Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Oof I doodled this in the waiting room for the doctor. If you saw my last post, it's kinda like a redraw from that. Short story-
I was getting checked up to see if I was low on iron or whatever but then my MOM >:3 got the great idea that we should get our flu shots and let me just tell you, I AM TRAUMATIZED BY FLU SHOTS. So I was crying and hyperventalating and stuff but it's ok because my mom is paying me $10 dollars :) I'm childish. So anyways, this is my OC on my other account and I'm probably gonna trace it digitally. Any names will be greatly appreciated. (My arm is dying send help)

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2 things

Wowowowow I forgot to post the images.
2 things
Okay so I updated my Zora base designs to hopefully be..... more unique? Things I'd like to you to comment is which design you like best and what I can do to change them to ?
Make people more "attached" to them. I'll also do the disfigured designs too. I'm working on an open species and I'll eventually post what I have so far. Should the open species be based off of a dragon, wolf, cat, or what? (You can also comment that too XD)
Sorry if it's hard to see. You might have to zoom in to see some things.

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•austlie moment #1•
me: I’m always depressed and I can’t stand it..
austin: hey, everything will be okay..
me: I’m fucking nothing..
austin: you’re not nothing, you’re mine *hugs me*
•austlie moment #2•
me: I’m way far from being useful-
austin: you’re not useless-
me: yes I am..
austin: if you’re useless, then who’s the girl I hold tight when she’s upset? who’s the girl I hug? who’s the girl I kiss? who’s the girl I love? that girl is you.
•austlie moment #3•
*in class*
me: I didn’t even hear a word she said xD
austin: agreed..I was just focusing on someone more important~
me: h-huh? *blushing*
austin: *laughing adorable as fuck* I love you~

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Warrior cats fans -OPEN-

This is a book that I wrote as a continuation, I wanted some pointers. ALL COPYRIGHT TO AUTHORS. THE CHARACTERS AREN'T MINE, ACCEPT A FEW. I will post it in parts.

