Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Crystal wing diamond left a comment!

Chapter 5 Frostbite's backstory

War can get pretty repetitive. Battle after battle. Kill after kill. Life after life. Especially when you can practically kill a dragon with the touch of a claw.
The first battle, was terrible. The screams of dying soldiers still echoed in her ears. The images of lifeless bodies plummeting to the ground still flashed before her eyes.
The stinging pain that slashed through her under belly as dragons trying to fight back, still rippled through her body.
But now, she was immune to it. The ear piercing screams were now just everyday sounds like the wind rustling through the trees. The hundreds of bodies on the battlefield were no more than just every sights. The stinging pain was no more than numbness coursing through her veins.
Yet still, the thought of taking lives that only want the same thing she does eats at her very being. Every battle, the thought of her not coming back seemed more and more plausible.
"Frostbite you coming?" Said a familiar voice.
"Oh yeah sorry for the hold up!" Frostbite called before following another icewing out of camp.
Frostbite took off right behind her, soaring through the clouds. It was a relief to be in the sky where it wasn't as hot as the scorching sands. Even though they weren't fully in the desert yet, the sweltering heat was still practically melting her scales. Even being under a tent is hot. Frostbite couldn't understand how Sandwings could live in a place like that.
"So uh where are we going?" Frostbite asked, flying right beside the other Icewing.
"Weeeellll, I thought maybe we could stop by Possibility and meet up with some friends," she said.
"Aww come on Snowshoe. You just wanna see Tern again," she smirked.
"That's n-not the only reason... I uh... Also want you to meet some dragons from the other camps." Snowshoe said.
"Yeah suuuurrreee."
"No it's true!"
After a couple hours of flying, the city of possibility was visible. Snowshoe nodded at Frostbite and the two begin their descent. At the entrance, dragons could be seen waiting for them. There were three Icewings, a Sandwing and a Seawing.
The two landed in front of the group, and one of the Icewings, Arctic Tern, walked up to hug Snowshoe.
"So uh Snow... You gonna introduce me to everyone or not?" Frostbite said, catching Snowshoe off gaurd.
"Oh, yeah right..." she said, pulling away from Tern, "This here's Tern, you guys have met before."
"And he has a huge thing for Snow," the Sandwing snickered, causing Tern to kick him.
Snow rolled her eyes before moving on to the others, "The annoying one's Rattlesnake. He can be a real downpour sometimes."
"Hhheeeeeyyyy!!!" Rattlesnake hissed.
"It's tr tee tue!" Smirked a light blue Icewing.
"The blue one is Alaska. He's super smart and he likes guys," Snowshoe continued.
"Wai- you know what I'm not gonna even argue," Alaska said.
"The greyish blue one that doesn't talk much is Icecap. She's really shy." Snow nodded towards the Icewing hiding behind Alaska, "And the Seawing is Seafoam. She's super chill."
Frostbite looked at everyone and noticed that no matter how nice or chill they seemed, they all had battle scars of their own. Even Icecap had a jagged scar running along her chin. They all right in the war just like she does.
"And this everyone, is Frostbite. She's like super hardcore and is one of the top soldiers in our camp," Snowshoe said proudly.
"That's uh, really cool. You kno-" Rattlesnake said before being kicked by Alaska, "Oww!"
"Woah really?" Seafoam asked in awe.
"Don't mind me but... You barely have any scars," Alaska said, "If you're fighting in the war just like you claim, shouldn't you have more scars?"
"Well I-"
"Ooo! Frostbite show them you're bracelet thingies!!" Snowshoe interrupted .
"They aren't bracelets," Frostbite hissed as she pulled out her wristbands.
"Woah what are those?" Rattlesnake asked.
"They have a strange aura around them like they're... they're," Alaska paused with a puzzled look, "They're animus touched!"
"How'd you get your hands on something like that?! What can they do!?" Tern asked.
"A friend enchanted them for me so I can freeze all of my enemies instantly with the touch of a claw," Frostbite said maliciously, "Well except Nightwings. They suffer a little bit more."
"That's why you have no battle scars! You could practically fight off an entire army on you're own!" Alaska said.
"Yeah I guess I could."
"That's really cool. Fits your name perfectly. If you'd like to-"
"Rattlesnake," Seafoam said before kicking him.
"OOWWW will YOU GUYS STAP?!" Rattlesnake cried causing everyone to laugh.
However their laughter was interrupted when an army of Nightwings were flying towards the Kingdom of Ice.
"Their attacking our camp!" Seafoam cried.

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Crystal wing diamond left a comment!

