nation, and went behind our backs." He spat.

     "Brother, wait-" she pleaded.

     Peak was rammed from the side by TimberWing, the Rock Dragon stood like a tower over him. And pinned his head down, glaring him in the eyes. Peak began to laugh manically.

     "Why are you laughing?" TimberWing asked confused. "Have you gone insane?"

     "No," he cackled, looking beyond TimberWing's head.

     TimberWing glanced toward the sky, his expression changed.

     "Thought they might come in handy," Peak chuckled as everyone paused to stare at the sky.

     Ice Dragons hovered above everyone, staring and laughing at them.

     This was it.

     This was the end.

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Chapter Twelve : Time

     How long had it been? Six days? Six days since she's been here. Six. He was being stupid, he knew. Infultrating Mellowbrook camp at this time? He was asking for it. His training as a scout should help though, he hoped.

     The sun had slowly risen in the east and procrasted its light on the vast canopy of leaves. Frostbite took his same route, edging around the front desk. It was still early enough so dragons weren't awake. Good, it meant he could still get the evidence. The books looked like they hadn't been touched since he scavanged the office two days before. His eyes darted back and forth, checking for any wandering dragons. No one. He silently slid under the desk and dug around the back, someone had moved the books around. He needed to find the same year.

     He glazed his eyes around corners, up on shelves, under desks and along the walls, he had no clur where the book went. He waa running against the sun, which was steadily rising in the horizon. He was digging through a shelf in the back when he caught a glimpse of something. He arched his head toward the main desk and peeked outside. Still no one. He glanced at a small stack of books underneathe the desk and found the ones he had moved two daya before. Bingo.

     He lightly grasped the book he needed in his talons, opening the pages to find the same dragons he saw before. He wondered who these dragons were, or who they used to be. He skimmed his eyes over so many missing dragons, removing them all and keeping on Calcite and Storm. How did this institution manage to incorporate all dragons? How did Melody's parents meet? Was it the camp or them that caused them to leave? Could the beginning of the war be the answer?

     Calcite. It sounded like such an elegant name. And Storm, it sounded strong and chaotic, but from his reputation, also calm and recollected. He wondered how they managed to do it. How did they manage to survive all odds? Two entire kingdoms working against them. It was incredible how they survived. He closed the book and took time to observe the cover.

     "Now to destroy this thing," he said holding it tightly.

     "Well well well," a voice said. Frostbite felt like he'd heard that voice before, but he couldn't remember from where.

     A large dragon loomed his head over the desk He stood on the outside and laid his talons on the stone, scraping them creating streaks. He had metal around his wrists, those were only for soldiers or guards. He had either taken them or they were given. He had deep indigo spikes and pale purple wings. The Ice Dragon gave a menacing toothy grin.

    "What's there to hide Frostbite?" The dragon asked stepping over the desk and into the room.

     "Nothing-" Frostbite said trying to toss the book like he didn't care for it, but before he knew it it was swatted out from his claws. "Hey!"

     "Hmm," the Ice Dragon flipped through the pages, finding a certain page. "Calcite, Calcite, Calcite. You've evaded me for so long," he sighed. He stopped on Calcite's description, then paused, looking at a yellow page that had stuck out from the book.

     "WAIT," Frostbite tried grasping the book, but the Ice Dragon darted outside and glided into the air, hovering while reading the book. Frostbite tripped over the desk.

     "Storm huh?" The Ice Dragon's eyes lit with fury. "I thought he was dead." He hissed.

     "Give the book back, or else-" Frostbite yelled.

     "Or else what, you'll hurt me?" The Ice Dragon laughed. "The Queen will be pleased with this information, thank you for doing the work kid." He sneered and flew off.

     Frostbite stood up, ran, and darted into the sky. He needed to get back to the Ice Kingdom before it was too late.

     He needed to save Melody.

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Chapter Eleven : Choices

     The next morning was chilly. Snow flurried around the camp, covering trees and wooden crates that lay outside. Frostbite silently treaded through the snow, his talons leaving marks. He enetered the prison camp, it was a quiet morning.

     Tap, tap, tap.

     Frostbite heard Melody shift inside her cell, then slowly get up as he entered. This morning was different, she was quiet. Like she was tired. Not sleep deprived, but tired.
     The hallway was eerily noiseless, the only sound that could be heard were the scraping of their talons along the floor. Well- here we go again.

     "Your majesty," A guard spoke, letting Frostbite inside then leaving.

