イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

5 時間 / 日
working on a fanfiction atm.



I just wanna talk to someone :)
I am no longer a highschool student, and in my next birthday im going to be 20!! 😱 (19 in western years), 19 is adult in korea, and i am 19 right now! Im no longer a teenager but due to not being on here for a while i dont know if i told anybody or not or if i posted on my birthday the 13th october (i think i did... yeah i did i posted about my first time drinking). I graduated while i wasnt on medibang and ife has been hectic, the big transition from highschool to university.
How is everyone? Are you guys well? ^_^



Who’s in the mood...

To march up to Women’s World magazine headquarters and protest their business?
And just fashion magazines in general?
I wanna put a stop to the vile sin I have to witness in the checkout aisle at the grocery store
They’re basically fat shamers and bigots
What would you call bias against really thick girls? Thiccism? Would you say “don’t be fatsist”?
I’m gonna start a revolution and take the first step towards fat chicks ruling the universe.
Who wants to join me? I have ideas for T-shirts and logos and everything.



Who’s in the mood...

To march up to Women’s World magazine headquarters and protest their business?
And just fashion magazines in general?
I wanna put a stop to the vile sin I have to witness in the checkout aisle at the grocery store
They’re basically fat shamers and bigots
What would you call bias against really thick girls? Thiccism? Would you say “don’t be fatsist”?
I’m gonna start a revolution and take the first step towards fat chicks ruling the universe.
Who wants to join me? I have ideas for T-shirts and logos and everything.



Eh, in a pit again.

(BTW Syphnia I’m working on Louie and I have a lot done just so you know)
So yeh, a little earlier in the week i was invited to a grad party. The friend who invited me was excited I was going, my mother, surprisingly enough, is letting me go without question, and it’s happening around the end of the month.
“It’s an all nighter. You have a tent, Jeff?”
“I could probably look for one.”
“You can also bring your girlfriend if you want!”
“I don’t... I don’t have a girlfriend.”
*she looks absolutely confused*
“What? But EVERYBODY has a girlfriend here. How do you not have a girlfriend?”
“I just... don’t... I have... ‘different standards’... and the girls here honestly aren’t my high quality choice...”
“Oh, so you’re queer? That makes sense. Didn’t you draw something about a girl you made up or something you’re looking for?”
first I have to deal with seeing LITERALLY EVERYBODY holding hands with either some stuck up popular chick that cares for nothing or some ugly ass jock who never brushes his teeth and is as stupid as a rock, all the while being the ONLY guy different from everyone else. And now I have to deal with everyone knowing about my imaginary relationship that doesn’t even exist that I made to stop myself from just going insane? Even though it has helped very little and my mind is slowly teetering closer to the edge of the cliff of sanity regardless due to a family that’s forcing me to live their life I never asked for and therefore invoking numerous obstacles?
I’m not sure if I can take this much longer.
Please, college... I’m counting on you to make me finally happy.



I owe an apology (anons please read)

I’m sorry if my other MySpace post got really weird.
I didn’t mean for it to be so.
The point of it was to ask kindly for the horny flirts to stop.
I apologize to the anons that were disturbed by the... following interesting comment. That was honestly one of the most awkward situations I was in.
To the people doing the flirting...
You do realize I accept every friend request, right? You can friend me and Private message me your feelings. I don’t mind. I’m not gonna judge you. You don’t have to be an anon with me, I’ll accept you.
So in short, just an apology for what happened. We cool? I was honestly in tears for a bit.



It sucks growing up

I’ve been starting to realize what life actually is beyond high school peeping at it from a distance and now I’m discouraged. I don’t know how to be an adult! I don’t know how to be a functioning male in human society! I don’t want kids! I don’t want sex! I don’t want to do things and have responsibilities! I’ve been thinking about lethal injection after college.
Right after I tell my parents I’m an atheist at that point.
Because I don’t want any part of all that miserable shit in the world.
Should I do it? Just quit while I’m ahead when I legally can? I’m seriously thinking about doing it as my future plan. I first wanted to get neutered (because I’m not going to use that stuff in my life anyway), then wanted to surgically remove
the hair follicles out of my face so I don’t have facial hair tendency, then I wanted a smaller nose, then I shaved my hands to rid them of hair, and now I’m considering just not going far in general. It all seems way too hard.
What do you think? Should 18-20 be long enough of a lifespan?




Me and my dad were looking through colleges and fees and stuff and it was pretty scary. It kinda sapped the life out of me
Dad: So, University of Wyoming? That’s about $12,000 in total. Per semester.
Me: o/O

Dad: but if you went to WWCC, that would only be about $5,000, and Chadron State would be $3,000. But that doesn’t include everything else, just Tuition. How many scholarships did you say you’ve applied for?
Me: uh... like five...
Dad: well. You’re gonna need a lot more. And aren’t you going to serve a mission?
Me: uh... yeah, later.
Dad: young man, most kids your age say that when they’re in college and guess how many of them actually serve? None of them.
Me: O 0
Dad: I’d strongly suggest you think about your future.
That’s great, Dad! Just an atheist who is trapped in a family where he can’t voice his opinion!
After college I plan to disappear forever and never come back.



So I’m open for suggestions

I haven’t drawn anything in a couple months. I still can’t draw backgrounds, but I CAN finally do skin color rather than just white (though I like my OC’s skins to be white as per nostalgia and just trademark in general). I will draw pretty much anything with some rules
1. It can’t be too goofy or weird (i.e. pig on a unicycle).
2. Something fairly simple and easy-going, not something too complex (i.e. DJ Octavio in his giant splat machine.)
3. Nothing nude or lewd or crude (i.e. some... stuff... I’ve seen before...)
4. Gimme some variety of body types! I’ve been almost exclusively been drawing thin females (I rarely draw Beatrice anymore due to continuous criticism on “that’s not how you draw fat chicks” and crap like that), so it would give me good practice to do some different things!
