Two days ago my... heh... my crush was in a terrible car accident... she went to the ER and I’m with her right now. I know you don’t know her, but please keep her in your heart for me... if she would have died, I would be completely destroyed.

By ads that follow society and promote society
It’s all society
Society is why the world sucks
Society is the reason life is pain
We should kill society forever and ever
: (
Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society
I hate society
I hate society
I hate society
I want to destroy it
I want to destroy it
I want to destroy it
There should be no such thing as society
I hate society
Society has destroyed everything and yet I choose to keep living
Probably because I’m too scared to stop
I hate society I hate society
Why did I end up with a planet with a monster named society
Light is a gift given to us
From nature kind and sweet.
Remember this truth no matter what
Especially in defeat.
Many times in life we fail
We hurt, we bleed, we suffer.
But even though it hurts for us,
If we survive, we’re tougher.
In my experience it’s been love
Romance I’ve never attained.
For so long I’ve been alone
And today I found my want in vain...
Some people choose to lie
To manipulate those who hurt.
To get money, power, or simply pleasure,
Or something of the sort.
But I won’t let the pain of the past
Dictate my future feelings.
It is I who drives my boat
And I strive to reach the ceiling.
So even though the night is hard
And the sun is not there yet,
The sun will always rise again
And shine brilliant, before it sets.
My “girlfriend”
Was just using me for money
She was acting all shady asking for login information to AT&T
I don’t trust her
I blocked everything
I dropped everything.
Why was I dumb enough to fall for it?
I thought I finally found someone. But it turns out she was a dishonest slut.
Why does Jeff have to be the stupid loner who falls for anything!!??
Your not stupid you just made a mistake it's ok *hugs*
What do you do when you’re too afraid
To answer when someone speaks
When someone expects a response
But from your lips nothing leaks?
What do you do when you know there’s pain
And you cannot ignore it
And yet if you try to help
All you do is keep the flame lit?
Is life really so unfair when someone makes mistakes
That when they try to make it up
It ends with more heartbreak?
Is it true that when you sin
There is no reconciliation
Granted towards your past deeds
And there is no compensation?
Is it true that once you speak
Your word is forever remembered?
If it’s good then you’re in luck
But otherwise you test people’s temper?
Once you know that it’s too late, “I’m sorry” is not your friend.
No matter what you say to them,
It’s over, you’ve lost a friend.
Is this cycle doomed to repeat as others grow in age?
To make more friends to no avail,
To lose them thanks to rage?
Alas, I feel the pain of this
The mentioned fruitless folly
I can feel my heart writhing in pain
Drowning in melancholy.
Yes I’ve lost, I’ve ruined it all,
A mistake that can’t be undone!
It’s all my fault, whether intentional or not,
And the suffering is not fun.
To you my friends, those who remain,
I beg you with my soul,
Please tell me what I need to do
To lose you all no more.
There’s always that one thing you do that you have no idea could end up being so destructive to someone. There’s always a point in life where you do something you believe is harmless, but then once the consequences hit and the damage is done, it’s too late. You’ve hurt someone. Badly. And “I’m sorry” doesn’t help. At all. The damage you’ve caused is too much to tolerate, whether it be intentional or not. You’ve done it. They’re hurt. And it’s your fault. No matter how bad you feel or how much you regret or how much you want to make up for it or how much you wish you’d known and not done it beforehand, it’s too late. You’ve done it. You can’t go back. You hurt someone. And it’s your fault. And if they don’t listen to your apology that just means you deserve the anger even more, it doesn’t matter if you “didn’t mean to”. You’re still the one who did it.
I’m not going to mention what I did. I shouldn’t. It would be very cruel.
But I hurt someone badly, and I didn’t even realize it.
So please. Before you do something please don’t make my mistake. Please don’t do anything without approval or absolute certainty. It destroys trust and it could destroy friendships.
Just don’t do it.
But if you do...
just know that you’re going to have to learn from it and don’t do it again. It’s all you can do.
Fucking gift cards
Purchasing gift cards
If you can’t afford gift cards because of your college fees
Then you’re at fault
Gift cards
Gift cards everywhere
It's good that it's over now
> Jeffy Yeah..i hope you feel better bro!
> Ponder_Brume It’s over now... but it was ridiculous that it was over a damn gift card
Oh jeez..if she's making a big fuss with you about it then maybe confront her to stop or get her something else? Im sorry your going through this,,
Now that my art has improved I’m seeing if I have more fans.
> RightsNighty I’ll do it!
I would like to request one though I see you’re already possibly doing one. Could you maybe draw for me please? You can always deny remember, thanks a lot!
> Jeffy Draw the guy in the box
> Roka Revalelairhin ...what
> Sphynia-Cat Ahhh thanks
There's definite improvement too :''>
This looks fantastic!! :'''DDD
> Jeffy What do you mean by fat pride though, I’m curious?