     "Ah, well if it isn't my favorite little dragonets," she grinned. "Anything?"

     Frostbite hesitated.

     "No, your highness," he said lowering his head. "There was nothing there." He lied, shutting his eyes.

     He heard the Queen give a low hiss. His talons quivered. He wasn't willing to tell her anything, atleast- not yet.

     "Well then," she said suddenly with a cheerful voice. "Obviously you do not deserve food if you refuse to speak," she spat at Melody. "Bring her to interrogation." She said menacingly.

     "Wait- what." Frostbite looked up, the Queen only glared back down at him.

     "Did you not hear my words?" She narrowed her eyes.

     "I-" Frostbite stammered. "Yes- yes your majesty," he quickly bowed and continued off, tugging Melody along. He knew what this meant. He knew wbere they were going, and he knew it was bad.

     The walk down the hallway seemed like it took hours. Frostbite was trying to walk slowly, like he had done many times before. This time was different though. He hesitated, he didn't want to go there. Anything but there.

     They had reached another large cave opening, this cave led deeper into the mountain, so there were no windows. The walls were smoothly carved, the ceiling was low and lanterns hung along it. He stood infront of the entrance, and reluctantly stepped inside.

     "Oh my, what do we have here?" A sly voice said. It came from a lean dragon, he was a pale mint color. He wore a thick belt with multiple weapons on it. He leaned against a stone table full of items. "A hybrid I see?"

     "Frostbite, what's going on?" Melody said nervously, darting her eyes around.

     Frostbite didn't say anything, and instead handed Melody's chains to him, closed the entrance with bars, and stood on the outside guarding the door. He listened to what the dragon on the inside said.

     "Let me see what my schedule says.." the dragon said clicking his tounge and glancing at a paper. "Ah, Melody."

     "Frostbite-" Melody said again.

     "Awe, the featherling calls for her friend?" The Ice Dragon chuckled.

     "What is this?" Frostbite heard Melody move across the room. Her voice shook.

     "I'm the one asking questions," he yanked her chain, the air being squeezed out of her neck. She sounded like she had been choked, then a clank of chains and bang of metal. Frostbite heard Melody's quick breathes, he heard her trying to flail her wings and scrape her claws.

     "It's not that hard," the Ice Dragon said. "Just give me two names. Mama and papa, hm? How's that sound?" He said cunningly.

     Frostbite heard a pause, and Melody stopped moving, he only heard her breathing.

     "No," she said. "Never."

     "Oh. They're always stubborn." The Ice Dragon sighed and Frostbite heard a clanks, then something being grabbed off the table.


     "AGH." Melody hissed. Frostbite flinched.


     He heard Melody take sharp inhales, the sound of the whip stinging her scales, the sound of the Ice Dragon laughing, and the sound of his heart pounding. He wanted to barge into the room to stop him. He wanted to tackle that Ice Dragon. He wanted to strangle him and use the whip to choke him until he couldn't breathe.

     And every single time he heard a whip, that feeling would get worse.


     "HNNGH-" Frostbite heard Melody reel in pain between clentched teeth. Her breathing changed, it sounded shallow and quick instead of deep and sharp.

     "Little miss water-works here has a hard time learning the rules around here," the Ice Dragon threatened.

     She was crying.

     Frostbite scraped his talons on the floor, making a small screeching noise. He grit his teeth, but kept a straight face. He heard Melody try to flail her wings again, only to hear a blade slice her scales. Melody screeched, the chains made violent clinking sounds, she wanted to escape.

     "Y'know this would be much faster if you spoke," he said politely.

     Frostbite flicked his ear, he glanced down the hallway to see another guard with another prisoner. He came to the entrance and tapped the bars. Frostbite turned around, and when he saw Melody she was bound to a wooden guillotine, just without a blade. Tears streamed down her face and her claws were shaking uncontrollably. Her feathers on her right wing were bloody and some had fallen off.

     "Session over, I have another appointment," the Ice Dragon said sadly. "I know we'll meet again. Good day." He took her chain and thrusted them into Frostbite's claws.

    Thank the heavens that was over.

    "I should've stayed home," Melody said coarsely, her voice shaking.

     They didn't talk the way to her cell.

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Chapter Eleven : Choices

     The next morning was chilly. Snow flurried around the camp, covering trees and wooden crates that lay outside. Frostbite silently treaded through the snow, his talons leaving marks. He enetered the prison camp, it was a quiet morning.

     Tap, tap, tap.

