Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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So I wrote this vent around 12 last night, because it really says what I have a hard time saying (if that makes any sense) here it is-


Think about the time you were most miserable. The time were you couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Now tell yourself all the reassuring words your telling me.
Do you THINK that would’ve made ANYTHING better??
Now think about four people more allll trying to shove those “helpful” words down your throat eveytime you forget to cover up your pain.
It would make it worse, wouldn’t it?
And when you tell them to stop...
They dont.
So you have to block them out
All these fake words are drowning you in what seems to be a river of lies.
You have to distance yourself
Because you know now.. that letting people in only hurts you MORE.
And eventually you become numb.
You feel empty
nothing pleases you.
And each day you TRY to be okay.
You TRY to make others happy
But really..
you cant find the light.
Because it died, along with your will to live.
And now your broken.
Broken, emtpy, and hollow.
And when those ‘friends’ ask who did this to you?
You loook at them weakly and say..
“You did.”

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Read this rn

I’m triggered because I wrote this message and it was very long but I somehow clicked away from it and everything got deleted and oh boi am I posting a lot in my My Space today. *cough* ANYWAYS, so you know how I was saying a lil’ while ago that I was gonna be gone for pretty much a week? Welp (I’m not sure if I said this already but oh well.) I’m going to a sleepaway camp with my friends but even though I’m fine talking to them, I’m awkward as heck talking to people I either don’t know or am not close to and when I’m older and I look back on the time when I did talk to a lot of people my reaction is always: “What was I thinking when I said this?”
Sooooo.... yeah. Do y’all have any tips on how to talk to people in a normal way? Anything would be VERY And I mean VERY helpful if so. Thank you! *flies away*

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Acer’s and Loki’s backstory part 3

(Now it’s gonna be from Loki’s point of view)
I watch Acer drink the water. Something....some thought was swirling through my mind but I just ignored it and laid down in my spot. Sleep hit me like a hard stone and before I knew it, I was fast asleep. I woke up in a rocky area surrounded by trees. It was night and the large moon sparkled light down on me. I flicked my ear, staying still. As I looked around I could see a large rock looming over me. Oddly, it had scratch marks on it and it reeked the sent of blood but there was no blood to be seen. I took a few steps towards the rock, checking out the scratch marks. A wave of fear swept through me but it quickly disappeared. I bent over to touch my nose to the rock. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly, I heard cries. Cries of pain, fear, and anger. My body felt really sore and I pulled away from the rock with a yelp. I backed away, my heart racing. I stared at the rock, panting. My mind swirled with the random thoughts I had earlier. There were then scraping sounds. I jerked my head up to see a large creature standing at the rock, giving me a cold, hard stare. It was all black and had large ears and a long mine. It had hair like mine but less...noticeable. There was a short time of silence. “W-who are you?” I asked, fear still gripping me like an eagle’s talons. It didn’t talk for a good two to three minutes before it said in a deep voice, “Loki... Our king has come. Our king has come.”
I was confused. King? What king? How does it know my name? “Hey-“ I began but then something latched onto me from behind, digging its teeth into my scruff. I let out a roar of surprise and rage before twisting and blindly raking my claws down on whatever grabbed me. I stopped. I couldn’t move. It was the same thing as the creature on top of the rock. The creature dragged me over the rocks, scraping me. I wanted to let out a whine of pain but I also couldn’t speak. It then took a massive leap onto the giant rock before roughly setting me down next to the edge. I looked down and saw more of the black creatures....hundreds of them just staring up at me. I looked over, the creature looked back at me. “Our king has come. Our king has come.” It chanted, followed by the creatures below us. Then, everything went black. I couldn’t hear or feel anything.
I woke up instantly, my heart pounding in my chest. It was night. Acer was right where I left him, fast asleep. The moon was surprisingly big compared to yesterday’s. Words echoed through my mind. The king has come...
I got up and shook my fur. I looked into the mountains in the distance and something made me move... I was walking away from the houses. Away from Acer. I felt as if something was controlling me and... I let it.
(I’m just gonna stop heeeeeeeere.)

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