Age of the Warriors

Chapter 1

Long ago the four cat clans clashed in battle. War raged and warriors fell. And one cat saved us all. The faithful leader of the Thunderclan, Bramblestar lead our warriors into battle, fearless and courageous he kept fighting even when the odds were against him he fought and in the final battle we joined with the Windclan and defeated the enemy. Our clans have lived in peace ever since that day.
Outside a small cave in the Thunderclan's territory 3 kits were born. Crowfeather paced outside the cave anxiously waiting.
"Come in." And in the cave were 3 kits Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather. Leafpool looked at her kittens with great pride. Until she saw a a terrible flaw in a kitten. As Crowfeather entered the cave he saw her watching one kit stumble around the cave as the other two kits played together.
"He's blind" she said to Crowfeather. Crowfeather examined the kit and looked at Leafpool and saw her disappointment. Over the next few days she rejected the kit and never showed Jayfeather her love for him. Crowfeather took Jayfeather in his paws and said " I will never give up on you"
Chapter 2
Leafpool spoiled Lionblaze and Hollyleaf. Leafpool licked and snuggled her kittens.
"Mom stop stop that tickles!" Lionblaze said as she played with him.
"Hollyleaf come here and play with your brother."
"No mom, I want to got explore and be with dad."
"Hollyleaf your dad is busy training." "I know but I want to see him!"
"Run! Faster, faster Jayfeather." "I know dad, four strides, 1,2,3,4 leap!"
Jayfeather soared over the rock and onto his prey. Exiting the hunting grounds with a fresh rabbit for lunch.
"You did great Jayfeather!"
"Thanks dad."
"Hey dad?"
"Yes my son?"
"What do I look like?" Crowfeather sighs and stops. Jayfeather heard his paws quiet and stoped too.
"You look like a strong leader and a brave cat and you know what, you make me proud to say your my son."
"Thanks dad." As they entered the cave Leafpool took the rabbit and Jayfeather whispered to her
"I forgive you and I love you." She fed the rabbit to Lionblaze and Hollyleaf and never looked back at him
Chapter 3
The time came when evil arose and cats were called to fight. Lionblaze was in the war but because of his blindness Jayfeather could not serve his clan by fighting so he became a medicine cat he had a good memory and could remember the medication to heal certain wounds. As his father and brother headed out to train for war Jayfeather went to study his medications just like his mother. Not that she was proud of him though. One day he was studying in the woods and two young cats heading to war making fun of him appeared. Then as the cats were making noise and teasing him he heard a twig snap in the distance.
"4 strides 1,2,3,4 leap!" He jumped in the direction of the two cats and knocked them out of the way of a hunting lion from the Flashclan. The two cats chased the lion away and told the elders that they had to save Jayfeather from the lion and that he was no use. Jayfeather continued to study for awhile then he killed a deer and took it back to his family.
Leafpool heard the news about the woods and thought even less of her blind son. Hollyleaf was overjoyed to see her scarce brother. Jayfeather was not welcome to eat in the cave.
"Hollyleaf , it's so good to see you!" "Jayfeather, I'm glad you came by!" "Well I'm only here to drop off your meal."
"Mom". . . .
"Your not allowed to call me that!" Leafpool said. Angered and upset Jayfeather left the cave. Without his father he was nothing. He thought to himself, she was just letting me die she would banish me from the Thunderclan if she could. Dad is the reason I'm alive. dad Dad DAD! He ran faster than a bounding deer. He ran as if he was being chased by the whole Thunderclan. To the battle field he ran. Listening to his foot steps hit the ground. Growling and hearing the deflect sound waves of fallen trees or rocks. Never looking back to some one he wished he had in his life. Making it to the battle ground he stayed low in the bushes. He listened for his fathers voice and crept towards it till he heard the sound of his fathers paw steps. But what he heard next was not good. He heard unfamiliar paw steps and twigs snapping from the other side of the tree clearing. One of the generals yelled
"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" Cats fought and blood was spilled. He listens for his brother.
"4 strides 1,2,3,4 leap!" He hit his brother and pulled him to safety. He went to save his father.
"4 strides 1,2,3,4 leap!" But he landed on a cat from the flash clan killing him. It was to late his father was gone.
"Lionblaze, where is he?"
"He's gone"
"No he can't be you have to keep looking."
"Jayfeather they took him captive." Sobbing Jayfeather said
"He was all I had left, he was all I had left."
Chapter 4
When Lionblaze and Jayfeather returned home Lionblaze told his mother the heartbreaking news that Crowfeather had been taken prisoner and the Jayfeather had saved his life. Hollyleaf sobbed in Lionblazes' fur for hours and Leafpool went into the darkest part of the cave and never came out even for meals. Jayfeather hunted for the family and Lionblaze protected the family as their cave was on the boarder of the Thunderclan territory. Lionblaze took his mother food and water and comforted Hollyleaf in her sorrows. Jayfeather never had a cheerful mood until. . .
After Jayfeather quit his job he was walking in the hunting grounds and heard a faint call for help. He used his hearing and sense of smell to locate the call. He soon found cat that was in a trap. He called and said
"Keep calling I'll find you!" He said. "Can't you see me!?"
"No. . . I'm blind but don't worry I'll find you." As Jayfeather got closer he heard her say,
"Okay I'll walk you through it.
There are four strings. If you pluck them cut the one that makes the lowest sound."
He cut the rope and she fell to the ground and thanked him. "
Thanks for your help. Do you need me to help you through the forest?" "No, I'm good my father taught me at a young age how to find my way out of the forest."
"Ok, well bye then."
He walked away with a skip in his step and a smile on his face.
Chapter 5
One day when Jayfeather was hunting he ran into the cat he saved in the woods.
"Hi." he said shy and embarrassed. "Hey." She replied.
"I never got your name, you know in the woods a few days ago."
"It's Halfmoon, from the Thunderclan. And yours?"
"My name is Jayfeather. . . Uh Thunderclan."
"Look this might sound crazy but do you want to hang out?" she said.
"Like a date?" Jayfeather replied
"Nnn. .. ." "I'de love to. I'm free tomorrow." She said quickly
"Yes, tomorrow. . . hot it. Uh… I mean got it."
"Ok then bye." She said.
They met at the same place and Jayfeather took her to a secret place his dad had shown him. He removed a few spider webs and pulled a few vines and on the other side of a few tree branches was a cliff of flowers overlooking a strong flowing waterfall. The water turned into mist as it fell showering the vegetation in a cool misty layer of water. He had caught a variety of rabbits. Deer and even fish for lunch and prepared fresh mountain water. She turned to him and stared into his deep blue eyes. After lunch they both sat looking at the waterfall. Halfmoon was sparkling for the moist air covered her white coat with crystal drops of water. As she knew he could not see her she tickled him with her glistening tail. He turned in her direction and she kissed him. He, being stunned by the moment moved back. But then kissed her again. They had a long talk and they both new they were meant for each other.
The wedding was beautiful Hollyleaf and Lionblaze invited Jayfeather's guests of course his mom never showed up and Halfmoon invited hers. They got married in an open field and celebrated through the night. As guests left Jayfeather kissed her under the Halfmoon
Chapter 6
Their cave wasn't huge but it wasn't small it was just right for there growing family as Halfmoon was expecting. Jayfeather was unaware of this as she wanted to keep it a secret until the next Halfmoon. When the time came she took him to the field they for married in.
“Hey Halfmoon where are we going, slow down!” Jayfeather shouted. “We’re almost there come on, faster!” Jayfeather then knew where they where.