     Frostbite heard Melody shift inside her cell, then slowly get up as he entered. This morning was different, she was quiet. Like she was tired. Not sleep deprived, but tired.
     The hallway was eerily noiseless, the only sound that could be heard were the scraping of their talons along the floor. Well- here we go again.

     "Your majesty," A guard spoke, letting Frostbite inside then leaving.

     "Ah, well if it isn't my favorite little dragonets," she grinned. "Anything?"

     Frostbite hesitated.

     "No, your highness," he said lowering his head. "There was nothing there." He lied, shutting his eyes.

     He heard the Queen give a low hiss. His talons quivered. He wasn't willing to tell her anything, atleast- not yet.

     "Well then," she said suddenly with a cheerful voice. "Obviously you do not deserve food if you refuse to speak," she spat at Melody. "Bring her to interrogation." She said menacingly.

     "Wait- what." Frostbite looked up, the Queen only glared back down at him.

     "Did you not hear my words?" She narrowed her eyes.

     "I-" Frostbite stammered. "Yes- yes your majesty," he quickly bowed and continued off, tugging Melody along. He knew what this meant. He knew wbere they were going, and he knew it was bad.

     The walk down the hallway seemed like it took hours. Frostbite was trying to walk slowly, like he had done many times before. This time was different though. He hesitated, he didn't want to go there. Anything but there.

     They had reached another large cave opening, this cave led deeper into the mountain, so there were no windows. The walls were smoothly carved, the ceiling was low and lanterns hung along it. He stood infront of the entrance, and reluctantly stepped inside.

     "Oh my, what do we have here?" A sly voice said. It came from a lean dragon, he was a pale mint color. He wore a thick belt with multiple weapons on it. He leaned against a stone table full of items. "A hybrid I see?"

     "Frostbite, what's going on?" Melody said nervously, darting her eyes around.

     Frostbite didn't say anything, and instead handed Melody's chains to him, closed the entrance with bars, and stood on the outside guarding the door. He listened to what the dragon on the inside said.

     "Let me see what my schedule says.." the dragon said clicking his tounge and glancing at a paper. "Ah, Melody."

     "Frostbite-" Melody said again.

     "Awe, the featherling calls for her friend?" The Ice Dragon chuckled.

     "What is this?" Frostbite heard Melody move across the room. Her voice shook.

     "I'm the one asking questions," he yanked her chain, the air being squeezed out of her neck. She sounded like she had been choked, then a clank of chains and bang of metal. Frostbite heard Melody's quick breathes, he heard her trying to flail her wings and scrape her claws.

     "It's not that hard," the Ice Dragon said. "Just give me two names. Mama and papa, hm? How's that sound?" He said cunningly.

     Frostbite heard a pause, and Melody stopped moving, he only heard her breathing.

     "No," she said. "Never."

     "Oh. They're always stubborn." The Ice Dragon sighed and Frostbite heard a clanks, then something being grabbed off the table.


     "AGH." Melody hissed. Frostbite flinched.


     He heard Melody take sharp inhales, the sound of the whip stinging her scales, the sound of the Ice Dragon laughing, and the sound of his heart pounding. He wanted to barge into the room to stop him. He wanted to tackle that Ice Dragon. He wanted to strangle him and use the whip to choke him until he couldn't breathe.

     And every single time he heard a whip, that feeling would get worse.


     "HNNGH-" Frostbite heard Melody reel in pain between clentched teeth. Her breathing changed, it sounded shallow and quick instead of deep and sharp.

     "Little miss water-works here has a hard time learning the rules around here," the Ice Dragon threatened.

     She was crying.

     Frostbite scraped his talons on the floor, making a small screeching noise. He grit his teeth, but kept a straight face. He heard Melody try to flail her wings again, only to hear a blade slice her scales. Melody screeched, the chains made violent clinking sounds, she wanted to escape.

     "Y'know this would be much faster if you spoke," he said politely.

     Frostbite flicked his ear, he glanced down the hallway to see another guard with another prisoner. He came to the entrance and tapped the bars. Frostbite turned around, and when he saw Melody she was bound to a wooden guillotine, just without a blade. Tears streamed down her face and her claws were shaking uncontrollably. Her feathers on her right wing were bloody and some had fallen off.

     "Session over, I have another appointment," the Ice Dragon said sadly. "I know we'll meet again. Good day." He took her chain and thrusted them into Frostbite's claws.

    Thank the heavens that was over.

    "I should've stayed home," Melody said coarsely, her voice shaking.

     They didn't talk the way to her cell.

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