inktober starts TOMORROW!!??
I literally lost track of time and october starts tomorrow? When did that happen!? Anyyyywayyys.
Do people do inktober digitally? I'm kinda new to this stuff, and this will be my first year doing something like this. I just came across it 'cause LITERALLY EVERYONE on instagram and stuff are talking about it. I thought it's pretty cool, and thought let's give it a try. (I am literally one of the most irregular people in the world. It will be good practice.)
How many others are doing it here on medibang? And have you done it before?
Do people do inktober digitally? I'm kinda new to this stuff, and this will be my first year doing something like this. I just came across it 'cause LITERALLY EVERYONE on instagram and stuff are talking about it. I thought it's pretty cool, and thought let's give it a try. (I am literally one of the most irregular people in the world. It will be good practice.)
How many others are doing it here on medibang? And have you done it before?
But yeah Inktober is traditionally done with traditional ink in the traditional inking tradition.