插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

go away



So, um, remember I had a contest back in December? Yea, me neither.
Jk I did remember it I just kept forgetting to post anything about it. And I can't really choose who's the winner, cuz the entries are so good!! Even though there was only two entries, that doesn't mean I can't show the appreciation they deserve!
So we got this entry from amatheia_v, which I really like for the following reasons:
- it's a total unique idea that still incorporates the lil dumb reindeer that was the purpose of the contest
- the colors used are very nice (*pewds*)
- "Ho ho ho fellas"
- it's just adorable in general omg
And we got another entry from HesitantWaylien, which I also really like for the following reasons:
- the lil red nose omfg
- the majestic fluffy hair
- the tongue sticking out
- the colors here are also very nice (I just love the colors you chose May, they're the best)
And that's it, I believe! Thanks for doing the contest you two! *I still very sorry for doing this so late*



I'm sorry, I need to go

I'm leaving medibang, and that's it.
No it's not because of the drama, don't you dare say that.
I've been on my phone, almost all week, when I should be hanging out with my dad
Heck, people just love expressing their feelings here so I might as well
I hardly ever see him, maybe once every two god damn years.
And all I've been doing is chat on the internet, with strangers. With people I've never met.
It's my fault though, I even did this the last time I saw him.

So bye, and I hope that drama dies down a bit. I know this didn't help.
Although I did meet a few decent human beings on here, so thanks for the experience.
