Lluvia de ideas-Brainstorming-ブレーンストーミング
Spanish freelance artist, writer/drawing comic artist, concept artist and illustrator. Order can be changed.
- Twitter: Underdragon: https://twitter.com/undergt
- Linkedin: Underdragon: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedro-luis-vico-patricio-537640170/
- Dibujando: Underdragon: https://dibujando.net/underdragon/galeria
- Artstation: Underdragon.: https://www.artstation.com/underdragon
- -Facebook: Pedro Luis Vico Patricio.: https://www.facebook.com/pedroluis.vicopatricio.1
- Instagram: Underdragon: https://www.instagram.com/underdragon.undergt/
- Pixiv: Underdragon.: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41123475
- Deviantart: UnderdragonUnd.: https://www.deviantart.com/underdragonund
- Newgrounds: Underdragion.: https://underdragion.newgrounds.com/
- Pinterest: Pedro Luis Vico Patricio: https://www.pinterest.es/pedroluisvico/
- Artstreet: https://medibang.com/u/Underdragon/
Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5 #042
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5 #042
Sarah the ciber messiah-日本語-S5 Ch. 42 Sarah the ciber messiah-日本語-S5-CH42
Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5 Ch. 42 Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5-Chapter 42
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5 Ch. 42 Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5-Capitulo 42
Caballero sombrío -Shadow knight-シャドウ ナイト
Doncella elfa-Elf-maiden-エルフの乙女
Diario de viaje-Travel diary-旅行日記
Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5 #041
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5 #041
Sarah the ciber messiah-日本語-S5 Ch. 41 Sarah the ciber messiah-日本語-S5-CH41
Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5 Ch. 41 Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5-Chapter 41
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5 Ch. 41 Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5-Capitulo 41
Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5 #040
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5 #040
Sarah the ciber messiah-日本語-S5 Ch. 40 Sarah the ciber messiah-日本語-S5-CH40
Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5 Ch. 40 Sarah the cyber messiah-Season 5-Chapter 40
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5 Ch. 40 Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 5-Capitulo 40
Seelie fae
La niña y el pájaro-The girl and the bird-女の子と鳥
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 4 #015
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 4 #014
Sarah the cyber messiah-Temporada 4 #013