“Why did you bring me here? Is it a Halfmoon?”
“Yes” she said,
“I brought you here to tell you, under the Halfmoon, I’m expecting.” Jayfeather was speechless but managed to get out a few words, “Kits, really? Wow I can’t believe it!”
2 weeks later Halfmoon was in the cave resting, Jayfeather was out hunting for the family was going to get bigger soon. When he was hunting he stumbled across a cave that was being moved out of. It was huge. Big enough for 7 kits which is what he was expecting. He looked at it and knew if he was going to get it, it would have to be soon. The cave had water trickling down from the top. It had vines draped over the entrance with fresh blooming flowers growing on it. He’d move the stuff tonight when she was asleep and then drag her bed to the cave. When she was safely in the new cave he rested beside her dreaming of what their kits would be like.
Chapter 7
When he awoke he went to hunt. He went to his favorite spot were he could always pounce on an unsuspecting fawn. There was a fallen log that had fallen that gave him excellent cover. When he heard a voice he pounced.
“Hey, what is this all about, what it going on, I’m a cat, I’m a cat!” Jayfeather was the one to the ground.
“What are you doing here young warrior, you should be preparing for battle. Jayfeather turned around and asked,
“Who are you?”
“Who am I? You seriously don’t know who I am?”
Jayfeather stepped closer and shamefully,
“I’m blind, could you just tell me your name?”
“Why I am Bramblestar.”
“Really, I’m so sorry to bother you your majesty, I’ll let you get back to your hunting.”
And with that Jayfeather went on hunting somewhere else. When he went back to the cave he had a fawn and rabbit for dinner. Halfmoon was setting the beds for her kittens up like the cave has always been theirs. Jayfeather approached her and said,
“Don’t you like the cave?” She jumped,
“Oh I didn’t hear you come in. YES! It’s amazing, it has so much room for our kits.” The next day Jayfeather went to study being a medicine cat again, it had been 1 year since his father’s disappearance. The battle raged on elsewhere. Lionblaze resigned from service and found a fancy feline and they settled down in a cave next to Leafpool’s. Hollyleaf stayed with her mom as her food hunter. Leafpool still never left their lifeless cold cave. It was now covered in weeds to the point it was almost unreachable. She was always pulling the weeds away before Crowfeather was captured. Hollyleaf was feeling lifeless till one day, she was hunting in the woods and found blood that was not a deer or rabbit it was a cat. She followed it and found a cat his name was Robinfire.
“Oh my gosh, what happened to you!” Hollyleaf screamed. He managed to say a few things,
“I was attacked by boarder warriors.”
He winced in pain as she covered his wounds in a plant she saw nearby. This plant was a natural wound cleaner. Jayfeather taught her that. He had so many cuts and gashes.
“Who are you?” He asked gasping. “I’m Hollyleaf of the Thunderclan. Who are you?”
“I’m Robinfire of the Windclan.” As she helped him she thought to herself, well the name really suits him, he’s handsome too. He was a black cat with an orange stomach. A true mark of a star father or a clan leader. The orange seeped into the black like a raging wildfire hence the name. The tips of his ears were orange almost like a crown. At this time Hollyleaf was so glad she had black fur because it could hide he rose red cheeks. She got him on a big tree bark slab. She knew she couldn’t get him back alone. She looked at the sun and saw it was the time Jayfeather studied in the woods. She snapped a twig and hit a tree and within about 10 seconds Jayfeather was standing there.
“I’m glad you came, I need help getting him to our cave.” Hollyleaf said
“Ok, but our cave it bigger we will have a room for him to stay in and we have more that enough food. What happened to him.” Jayfeather asked as they carefully placed him on a big piece of bark and tried vines around it.
As they started walking to Jayfeather’s cave she told him about how he was attacked by boarder warriors.
“He’s handsome.” He said smiling with an eyebrow raised. Holly leaf blushed and said,
“No, never Jay what are you thinking, no, you have a nasty mind.”
“Whatever.” He said smirking
Chapter 8
When they got to the cave Halfmoon was preparing dinner. “Well I see you have brought some friends Jay-jay.” She said.
“More like complete strangers that are hurt.” He exaggerated.
“Hey Halfmoon do you mind letting me and Robinfire stay here till he is healed, I know your cave is bigger than ours.” Hollyleaf asked.
“Oh yeah, room 5 is the guest room and room 7 is above it and that’s open too.” She answered.
“Ok thank you so much!” Hollyleaf said. When Robinfire was awake he started to worry,
“Where am I?” Hollyleaf sprinted in to quiet him, the whole cave was asleep.
“Relax your in Jayfeather’s cave he is my brother. We can return you home when you are able to walk.” Hollyleaf said.
“Ok I’m really hungry and thirsty. Do they have any food and water?”
“Yep I’ll go get some and bring it here.” She came back with fresh deer and water from the falls that Halfmoon had gotten yesterday. He downed the water and ate the deer so fast she thought she had forgotten to get it. He thanked her for the food and fell asleep. Hollyleaf climbed the tree ladder to her rom curled up in the bed and fell fast asleep. When she woke up she crawled out of bed stretched and climbed down the tree. When she got to the living room she saw Jayfeather curled around Halfmoon and Halfmoon nursing her 4 kits. She didn’t want to wake them but she wanted to see the kittens. One kitten the biggest was all white like Halfmoon. She couldn’t believe it one was black like her and another blue roan probably from Halfmoon’s mother. One was orange with black leopard spots an handsome fellow and the runt of the litter was grey with almost blue stripes. Jayfeather soon woke from the crying of the little grey kit. It was shoved over upside down. Very carefully he picked up the kitten and sets it back towards Halfmoon. Hollyleaf thought she should catch breakfast because Robinfire would be hungry because he is a growing cat. Halfmoon woke up and saw Jayfeather licking the kits.
“Good morning Jay-jay.” She whispered.
“Morning.” He replied smoothly licking her ear and head. Halfmoon and Jayfeather were thinking of names for their 4
kits. “Snowkit for a white one, is there is white one?.” Jayfeather suggested.
“Yeah she so cute and I love that name for her.”
“How about Toddykit for the orange handsome one?” Halfmoon suggested.
“Yes I love that name.” Jayfeather said.
“What other colors are there?” Jayfeather asked.
“Blue Roan, and grey.” Halfmoon said.
“You need the blue roan one named after you, Bluekit and when she is older her real name will be Bluemoon
.” Jayfeather said.
“Oh that’s a really pretty name. It suits her.” Halfmoon said.
“This one has to have a very special name.” Jayfeather said thinking about the gray kitten Halfmoon had described.
“Jaykit!” They said at the same time.
“I think they all have very cute names.” Halfmoon said.
“Cute? They are handsome.” Jayfeather stated with pride and holding his head high. He looked at the top of the cave and saw little dew drips falling in the drinking pool. The morning sun was slowly brightening the cave and reflecting the cave ceiling making the few drops into morning stars. This was his favorite part of the morning. Hollyleaf came back in.
“Good morning.” She shouted.
“Shhhh! The kittens are sleeping.” Jayfeather whispered.
“Go check on Robinfire.” Jayfeather said.
“Ok!” Jayfeather glared at her
“Ok.” Hollyleaf whispered. When she went into the room he was still sleeping. He must still be tired, he did get hurt really bad. She thought she should send a CM to the town to have it delivered to Bramblestar saying his son was alright. She got a paper and bloods from the deer she killed and started writing.
Dear Bramblestar,
This is Hollyleaf of the Thunderclan. You son was on duty on the boarder and got attacked. I found him almost dead when I was hunting. I took him to Jayfeather of the Thunderclan and he let him stay in the guest room of his cave. He is no trouble for them. He is being fed and his wounds cleaned. Send me back when you get this or come yourself. He misses you.

