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wip for #fandomslol

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Has more than 200 views!
wip for #fandomslol
Has more than 1,000 views!
len is unhappy ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
Has more than 200 views!
#fandomslol contest submission
Has more than 700 views!
kermit my homie
Has more than 900 views!
len is unhappy ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
Has more than 800 views!
miku as rin-chan ♡
Has more than 600 views!
kermit my homie
Has more than 800 views!
len is unhappy ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
Has more than 400 views!
good vibes
Has more than 500 views!
kermit my homie
amatheia_v left a comment!
hatsune miku
it's not the best lmao
k gotta go finish schoolwork aaaa a
#fandomslol contest submission
amatheia_v left a comment!
amatheia_v left a comment!
it still looks like crap though XD
O well, I tried XP
amatheia_v left a comment!
wip for #fandomslol
amatheia_v left a comment!
and watch this please
i swear its good
and its rlly short so uhhhhh
sub too while youre at it lmao
amatheia_v left a comment!
WOaH 60 followers?!!
I never thought I would get this far, thanks to everyone who decided to follow me and support me, you are all amazing af
I wish I could thank all of you individually : ")) tysm <3333
amatheia_v left a comment!
I'm really proud of how this looks so far!
I hope you guys like it!
wip for #fandomslol
amatheia_v left a comment!
I'm really proud of how this looks so far!
I hope you guys like it!
amatheia_v left a comment!
WOaH 60 followers?!!
I never thought I would get this far, thanks to everyone who decided to follow me and support me, you are all amazing af
I wish I could thank all of you individually : ")) tysm <3333
amatheia_v left a comment!
k so i apologize for working on this the day of the due date..
aha i promise it'll be done by the end of today
anyway enjoy the sketch for now
oh yeah, for the people who don't understand the reference, pewdiepie made a parody version of youtuber jacksfilm's series, "YIAY". his parody, "LWIAY", was joked about being the first created, and that jacksfilms was copying pewdiepie's idea, when it was obviously entirely made by jack before pewds got a chance to parody "YIAY".
uh, it's sort of an inside joke between both audiences watching jack and pewds, so sorry if i explained it kind of vaguely.
anyway, the photo represents the whole inside joke, except jack is getting ticked off that pewds "stole" his idea of "YIAY".
let me make this clear, jack was NEVER angry with felix for making a little parody of his series. i just decided to draw the scene as shown for possibly more comedic effect in the art.
👁👅👁👌💯🔥🔥💯 squadfam out
> Banana Cat thanks for the positive feedback! :^) i tried with the beard i just can't capture the glory of it aha
Jesus christ this is the best thing ever!! Can't wait to see how it comes out! Pewds' beard tho lmao
> band_aid aaaa thanks! <3
> DemMonkeyzUwU hell yeah dude i respect jack and pewds a ton they both make hilarious content me me tHICC boy
amatheia_v left a comment!
cy🅾️🅾️t b🅾️is in buns
amatheia_v left a comment!
cy🅾️🅾️t b🅾️is in buns
amatheia_v left a comment!
k so i apologize for working on this the day of the due date..
aha i promise it'll be done by the end of today
anyway enjoy the sketch for now
oh yeah, for the people who don't understand the reference, pewdiepie made a parody version of youtuber jacksfilm's series, "YIAY". his parody, "LWIAY", was joked about being the first created, and that jacksfilms was copying pewdiepie's idea, when it was obviously entirely made by jack before pewds got a chance to parody "YIAY".
uh, it's sort of an inside joke between both audiences watching jack and pewds, so sorry if i explained it kind of vaguely.
anyway, the photo represents the whole inside joke, except jack is getting ticked off that pewds "stole" his idea of "YIAY".
let me make this clear, jack was NEVER angry with felix for making a little parody of his series. i just decided to draw the scene as shown for possibly more comedic effect in the art.
👁👅👁👌💯🔥🔥💯 squadfam out
> Banana Cat thanks for the positive feedback! :^) i tried with the beard i just can't capture the glory of it aha
Jesus christ this is the best thing ever!! Can't wait to see how it comes out! Pewds' beard tho lmao
> band_aid aaaa thanks! <3
> DemMonkeyzUwU hell yeah dude i respect jack and pewds a ton they both make hilarious content me me tHICC boy
amatheia_v left a comment!
k so i apologize for working on this the day of the due date..
aha i promise it'll be done by the end of today
anyway enjoy the sketch for now
oh yeah, for the people who don't understand the reference, pewdiepie made a parody version of youtuber jacksfilm's series, "YIAY". his parody, "LWIAY", was joked about being the first created, and that jacksfilms was copying pewdiepie's idea, when it was obviously entirely made by jack before pewds got a chance to parody "YIAY".
uh, it's sort of an inside joke between both audiences watching jack and pewds, so sorry if i explained it kind of vaguely.
anyway, the photo represents the whole inside joke, except jack is getting ticked off that pewds "stole" his idea of "YIAY".
let me make this clear, jack was NEVER angry with felix for making a little parody of his series. i just decided to draw the scene as shown for possibly more comedic effect in the art.
👁👅👁👌💯🔥🔥💯 squadfam out
> Banana Cat thanks for the positive feedback! :^) i tried with the beard i just can't capture the glory of it aha
Jesus christ this is the best thing ever!! Can't wait to see how it comes out! Pewds' beard tho lmao
> band_aid aaaa thanks! <3
> DemMonkeyzUwU hell yeah dude i respect jack and pewds a ton they both make hilarious content me me tHICC boy
this is some good 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼VeRRy good broski
Oh my gosh this is the greatest thing eveerrrr Memebigboybutcanyoudothis???
Ahh I love iit <3333 Pewds looks so adorable, thank you for participating :D))