Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Chapter Three : Ice Kingdom

     She didn't know that she'd been followed, and she was tossed out of the sky.

     Melody whipped her head around, the stranger still determined to catch her. He shot about the air, making Melody disoriented. He yanked her left wing, sending them both plummeting toward the trees. The Ice Dragon got stuck in a tree, while Melody was thrown into the snow.

     Oh gosh, this was bad. So, so bad. She glanced to see the stranger entangled in tree branches, she didn't stick around to find out when he escaped. She darted into a thick tree, not even caring if the pine needles punctured her scales. There she stayed, keeping her eyes shut and her body still. She really wished she had camoflauge right now.

     It went silent.

     Then she heard footsteps crunching in the snow. He was looking for her. Why did he want to find her? Melody was regretting her decision to sneak out.

     Suddenly her world went dark.

     Melody woke in a cold sweat, cold puffs of air coming from her mouth as she breathed hard. Where was she? Everything was so cold. It looked like a prison...what if it was a prison? (Parallelism) She glanced to the tall walls before her, torches flickered along the stone. The floor was rough and unforgiving. She lifted her head up, only to notice a poorly tied rope around her neck. She flinched and layed back down when she heard footsteps and voices.

     "There." A voice said. She remembered that voice.

"Hmm," Another spoke, but this voice was unknown to her. "Get it out."

Melody flinched again when she felt her neck tighten as her ropes were pulled. She was yanked upward, forced to stand, then shoved out of the cell. She quietly followed behind, gazing at other cells on her way down. Air Dragons lay in almost every cell. They looked tired and sad. It hurt to see them. It hurt even more when they saw her.
They had arrived to a different area, the three dragons stood inside a silent room. Tall errie slate walls terrified her. A large chair made out of stone sat in the middle, and huge dragoness sat in that very seat. She was almost as big as dad.. Her scales were a crisp white with pale blue spikes and wings.
Melody darted her eyes around the place, her head was spinning. She didn't like it here. She froze her eyes on a single window leading to the outside world. It was still nighttime.

"You're a peculiar creature, aren't you?" The larger dragon said, her voice sounded nice, but it still unsettled her. "Where did you find it?" She glanced to the smaller Ice Dragon.

"Air-Ice border," he replied. He was still holding tightly onto Melody's rope.

The large dragon then eyed Melody, her peircing blue eyes meeting Melody's green ones. She got up from her chair, taking time to observe her and pace around the room. Melody quickly stared at the floor. She didn't have the courage to stare everyone in the eyes. Her talons were shaking with fear.

"Wonder who made you," the dragoness took Melody by the chin and tilted her face up, inspecting her features. "If you're a hybrid it means one of my dragons have betrayed me." She suddenly changed her mood, pulling away from Melody to still back down.

"You couldn't possibly survive all these years on your own," she said trailing off. Her menacing eyes suddenly lit up. "Who are your parents?" She said in an unsettlingly melancholy way.

"Err- uhm," Melody said shakily. She couldn't say anything. She knew if she said something someone would die.

"C'mon, don't be shy," the dragoness sat grinning.

Melody didn't say anything, and instead stayed silent. She kept her eyes on the floor, and didn't dare look up.

"Oh, I see, you're a stubborn one," she said between clentched teeth. "Frostbite, may I have a word?" Another guard took Melody's rope and guided her away.

"Of course," Frostbite dipped his head in obedience. He glanced at Melody before she was taken away, their eyes meeting for a quick second.

"I need you to find out who her parents are, then-" Melody was out of earshot. She couldn't hear them anymore. Their voices only became distant murmers in a prison full of sadness.

She regretted going out.

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Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.

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Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.

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Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.

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Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!

Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.

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Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.