Your Great Sir,

She sent the letter and awaited the reply. Meanwhile Halfmoon was nursing her kittens and Jayfeather was cleaning Robinfire’s wounds for the second time. He looked at the worst one.
“Yikes.” Jayfeather gasped.
“I know.” Robinfire winced in pain.
“Are you anxious to see your father?” Jayfeather asked
“Yes I am I haven’t seen him in 2 years, I’ve always been busy trying to live up to him.” Robinfire said.
“Wow, I think I actually ran into him on the hunting grounds a few days ago. I couldn’t tell but he claimed to be Bramblestar.”
“I wouldn’t know I’ve been so busy with the war.” Robinfire said.
“My father, Crowfeather got captured in the war, I couldn’t save him.” Jayfeather said he lowered his head in a shameful way. Robinfire sat up slowly, “It’s not your fault, you couldn’t see him.”
“It is because I ran to my brother first when he was doing just fine and my dad was surrounded.” Jayfeather said.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up about it. I’ll tell you what I’ll have my buddy Phoenix, he is on the enemy’s side as a spy to look in the prisons for you. Your dad’s name is Crowfeather right?” Robinfire said.
“Yeah, you really would do that for me?” Jayfeather said
“Yes, think of it as my way of repaying you for taking me in and caring for me till I’m back on my feet.” Robinfire said.
“Thanks.” Jayfeather said

