イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

1 日 / 日
気ままにやってます。 Will draw for attention. Send me requests.



Deep thoughts part 1/2

It’s a word that’s been around for as long as we can remember.
It’s definition changes with every application.
When one hears the word, one may think of a full grown, muscular human male with masculine attributes and a self-confident demeanor.
That word only has one definition.
But I don’t think it’s the same one.
Where am I going with this?
Well... I don’t feel like an adult.
I don’t feel like a... a MAN.
I’m just... me.
I don’t fit any of those attributes at all.
I feel... pathetic. Puny. A disgrace. Shameful of myself.
At the same time, maybe...
Just maybe...
Maybe the word “man” doesn’t have to be a negative one after all...



Pikachugirl redesign contest Again!!!

This may be a little soon but another contest for redesigning Pikachugirl again (sorry). I'd love her new look to be Kawaii and have some pastel colors maybe make her look like a Lolita or just a kawaii girl I guess


1. Pikachugirls official design and animal girls cameo

2. Idky


(Um if you'd like to donate a prize or have a idea I could do let me know)

Ends Friday July 26 (cause I'm going to Hawaii next weekend so also means I can't do an extension sorry)

Um use the base provided below to enter or draw your own (you may also alter the base if needed also you may give her a new weapon if you'd like)

1. You may enter more then one entry
2. Do stealing others ideas or tracing
3. Please make it kawaii or a Lolita look
4. Sorry but don't ask for a extention
5. Use the #Pikaredesign2

That's all UwU




Hi guys

I'm back now yay so how's everyone I have cold currently which sucks my head hurts like crazy right now. Missed you guys and to you guys who art so good right now I hope you all get happier soon again and not stay sad forever. Also something existing Monday I got some RWBY mangas I was so happy to get them I'm currently finishing the Weiss manga anthology ahhh there all so good. (I'm exited to read the Blake one yeee). I've been in a good mood mostly besides being not so happy because I don't feel well. I should hopefully be better tomorrow I'll post more art soon too. Btw if your wondering where I went I went to a camp. It was fun but I had to much junk food hehe me and sugar 0w0. (They forced us to go in the deep end of water to play a game) (the water we were in leads to the ocean so I didn't like that and stingrays live in that water so I was a little frecked out by that). That's all I guess.

Have a nice day ~PikaChibiChuGirl





A message to Ad providers on this site

(I wrote the guys who put ads on Medibang a little letter.)
Dear shit holes that post degrading ads on Medibang,
I have noticed you post ads that speak out against women with heavy sets and large figures. You provide a lot of faulty information and click bait that I believe is technically considered illegal. And you completely target specifically large women, never men, as if you are sexist and bigoted towards large women.
I’ll have you know that there are some men who would prefer large heavy set women over smaller, skinny ones. Not every dude is this stupid guy who only cares about two-dimension stomachs and is super convinced that the leanest figure is most attractive. Every figure is needed so that every man and woman can find a mate.
So I’ve got four words for you that you may want to consider:
Nobody gives a SHIT about your bitching on how everyone should have “perfect bodies”. Girls are fine just the way they are. Stop trying to change things to fit your own perfect little world. The world doesn’t revolve around you, so you might as well grow up and suck it up. Because NOBODY CARES. So stop it. Stop poisoning Medibang with your lies and shit. This is an art sharing community, not a sexism and bigotrous anti-fat club. Shove it up your ass and walk away. Because the world doesn’t need any more damn stupid men who try to make women feel inferior and ugly. So SCRAM. BEAT IT. GO FUCK YOURSELF. I’M SICK OF YOUR SHIT.
Thanks for reading!
With lots of love,
(So you think they’ll read it?)