1. When we arrived my car started going into panic mode for no reason and went on for about an hour while we were unloading. AN HOUR.
2. Pretty much nobody was there.
3. The mattresses here are just springs covered by sheets
4. I played Crash Bandicoot for most the day.
5. I loved it and hated it at the same time
> •♡✨Loli✨♡• It’s the hardest game ever and I finally beat it I beat slippery climb no deaths
dude crash is actually a real gamer game ngl
Yeah I used one of the trace things, come at me bro
@anon YeSsIr
That’s me boi
honestl y saMe tho
Yesss xD I can relate
Someone forgot their college art sculpture project until the day it was due.
I thought it was that playground semi-circle climbing thing for a sec
Is the last day
I’ll ever have to deal with my parents
Until of course I tell them
> Cherrioxot Yep
Your telling me your moving out?
> Jeffy my dude, you’ll be alright I can fe e l it it may be a bumpy ride at first but I know itll a ok, you’re a pretty darn likable dude so yknow that’s rad 😎😎😎😎😎
> Jeffy You’ll meet a nice person to be friends with eventually, in the meantime the internet usually works as a substitute(for me at least)
> ♛☽ᎠᎪᏒᏦᏦᎥᏁᎶ☾♛ Bro I don’t even know probably both happy that I’m gonna be my own man but worried imma be all aloneeee
Should I be happy or worried for you? Maybe both???
Notifications are no longer a thing
Did someone spike MediBang’s morning coffee or something?
Ikr I just noticed
yaa notification not(9
> RightsNighty It’s all black and they stick all the information and comments in one place rather than in different tabs, so you have to scroll allllll theeee waayyyyy down to the related art works
> Jeffy Wait how so how’d it change!?
You accidentally hit the “unfriend” button that is dangerously close to the send message button
Or worse
You accidentally friend request a shady person
Ethan’s notebook contents again
> Cherrioxot He’s great
Is he a mad lad or something
Me: *gets crunchy roll*
Dang it. They don’t have free English dubs for MHA.
*gets Funimation*
Dang it. You can’t even watch anything without a premium account.
*goes to*
*texts friends to borrow DVD’s*
Dang it. Nobody has MHA English dub.
*gives up*
I either have to pay money or look at gross ads. How great does it get
I’m such an ugly bug with shameful hair and am too ashamed to post pictures of my face anymore
Hey,,, no you're not! You're a really sweet person,,,,, and you're not ugly either :'''< ,,,, you I agree with rightsnighty too,, :'(
No, you aren’t though? If it helps at all, you’re one of the greater personalities I’ve met on this site. I know it doesn’t connect with appearance but I’m saying I support you because of that fact. It hurts to even watch you call yourself those nasty things, none of which are true. You know if you want to talk more I’m here, I’m sorry I’m probably not helping...
Remember that last WIP song I posted? I can’t finish it because the first few lyrics were the best ones and I don’t know how to follow up with them so I think imma move on to...
Any requests?
> RightsNighty A fantasy, eh? Anything specific? And I write pretty much whatever suits the genre, be it fast or slow.
im not very good at song writing xd
Or you could always have them duet the few most important lyrics
Oh that’s fine dude! You could always have it be more slow? Do you write fast songs or quick ones? And hmm If I may request one would you consider writing a fantasy one perhaps? It’s up to you of course
Medibang: we’re hosting a super ultra art contest with the best of the best and the prize is fantastic!
Me: dO yOu TaKe SoNgS aNd PoEmS?
> RightsNighty Just all of them pretty much
Which contest are you taking about lol? And yeah honestly I agree I wish they have a poetry one because my art isn’t good enough for contests
A little differences in people never hurt the Earth
And I should know cuz I’ve been different from the day of birth
Those other teenage boys that strut their stuff and act like they’re so freakin cool
That ain’t me bitch I’m too embarrassed to flaunt myself in school
But that’s not to say I can’t tell you who I know I am
It’s more important to be yourself than a “super cool” man
I ain’t one to brag
But in my own way I’m fab
I might not be exhibit A but for sure I’m not a drag
I don’t have to be the guy
Who shows up on the magazine
Screw him and his plastic muscles
It’s so much better being me
I’m not the guy who plays the gals and throws their poor hearts in the mud
I’m the one who makes more friends because I know I don’t have to be the stud
It’s better to be the good person than it is to be the cool person
Just be the good person
The good person
(At this point a girl would sing.) Is it so wrong I think of others rather than myself?