Continued that story nobody read

So uh I added more to the story with Seagull and Beetle cause I was bored. Please somebody give this criticism or actually read it.
A caramel dragon sat on her haunches, staring down at the ocean. Home seemed so close, yet far away at the same time. She looked down at her iridescent wings. Three lay perfectly on her back while the far right wing was twisted and crippled and wrapped up in gauze. She'd never be able to leave in this state.
She sighed, her gaze shifting back to the horizon. She felt as though she could see a sliver of land that belonged to her home. The dragon squinted her eyes trying to see if it really was there, but all she could see was the ocean glistening in the moonlight.
'Will I ever get back? Or am I just gonna be stuck with that weird two winged dragon for the rest of my life' she thought with a growl, 'he's way to obnoxious to be "taking care" of me!'
And just as if he read her mind, the light grey dragon walked out of the underbrush with apologetic eyes.
"You'll get back home. Trust me. It'll just take a while for yo-"
"You always say that Seagull! You always do and am I there? NO! I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR WEEKS!!!" She roared.
"Its only been five suns," Seagull said trying to calm her.
"MY TRIBE NEEDS ME!" She growled, feeling tears starting to pile up in her eyes, "My nephew, needs me," she corrected herself.
"Beetle I-"
"If I'm not there who does he have?" Beetle growled, "How am I supposed to keep him safe, when he's there and I'm HERE!"
"Beetle will you ju-"
"Beetle ple-"
"BEETLE JUST STOP RAMBLING!" Seagull pleaded. The angry look on Beetle's face faded into sorrow. Wet streams were left on her face where tears poured that she failed to hold back. Her gaze shifted from Seagull to her talons, wishing she could just go home.
"He isn't dead. He may be young, but Soldier is strong. Especially being raised by someone like you," Seagull reassured , brushing his wing against hers causing her to flinch, "You'll get back home. It may take a while but...."
"But what? Is there even anything to say but about?" Beetle asked.
"But you'll see him again. I promise."
"You always say that Seagull! And has it come true yet? No!"
"Just be patient."
"'just be patient' 'it will take a while' patience smatience! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR PATIENCE!!!" Beetle snarled.
"You'll get there."
"But what if my wings dont heal? What if he's already dead? WHAT IF-"
"THREE MOONS!!! THE ONE TIME I TRY TO SOUND MATURE YOU RUIN THE MOMENT WITH YOUR RAMBLING!!!" Seagull groaned with an irritated tone, "Ill fly you there myself if I have to!"
"And how exactly are you gonna do that?"
"Ill carry you or you can ride on my back."
"No. Just- no," Beetle revolted at the thought. 'On the second talon, I could go there now. But on the third talon...' She looked back at the odd dragon. 'He certainly doesn't look all powerful and mighty as the legend says. How could a dragon like Clearsight come from a land with dragons like this? what did he say he was? A waterwing? An oceanwing? A fishwing?' She scoffed. 'Buuuuuut on the fourth talon he d- No beetle this is only about your Nephew. Why Rove trusted me with her son when I was only 9 is unknown.'
Her thoughts were interrupted when a warm talon rested on her shoulders. She turned around to see Seagull and scowled causing him to quickly remove his talon.
"Don't touch me fishwing," she growled before looking up at the sky.
'How can I be strong when even this fishwing says I ramble? How am I supposed to look after a dragonet when I do everything wrong? How am I even supposed to do anything, when I can't be tough like a true Hivewing?'
"I'm not a fishwing... I'm a seawing..." Seagull said softly.
"I don't care what you are." She said, "All that matters is that you are being completely useless."
Seagull looked down at his talons with a dull look on his face.
"I'm uh... Gonna go to sleep. Y-you keep sulking on this cliff since you seem to do nothing else," he said folornly .
Seagull disappeared into the underbrush leaving Beetle alone.

- POV switch -
Seagull prodded through the forest back to the den where he and Beetle lived- well where he lived at least. He looked back in the direction where Beetle was before dipping his head and reluctantly walked inside.
It was nice having someone else around. Even if they don't appreciate a single thing you do for them and constantly ramble on about their problems not giving a moon if you have any. Even they are constantly impatient. Even if they don't care that you rescued them from the sea and fixed their broken wing. 'Maybe it would be different if I'd stop acting like an immature goof ' he thought.
Seagull sighed at his rambling thoughts. Part of him wanted to just dump her back on the beach where he found her. But the other part ... Had different feelings on the matter.
The Seawing quickly pushed those thoughts aside and curled up on a bed of seaweed that he gathered up this morning. Seagull closed his eyes and dozed off.
'Fishwing that's new' a dark voice echoed, causing Seagull to wake, 'You should have just gotten rid of her. She doesn't give a moon about you!'
"You again? Will you just go away?" Seagull mumbled.
'Hahaha oh Seagull. Poor little Seagull. I thought you wanted other dragons around you. You certainly have no problem keeping Beetle around'
"Yeah cause I know who she is and I can see her?! I have no idea who in Pyrhia you could be!"
'You'll find out soon enough. Just come find me,' the voice chuckled.
Seagull growled at the mysterious dragon before trying to go back to sleep.
'You're not going to sleep on me are you? I mean I'm the only one who cares about you. No one cares about a silly hybrid names after a useless seabird.'
"Just shut up," Seagull scolded.
'Let alone one who's in l-'
'Then come find me. You know where I am. I just need to be released and I will aid you.'
"I don't WANT to release you!"
'But Seagull we could be unstoppable! I can give you whatever you most desire!'
"No you can't! That kind of power will just give her a false personality!"
'Ah I see. You're just scared like a scavenger!'
"I'm not-"
"Who are you talking to?" Beetles voice boomed out of no where.
"No one!" Seagulls quickly said.
"Well I heard something," Beetle said, rolling her eyes as she sauntered into the den.
"I uh... Must've been talking in my sleep," Seagull stammered , 'she must think I'm crazy now...'
"Whatever. Just stay out of my way fishwing or I'll get cross," Beetle threatened.
"Seems as though you're already cross" Seagull mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
"Ugh" she sighed before curling up on the ground on the opposite side of the room.
"Goodnight Beetle," Seagull whispered before finally dozing off.