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Gru is the most powerful being on Earth

First according to the height of a Minion (which is 3.5 feet on average) Gru is 4 minions tall, which means he is a godly size of 14 feet tall. Furthermore if any of you remember the original Despicable Me, you know there is a scene when Vector kidnaps the three girls and shoots a series of heat-seeking misses at Gru, he then dodges them all. According to the speed of an average ballistic missile (1900 mph) and the size of the missile according to his ankle size, Gru can perceive and move at such a speed that the missiles only move 9.5 miles per hour, 0.5% of their original speed. After this Gru punches a shark and it is paralyzed meaning its spine is probably shattered, to remind you it would require a force greater than 3,000 newtons to fracture the spine.

That’s equal to the impact created by a 500-pound car crashing into a wall at 30 miles per hour.

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Thin Ice

You on thin ice
Begone advice
And come inside
Take off your eyes
And leave them by the door
Makeup and lies
Bare feet upon the floor
We have a fireplace
Be satisfied
With the pyre that you face
You can't escape, goat
The cowards say so
And power makes cold
You can feel your brain froze
And if you try to leave us
Or in any way decieve us
We will take you breath and keep it
Until you cannot breathe and need us
To stop the strangling, while your breath is dangling
From a noose, we're hanging it
From the branch of angel wings
We hopw that you survive
And really wish you well
We call this place heaven
But you'll be safer in hell.

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Thin Ice

You on thin ice
Begone advice
And come inside
Take off your eyes
And leave them by the door
Makeup and lies
Bare feet upon the floor
We have a fireplace
Be satisfied
With the pyre that you face
You can't escape, goat
The cowards say so
And power makes cold
You can feel your brain froze
And if you try to leave us
Or in any way decieve us
We will take you breath and keep it
Until you cannot breathe and need us
To stop the strangling, while your breath is dangling
From a noose, we're hanging it
From the branch of angel wings
We hopw that you survive
And really wish you well
We call this place heaven
But you'll be safer in hell.

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In My Blood : Prolouge

     It was a dark evening, the area was silent, except for the ocassional car or two. There was a small group of guys, one was swinging upside down on a tree branch above everyone. To the left were two other boys, sitting on a fallen tree. On the right side was another leaning against a tree staring at two more guys in the center.

     Max didn't know why the hell he ever agreed to this. Guess he thought it would be pretty damn cool to be a vampire. But it was a week in and he still wasn't used to it.

    "So we gonna do anything or just sit here?" One mentions, everyone looks at each other and they all seperate. They boys were in the dark edges of a supermarket, it's about 10 PM.

    Max had done this more than once, but every single time the thought of everything he'd done made his hair stand on edge. Three of the boys ducked into the bushes, one stayed off in a darkened corner, another walked up to the victim. Max's mahogany eyes seemed to glow, his eyes darted back and forth, watching his friend Colby walk up to three girls walking out of the supermarket, alone. Everything happened so quick, before he knew it he had dragged them to the corner his other friend was at. But something stopped them, he didn't get time to understand what.

     He was forcefully slammed to the ground, his friends had all done the same. He saw the girls cowering up against a wall, he was unable to move.

     "Leave. Them. Alone." A voice commanded and he glanced up to see another girl. Max slowly sat up in his place, his friend Colby had already stood up and was lunging at the new girl. She had crisp green eyes with freckles on her face.

     "Who the fuck are you?" Colby spat, baring his fangs in anger.

     "Someone you wouldn't want to mess with," the girl shoved Colby into a wall. "Go." And when she said that all three girls darted into a car and sped off.

    It was almost like he was fighting an invisible force. She didn't even have to touch them. Max stood up, examining her while pacing in circles, his deep brown hair was messy and ruffled. He stared her in the eyes, not in a menacing way though. He was more confused than anything.

     "If you want blood, get it from a squirrel or something," she spat.

     "Awe, but that's no fun," Max turned around and found his other friend Devon walking behind him.

     That was a mistake. This girl was superhuman or something. In a split second Devon was tossed around like a rag doll, he fell to the ground and gasped for air. By this point the boys had begun to fear her. She wore a confused face with mixed emotions. Almost like she wanted to say sorry. She took a step toward them, reaching out her hand then pulling away, quickly running off.

     He'd never forget that day.

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