Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy one
Learning.. :P

I have been busy with my school lately but despite that I have been learning and practising a lot on traditional drawing and guess what? I now know how to shade with pencil (well, I'll stick with my semi-real style tho cuz I'm suck at realistic one) xDD

I'm not sure if I want to share them tho.. :v

I'll come back with a lot of digital arts in november or on earlier december and maybe I'll take some request *wink wink* xDD

The drawing below was my old sketch..I tried to match Ameriya's artstyle ( till now lol) now gimmie some luv ;v;

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  • Wow! Thats really good!

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Some weird anatomy thing IDK

I liked it at first when I just got done drawing it, but then I stared at it for too long and noticed the mistakes I made lol
I was thinking of drawing him without a shirt but then my mom was nearby so I quickly scribbled on some straps and kept drawing XD
I wasn't sure what his arms should've been doing, or what he should've been wearing, so I just did w/e lol
His face was a bit of a struggle, too, cuz im trying to make him look mature, but not end up looking like a 30 year old man lolol
But anyway, I think I am getting better compared to the first pic of Hikaru I posted on here. I hope so anyway heh *cringes*
PS: ignore the description in the pic, I was being a goof towards the end it's not rlly that accurate XD

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Even MORE Ocs hah... *\(^3^)/*

I planned on finishing these two pictures a few days ago but stuff came up so I couldn't get to it. But, now i can finally finish it yaaaay.
So... Many... Characters... X.X
They're all based off of Zodiacs, and how I kinda imagine a cartoony anime stlye of them(rip english)
Although I've had them for almost two years now, their designs are still not final and are subject to change.
But Ive been wanting to draw them digitally for a while now, so Im pretty excited to see how they turn out! ^^
Agh this style feels kinda awkward to me, hope it doesn't show too much lol

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