Chapter 9
It was a cool crisp September day the winter wind rustled and symbolized an early harsh season with cold fluff. The kits were playing happily in the nursery room fighting, sleeping, and chasing their tails. Jaykit sat staring at his siblings play in the nursery. Robinfire was sitting on top of the cave whipping his tail impatiently waiting his fathers arrival. He had gotten a letter of his coming a few days before. Jayfeather and Hollyleaf were talking about how sick Leafpool was and how they wish she would come live in the cave with them. It hurt Jayfeather to much to think about his mother. COMMENTS?

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Warrior cats fans -OPEN-

This is a book that I wrote as a continuation, I wanted some pointers. ALL COPYRIGHT TO AUTHORS. THE CHARACTERS AREN'T MINE, ACCEPT A FEW. I will post it in parts.

Age of the Warriors

Chapter 1

Long ago the four cat clans clashed in battle. War raged and warriors fell. And one cat saved us all. The faithful leader of the Thunderclan, Bramblestar lead our warriors into battle, fearless and courageous he kept fighting even when the odds were against him he fought and in the final battle we joined with the Windclan and defeated the enemy. Our clans have lived in peace ever since that day.
Outside a small cave in the Thunderclan's territory 3 kits were born. Crowfeather paced outside the cave anxiously waiting.
"Come in." And in the cave were 3 kits Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather. Leafpool looked at her kittens with great pride. Until she saw a a terrible flaw in a kitten. As Crowfeather entered the cave he saw her watching one kit stumble around the cave as the other two kits played together.
"He's blind" she said to Crowfeather. Crowfeather examined the kit and looked at Leafpool and saw her disappointment. Over the next few days she rejected the kit and never showed Jayfeather her love for him. Crowfeather took Jayfeather in his paws and said " I will never give up on you"
Chapter 2
Leafpool spoiled Lionblaze and Hollyleaf. Leafpool licked and snuggled her kittens.
"Mom stop stop that tickles!" Lionblaze said as she played with him.
"Hollyleaf come here and play with your brother."
"No mom, I want to got explore and be with dad."
"Hollyleaf your dad is busy training." "I know but I want to see him!"
"Run! Faster, faster Jayfeather." "I know dad, four strides, 1,2,3,4 leap!"
Jayfeather soared over the rock and onto his prey. Exiting the hunting grounds with a fresh rabbit for lunch.
"You did great Jayfeather!"
"Thanks dad."
"Hey dad?"
"Yes my son?"
"What do I look like?" Crowfeather sighs and stops. Jayfeather heard his paws quiet and stoped too.
"You look like a strong leader and a brave cat and you know what, you make me proud to say your my son."
"Thanks dad." As they entered the cave Leafpool took the rabbit and Jayfeather whispered to her
"I forgive you and I love you." She fed the rabbit to Lionblaze and Hollyleaf and never looked back at him
Chapter 3
The time came when evil arose and cats were called to fight. Lionblaze was in the war but because of his blindness Jayfeather could not serve his clan by fighting so he became a medicine cat he had a good memory and could remember the medication to heal certain wounds. As his father and brother headed out to train for war Jayfeather went to study his medications just like his mother. Not that she was proud of him though. One day he was studying in the woods and two young cats heading to war making fun of him appeared. Then as the cats were making noise and teasing him he heard a twig snap in the distance.
"4 strides 1,2,3,4 leap!" He jumped in the direction of the two cats and knocked them out of the way of a hunting lion from the Flashclan. The two cats chased the lion away and told the elders that they had to save Jayfeather from the lion and that he was no use. Jayfeather continued to study for awhile then he killed a deer and took it back to his family.
Leafpool heard the news about the woods and thought even less of her blind son. Hollyleaf was overjoyed to see her scarce brother. Jayfeather was not welcome to eat in the cave.
"Hollyleaf , it's so good to see you!" "Jayfeather, I'm glad you came by!" "Well I'm only here to drop off your meal."
"Mom". . . .
"Your not allowed to call me that!" Leafpool said. Angered and upset Jayfeather left the cave. Without his father he was nothing. He thought to himself, she was just letting me die she would banish me from the Thunderclan if she could. Dad is the reason I'm alive. dad Dad DAD! He ran faster than a bounding deer. He ran as if he was being chased by the whole Thunderclan. To the battle field he ran. Listening to his foot steps hit the ground. Growling and hearing the deflect sound waves of fallen trees or rocks. Never looking back to some one he wished he had in his life. Making it to the battle ground he stayed low in the bushes. He listened for his fathers voice and crept towards it till he heard the sound of his fathers paw steps. But what he heard next was not good. He heard unfamiliar paw steps and twigs snapping from the other side of the tree clearing. One of the generals yelled
"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" Cats fought and blood was spilled. He listens for his brother.
"4 strides 1,2,3,4 leap!" He hit his brother and pulled him to safety. He went to save his father.
"4 strides 1,2,3,4 leap!" But he landed on a cat from the flash clan killing him. It was to late his father was gone.
"Lionblaze, where is he?"
"He's gone"
"No he can't be you have to keep looking."
"Jayfeather they took him captive." Sobbing Jayfeather said
"He was all I had left, he was all I had left."
Chapter 4