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Crystal wing diamond left a comment!

Continued that story nobody read

So uh I added more to the story with Seagull and Beetle cause I was bored. Please somebody give this criticism or actually read it.
A caramel dragon sat on her haunches, staring down at the ocean. Home seemed so close, yet far away at the same time. She looked down at her iridescent wings. Three lay perfectly on her back while the far right wing was twisted and crippled and wrapped up in gauze. She'd never be able to leave in this state.
She sighed, her gaze shifting back to the horizon. She felt as though she could see a sliver of land that belonged to her home. The dragon squinted her eyes trying to see if it really was there, but all she could see was the ocean glistening in the moonlight.
'Will I ever get back? Or am I just gonna be stuck with that weird two winged dragon for the rest of my life' she thought with a growl, 'he's way to obnoxious to be "taking care" of me!'
And just as if he read her mind, the light grey dragon walked out of the underbrush with apologetic eyes.
"You'll get back home. Trust me. It'll just take a while for yo-"
"You always say that Seagull! You always do and am I there? NO! I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR WEEKS!!!" She roared.
"Its only been five suns," Seagull said trying to calm her.
"MY TRIBE NEEDS ME!" She growled, feeling tears starting to pile up in her eyes, "My nephew, needs me," she corrected herself.
"Beetle I-"
"If I'm not there who does he have?" Beetle growled, "How am I supposed to keep him safe, when he's there and I'm HERE!"
"Beetle will you ju-"
"Beetle ple-"
"BEETLE JUST STOP RAMBLING!" Seagull pleaded. The angry look on Beetle's face faded into sorrow. Wet streams were left on her face where tears poured that she failed to hold back. Her gaze shifted from Seagull to her talons, wishing she could just go home.
"He isn't dead. He may be young, but Soldier is strong. Especially being raised by someone like you," Seagull reassured , brushing his wing against hers causing her to flinch, "You'll get back home. It may take a while but...."
"But what? Is there even anything to say but about?" Beetle asked.
"But you'll see him again. I promise."
"You always say that Seagull! And has it come true yet? No!"
"Just be patient."
"'just be patient' 'it will take a while' patience smatience! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR PATIENCE!!!" Beetle snarled.
"You'll get there."
"But what if my wings dont heal? What if he's already dead? WHAT IF-"
"THREE MOONS!!! THE ONE TIME I TRY TO SOUND MATURE YOU RUIN THE MOMENT WITH YOUR RAMBLING!!!" Seagull groaned with an irritated tone, "Ill fly you there myself if I have to!"
"And how exactly are you gonna do that?"
"Ill carry you or you can ride on my back."
"No. Just- no," Beetle revolted at the thought. 'On the second talon, I could go there now. But on the third talon...' She looked back at the odd dragon. 'He certainly doesn't look all powerful and mighty as the legend says. How could a dragon like Clearsight come from a land with dragons like this? what did he say he was? A waterwing? An oceanwing? A fishwing?' She scoffed. 'Buuuuuut on the fourth talon he d- No beetle this is only about your Nephew. Why Rove trusted me with her son when I was only 9 is unknown.'
Her thoughts were interrupted when a warm talon rested on her shoulders. She turned around to see Seagull and scowled causing him to quickly remove his talon.
"Don't touch me fishwing," she growled before looking up at the sky.
'How can I be strong when even this fishwing says I ramble? How am I supposed to look after a dragonet when I do everything wrong? How am I even supposed to do anything, when I can't be tough like a true Hivewing?'
"I'm not a fishwing... I'm a seawing..." Seagull said softly.
"I don't care what you are." She said, "All that matters is that you are being completely useless."
Seagull looked down at his talons with a dull look on his face.
"I'm uh... Gonna go to sleep. Y-you keep sulking on this cliff since you seem to do nothing else," he said folornly .
Seagull disappeared into the underbrush leaving Beetle alone.

