Seima Hinoken
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Action
- Shonen
- Adventure
- School life
Thing you interested in
Anime,Korean dramas,Manga,movies

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Royal Magic Gala

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Luffy from One Peice

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My Hero Academia

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My Hero Academia

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Dracula's Return

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Hi everyone! How are you doing?
I'm very excited because I'm just drawing the last chapter of Ugnis! ´ 7 `)
For the moment you can read the chapter 34 in english and 35 in spanish, here are the links!
Chapter 34 of Ugnis in english is available and totally free in this link:
This chapter is full of emotions, I hope you like it!
¡Capítulos 34 y 35 en español!
Capítulo 34: https://medibang.com/book/cw1801311204305190000232318
Capítulo 35: https://medibang.com/book/h31803051318399390000232318
¡El capítulo 36 será el último!
I started drawing Ugnis just for fun in 2012 and now is about to end. I just wanted to draw a free webcomic to learn and to have fun before doing something better! I hope you had fun too.
I'll miss Elizabeth and the others, but one story goes and another comes ´ u `) I wanted to draw 36 chapters and that's what I'm about to do! (Well, except for the three special chapters of the volumes on paper, that would do 39 chapters hahaha.)
Thank you for your support, I hope you had a nice day!
See ya!