When Lionblaze and Jayfeather returned home Lionblaze told his mother the heartbreaking news that Crowfeather had been taken prisoner and the Jayfeather had saved his life. Hollyleaf sobbed in Lionblazes' fur for hours and Leafpool went into the darkest part of the cave and never came out even for meals. Jayfeather hunted for the family and Lionblaze protected the family as their cave was on the boarder of the Thunderclan territory. Lionblaze took his mother food and water and comforted Hollyleaf in her sorrows. Jayfeather never had a cheerful mood until. . .
After Jayfeather quit his job he was walking in the hunting grounds and heard a faint call for help. He used his hearing and sense of smell to locate the call. He soon found cat that was in a trap. He called and said
"Keep calling I'll find you!" He said. "Can't you see me!?"
"No. . . I'm blind but don't worry I'll find you." As Jayfeather got closer he heard her say,
"Okay I'll walk you through it.
There are four strings. If you pluck them cut the one that makes the lowest sound."
He cut the rope and she fell to the ground and thanked him. "
Thanks for your help. Do you need me to help you through the forest?" "No, I'm good my father taught me at a young age how to find my way out of the forest."
"Ok, well bye then."
He walked away with a skip in his step and a smile on his face.
Chapter 5
One day when Jayfeather was hunting he ran into the cat he saved in the woods.
"Hi." he said shy and embarrassed. "Hey." She replied.
"I never got your name, you know in the woods a few days ago."
"It's Halfmoon, from the Thunderclan. And yours?"
"My name is Jayfeather. . . Uh Thunderclan."
"Look this might sound crazy but do you want to hang out?" she said.
"Like a date?" Jayfeather replied
"Nnn. .. ." "I'de love to. I'm free tomorrow." She said quickly
"Yes, tomorrow. . . hot it. Uh… I mean got it."
"Ok then bye." She said.
They met at the same place and Jayfeather took her to a secret place his dad had shown him. He removed a few spider webs and pulled a few vines and on the other side of a few tree branches was a cliff of flowers overlooking a strong flowing waterfall. The water turned into mist as it fell showering the vegetation in a cool misty layer of water. He had caught a variety of rabbits. Deer and even fish for lunch and prepared fresh mountain water. She turned to him and stared into his deep blue eyes. After lunch they both sat looking at the waterfall. Halfmoon was sparkling for the moist air covered her white coat with crystal drops of water. As she knew he could not see her she tickled him with her glistening tail. He turned in her direction and she kissed him. He, being stunned by the moment moved back. But then kissed her again. They had a long talk and they both new they were meant for each other.
The wedding was beautiful Hollyleaf and Lionblaze invited Jayfeather's guests of course his mom never showed up and Halfmoon invited hers. They got married in an open field and celebrated through the night. As guests left Jayfeather kissed her under the Halfmoon
Chapter 6
Their cave wasn't huge but it wasn't small it was just right for there growing family as Halfmoon was expecting. Jayfeather was unaware of this as she wanted to keep it a secret until the next Halfmoon. When the time came she took him to the field they for married in.
“Hey Halfmoon where are we going, slow down!” Jayfeather shouted. “We’re almost there come on, faster!” Jayfeather then knew where they where.
“Why did you bring me here? Is it a Halfmoon?”
“Yes” she said,
“I brought you here to tell you, under the Halfmoon, I’m expecting.” Jayfeather was speechless but managed to get out a few words, “Kits, really? Wow I can’t believe it!”
2 weeks later Halfmoon was in the cave resting, Jayfeather was out hunting for the family was going to get bigger soon. When he was hunting he stumbled across a cave that was being moved out of. It was huge. Big enough for 7 kits which is what he was expecting. He looked at it and knew if he was going to get it, it would have to be soon. The cave had water trickling down from the top. It had vines draped over the entrance with fresh blooming flowers growing on it. He’d move the stuff tonight when she was asleep and then drag her bed to the cave. When she was safely in the new cave he rested beside her dreaming of what their kits would be like.
Chapter 7
When he awoke he went to hunt. He went to his favorite spot were he could always pounce on an unsuspecting fawn. There was a fallen log that had fallen that gave him excellent cover. When he heard a voice he pounced.
“Hey, what is this all about, what it going on, I’m a cat, I’m a cat!” Jayfeather was the one to the ground.
“What are you doing here young warrior, you should be preparing for battle. Jayfeather turned around and asked,
“Who are you?”
“Who am I? You seriously don’t know who I am?”
Jayfeather stepped closer and shamefully,
“I’m blind, could you just tell me your name?”
“Why I am Bramblestar.”
“Really, I’m so sorry to bother you your majesty, I’ll let you get back to your hunting.”
And with that Jayfeather went on hunting somewhere else. When he went back to the cave he had a fawn and rabbit for dinner. Halfmoon was setting the beds for her kittens up like the cave has always been theirs. Jayfeather approached her and said,
“Don’t you like the cave?” She jumped,
“Oh I didn’t hear you come in. YES! It’s amazing, it has so much room for our kits.” The next day Jayfeather went to study being a medicine cat again, it had been 1 year since his father’s disappearance. The battle raged on elsewhere. Lionblaze resigned from service and found a fancy feline and they settled down in a cave next to Leafpool’s. Hollyleaf stayed with her mom as her food hunter. Leafpool still never left their lifeless cold cave. It was now covered in weeds to the point it was almost unreachable. She was always pulling the weeds away before Crowfeather was captured. Hollyleaf was feeling lifeless till one day, she was hunting in the woods and found blood that was not a deer or rabbit it was a cat. She followed it and found a cat his name was Robinfire.