- POV switch -
Seagull prodded through the forest back to the den where he and Beetle lived- well where he lived at least. He looked back in the direction where Beetle was before dipping his head and reluctantly walked inside.
It was nice having someone else around. Even if they don't appreciate a single thing you do for them and constantly ramble on about their problems not giving a moon if you have any. Even they are constantly impatient. Even if they don't care that you rescued them from the sea and fixed their broken wing. 'Maybe it would be different if I'd stop acting like an immature goof ' he thought.
Seagull sighed at his rambling thoughts. Part of him wanted to just dump her back on the beach where he found her. But the other part ... Had different feelings on the matter.
The Seawing quickly pushed those thoughts aside and curled up on a bed of seaweed that he gathered up this morning. Seagull closed his eyes and dozed off.
'Fishwing that's new' a dark voice echoed, causing Seagull to wake, 'You should have just gotten rid of her. She doesn't give a moon about you!'
"You again? Will you just go away?" Seagull mumbled.
'Hahaha oh Seagull. Poor little Seagull. I thought you wanted other dragons around you. You certainly have no problem keeping Beetle around'
"Yeah cause I know who she is and I can see her?! I have no idea who in Pyrhia you could be!"
'You'll find out soon enough. Just come find me,' the voice chuckled.
Seagull growled at the mysterious dragon before trying to go back to sleep.
'You're not going to sleep on me are you? I mean I'm the only one who cares about you. No one cares about a silly hybrid names after a useless seabird.'
"Just shut up," Seagull scolded.
'Let alone one who's in l-'
'Then come find me. You know where I am. I just need to be released and I will aid you.'
"I don't WANT to release you!"
'But Seagull we could be unstoppable! I can give you whatever you most desire!'
"No you can't! That kind of power will just give her a false personality!"
'Ah I see. You're just scared like a scavenger!'
"I'm not-"
"Who are you talking to?" Beetles voice boomed out of no where.
"No one!" Seagulls quickly said.
"Well I heard something," Beetle said, rolling her eyes as she sauntered into the den.
"I uh... Must've been talking in my sleep," Seagull stammered , 'she must think I'm crazy now...'
"Whatever. Just stay out of my way fishwing or I'll get cross," Beetle threatened.
"Seems as though you're already cross" Seagull mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
"Ugh" she sighed before curling up on the ground on the opposite side of the room.
"Goodnight Beetle," Seagull whispered before finally dozing off.

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Crystal wing diamond left a comment!


white diamond. is creepy.


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  • > DragonTamer but i did notice we didn't notice white diamond's hands- and Steven seemed kinda scared SHOW US YOUR HANDS WHITE

  • > DragonTamer eyyyyyy chill mum diamond ref

  • > Crystal wing diamond Ikr. I expected sunglasses 😎

  • > DragonTamer mmmmm i was expecting something elegant or something really cool ya know? i was kind of disappointed too as SHE WAS LEGIT CREEPY- i honestly was expecting better :T

Crystal wing diamond left a comment!


white diamond. is creepy.


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  • > DragonTamer but i did notice we didn't notice white diamond's hands- and Steven seemed kinda scared SHOW US YOUR HANDS WHITE

  • > DragonTamer eyyyyyy chill mum diamond ref

  • > Crystal wing diamond Ikr. I expected sunglasses 😎

  • > DragonTamer mmmmm i was expecting something elegant or something really cool ya know? i was kind of disappointed too as SHE WAS LEGIT CREEPY- i honestly was expecting better :T

Crystal wing diamond left a comment!


white diamond. is creepy.


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  • > DragonTamer but i did notice we didn't notice white diamond's hands- and Steven seemed kinda scared SHOW US YOUR HANDS WHITE

  • > DragonTamer eyyyyyy chill mum diamond ref

  • > Crystal wing diamond Ikr. I expected sunglasses 😎

  • > DragonTamer mmmmm i was expecting something elegant or something really cool ya know? i was kind of disappointed too as SHE WAS LEGIT CREEPY- i honestly was expecting better :T


white diamond. is creepy.


Read more

  • > DragonTamer but i did notice we didn't notice white diamond's hands- and Steven seemed kinda scared SHOW US YOUR HANDS WHITE

  • > DragonTamer eyyyyyy chill mum diamond ref

  • > Crystal wing diamond Ikr. I expected sunglasses 😎

  • > DragonTamer mmmmm i was expecting something elegant or something really cool ya know? i was kind of disappointed too as SHE WAS LEGIT CREEPY- i honestly was expecting better :T