I didn’t think so,
Women’s World can go rot in hell
I ain’t gonna change my body or my way of thinking
No matter what the “style” is so shut up don’t be kinky
I don’t care what the world says I should be doing
I can be whoever I wanna be
And I choose to be me
I ain’t one to brag
But in my own way I’m fab
I might not be exhibit A but for sure I’m not a drag
I don’t have to be the girl
Who shows up on the magazine
Screw her and her plastic booty
It’s so much better being me
I’m not the gal who plays the guys and throws their poor hearts broken in two
I’m the one who makes more friends because I know I don’t have to be the prostitute
(Then this next part they sing together but I don’t know what yet. So far it’s a diss on society’s standards.)
> RightsNighty Why thank you. I wrote this keeping in mind my idea of good men and women, which is exactly what me and Beatrice are supposed to be, fun fact. I Think of us when I write this song!
I’m literally. Sobbing. This is the message the world really needs at the moment. Great job! Also, if I might add a thought, this is healthy masculinity and healthy femininity at its finest.
> •♡✨Loli✨♡• A lot of my music is bashing society
:o neato!
(Previous verse)
Please mother please don’t make me take my leave
Just wait and see
What I can be
I know I’m not who you’re hoping for
But please don’t kick me out your door
I don’t quite understand
Why you picked your man
His expectations are too high
For a boy like me
I don’t quite realize
If you accept my type
But your my mother
Not like any other
So I guess we’ll wait and see
When the day
Finally comes
If you choose to embrace the truth
Or if you choose to watch me run
I don’t want my life
To tear your heart apart
But there’s only so much a man can take when he’s had to lie from the start
Please mother please don’t make me take my leave
Just wait and see
What I can be
I know I’m not who you’re hoping for
But please don’t kick me out your door
That'd really good
Please mother please don’t make me take my leave
Just wait and see
What I can be
I know I’m not who you’re hoping for
But please don’t kick me out your door
A human word
Meaning love in a human herd
Mother father daughters sons
But do children only exist because of “having fun”?
We may not agree on certain things
You’ll be you and I’ll be me
But can’t we still at least be friends
And love each other to the end?
Every night I lie in bed
Thinking what I’ll say to you
On that fateful day I dread
When I need to tell the truth
So I bet you
Please mother please don’t make me take my leave
Just wait and see
What I can be
I know I’m not who you’re hoping for
But please don’t kick me out your door
(I’ll finish it later.)
Looks good
> Sphynia-Cat Daweww thank you
> RightsNighty Ayyy glad you like so far
I love it so far!!! It's beautiful 🤩🤩
I was thinking of writing a couple of songs and posting them here...
Oh I'd love to hear them
You see me walking on the streets
And presume I’m safe and sound.
But the truth about me is that I’ve always been prison bound.
I was born, but of course, into a family that I never chose
The life they tried to give me filled my heart with only woes.
What they believe is wonderful, I hold deep compassion for it
But even so, unbeknownst to them, I don’t believe it.
My whole life I’ve learned to keep my true self locked up tight
So as to convince that I’m doing what they believe is “right”.
Happiness is a stranger that dares not come into play
Even so I wear a smile for others anyway.
I know once I tell them that a miserable chase will soon ensue
But even so I choose to hold love for all of you.
One week away comes the time when I must move away
And then I prepare to tell them though far be that day.
The child Jeffrey, noble, pure, innocent, and bright
That’s what he wants to believe describes him in other’s hearts and sight.
But until then I’m stuck here, imprisoned by tradition
Trapped in a place if you don’t follow with them you’re doomed to perdition.
Heed my words, outside I look like I don’t care
But inside, I suffer deeply, pain too much to bare...
Beautiful writing, sorry this is happening to you. I’m here if you need anything.
Anon, boyrfriends and girlfriends aren’t responsible for each other’s happiness. The sooner we can get rid of that idea the better. Sorry, it’s truth though.
> Cherrioxot BuT kNoWlEdGe Is GoOd
aaAaaAaAaAaA oH no StAPh GIvInG Me KnOwLEDgE (Thats a joke, your story is so detailed compare to my 3rd grade stories ;-;)
And this time.
I’m not using Notability.
My iPad will be unblocked completely. I’ll be downloading the actual MediBang app. I’ll be experimenting with how it works and which tools do what. I’ll be doing some real, actual, authentic art. No more tracing. No more base using. No more lack of background. No more sloppy shading. No more non original eye styles. No more badly drawn hands. No more wonky inaccurate body types. No more stupidly drawn breasts. No more completely rounded heads with no chin. And no more begging people to give it a like and redraw it anyway. And I’ll really, truly, fully belong here.
Just two weeks.
In a way I think you’ve always belonged here though, I mean yeah, you weren’t able to post, but so more and more people are getting denied that too Both sucks Anyway I’m really exited to see art from hou
The countdown begins
Oh goodness that looks so scary! I will be praying for a swift full recovery for her, that sounds so frightening! 🙁
man.. im so sorry i hope she has a safe & quick recovery
I'll be praying for both of you guys...i hope she gets better soon..
oh my goodness im so sorry! D: i really hope she turnes out okay that looks so scary!