“Oh my gosh, what happened to you!” Hollyleaf screamed. He managed to say a few things,
“I was attacked by boarder warriors.”
He winced in pain as she covered his wounds in a plant she saw nearby. This plant was a natural wound cleaner. Jayfeather taught her that. He had so many cuts and gashes.
“Who are you?” He asked gasping. “I’m Hollyleaf of the Thunderclan. Who are you?”
“I’m Robinfire of the Windclan.” As she helped him she thought to herself, well the name really suits him, he’s handsome too. He was a black cat with an orange stomach. A true mark of a star father or a clan leader. The orange seeped into the black like a raging wildfire hence the name. The tips of his ears were orange almost like a crown. At this time Hollyleaf was so glad she had black fur because it could hide he rose red cheeks. She got him on a big tree bark slab. She knew she couldn’t get him back alone. She looked at the sun and saw it was the time Jayfeather studied in the woods. She snapped a twig and hit a tree and within about 10 seconds Jayfeather was standing there.
“I’m glad you came, I need help getting him to our cave.” Hollyleaf said
“Ok, but our cave it bigger we will have a room for him to stay in and we have more that enough food. What happened to him.” Jayfeather asked as they carefully placed him on a big piece of bark and tried vines around it.
As they started walking to Jayfeather’s cave she told him about how he was attacked by boarder warriors.
“He’s handsome.” He said smiling with an eyebrow raised. Holly leaf blushed and said,
“No, never Jay what are you thinking, no, you have a nasty mind.”
“Whatever.” He said smirking
Chapter 8
When they got to the cave Halfmoon was preparing dinner. “Well I see you have brought some friends Jay-jay.” She said.
“More like complete strangers that are hurt.” He exaggerated.
“Hey Halfmoon do you mind letting me and Robinfire stay here till he is healed, I know your cave is bigger than ours.” Hollyleaf asked.
“Oh yeah, room 5 is the guest room and room 7 is above it and that’s open too.” She answered.
“Ok thank you so much!” Hollyleaf said. When Robinfire was awake he started to worry,
“Where am I?” Hollyleaf sprinted in to quiet him, the whole cave was asleep.
“Relax your in Jayfeather’s cave he is my brother. We can return you home when you are able to walk.” Hollyleaf said.
“Ok I’m really hungry and thirsty. Do they have any food and water?”
“Yep I’ll go get some and bring it here.” She came back with fresh deer and water from the falls that Halfmoon had gotten yesterday. He downed the water and ate the deer so fast she thought she had forgotten to get it. He thanked her for the food and fell asleep. Hollyleaf climbed the tree ladder to her rom curled up in the bed and fell fast asleep. When she woke up she crawled out of bed stretched and climbed down the tree. When she got to the living room she saw Jayfeather curled around Halfmoon and Halfmoon nursing her 4 kits. She didn’t want to wake them but she wanted to see the kittens. One kitten the biggest was all white like Halfmoon. She couldn’t believe it one was black like her and another blue roan probably from Halfmoon’s mother. One was orange with black leopard spots an handsome fellow and the runt of the litter was grey with almost blue stripes. Jayfeather soon woke from the crying of the little grey kit. It was shoved over upside down. Very carefully he picked up the kitten and sets it back towards Halfmoon. Hollyleaf thought she should catch breakfast because Robinfire would be hungry because he is a growing cat. Halfmoon woke up and saw Jayfeather licking the kits.
“Good morning Jay-jay.” She whispered.
“Morning.” He replied smoothly licking her ear and head. Halfmoon and Jayfeather were thinking of names for their 4
kits. “Snowkit for a white one, is there is white one?.” Jayfeather suggested.
“Yeah she so cute and I love that name for her.”
“How about Toddykit for the orange handsome one?” Halfmoon suggested.
“Yes I love that name.” Jayfeather said.
“What other colors are there?” Jayfeather asked.
“Blue Roan, and grey.” Halfmoon said.
“You need the blue roan one named after you, Bluekit and when she is older her real name will be Bluemoon
.” Jayfeather said.
“Oh that’s a really pretty name. It suits her.” Halfmoon said.
“This one has to have a very special name.” Jayfeather said thinking about the gray kitten Halfmoon had described.
“Jaykit!” They said at the same time.
“I think they all have very cute names.” Halfmoon said.
“Cute? They are handsome.” Jayfeather stated with pride and holding his head high. He looked at the top of the cave and saw little dew drips falling in the drinking pool. The morning sun was slowly brightening the cave and reflecting the cave ceiling making the few drops into morning stars. This was his favorite part of the morning. Hollyleaf came back in.
“Good morning.” She shouted.
“Shhhh! The kittens are sleeping.” Jayfeather whispered.
“Go check on Robinfire.” Jayfeather said.
“Ok!” Jayfeather glared at her
“Ok.” Hollyleaf whispered. When she went into the room he was still sleeping. He must still be tired, he did get hurt really bad. She thought she should send a CM to the town to have it delivered to Bramblestar saying his son was alright. She got a paper and bloods from the deer she killed and started writing.
Dear Bramblestar,
This is Hollyleaf of the Thunderclan. You son was on duty on the boarder and got attacked. I found him almost dead when I was hunting. I took him to Jayfeather of the Thunderclan and he let him stay in the guest room of his cave. He is no trouble for them. He is being fed and his wounds cleaned. Send me back when you get this or come yourself. He misses you.

Your Great Sir,

She sent the letter and awaited the reply. Meanwhile Halfmoon was nursing her kittens and Jayfeather was cleaning Robinfire’s wounds for the second time. He looked at the worst one.
“Yikes.” Jayfeather gasped.
“I know.” Robinfire winced in pain.
“Are you anxious to see your father?” Jayfeather asked
“Yes I am I haven’t seen him in 2 years, I’ve always been busy trying to live up to him.” Robinfire said.
“Wow, I think I actually ran into him on the hunting grounds a few days ago. I couldn’t tell but he claimed to be Bramblestar.”
“I wouldn’t know I’ve been so busy with the war.” Robinfire said.
“My father, Crowfeather got captured in the war, I couldn’t save him.” Jayfeather said he lowered his head in a shameful way. Robinfire sat up slowly, “It’s not your fault, you couldn’t see him.”
“It is because I ran to my brother first when he was doing just fine and my dad was surrounded.” Jayfeather said.
“Hey don’t beat yourself up about it. I’ll tell you what I’ll have my buddy Phoenix, he is on the enemy’s side as a spy to look in the prisons for you. Your dad’s name is Crowfeather right?” Robinfire said.
“Yeah, you really would do that for me?” Jayfeather said
“Yes, think of it as my way of repaying you for taking me in and caring for me till I’m back on my feet.” Robinfire said.
“Thanks.” Jayfeather said

Chapter 9
It was a cool crisp September day the winter wind rustled and symbolized an early harsh season with cold fluff. The kits were playing happily in the nursery room fighting, sleeping, and chasing their tails. Jaykit sat staring at his siblings play in the nursery. Robinfire was sitting on top of the cave whipping his tail impatiently waiting his fathers arrival. He had gotten a letter of his coming a few days before. Jayfeather and Hollyleaf were talking about how sick Leafpool was and how they wish she would come live in the cave with them. It hurt Jayfeather to much to think about his mother. COMMENTS?

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