Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Skool Sketch + Concept

My character Oasis doesn’t really have a lot of character development or backstory, so I’ve been thinking up some stuff for her.
Her power is shapeshifting, but with some pretty big limitations. When she changes form, it takes a while for the form to solidify. The bigger the change, the longer it takes for the form to be stable. Say she changes into a giant version of herself, that’d take a good 30 minutes to stablize (at least). If she attempts to stress her form, it can mess everything up. The consistency of the forms right after shifting is pretty much the same as Jell-O, super fragile and unstable.
I wanted to give her cool powers but not make her too over-powered :^)

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A “casual” talk with my mom

1. I lie too much .-.
2. Smooooooothhh
*at a dim sum restaurant that has a huge variety of tea choices that totally doesn’t remind me of you know who*
Both Mom and I- *talking about nonsense*
Both- *starts eating*
Tiny- Oh yea, mom
Mom- Yes?
Tiny- Do you accept gay ppl?
Mom- Of course! Why?
Tiny- Oh, a few friends of mine are lesbians. Just askin’
Mom- Oh, ok. Wait, ARE YOU GAY?????
Tiny- What? No! (Lie Counter: 1)
Mom- Ok, just checking. So, who are these friends?
Tiny- *insert names*
Mom- Oh, cool.
Both- *starts eating again*
Tiny- Mom?
Mom- Yea?
Tiny- If I were to be GAY(Lie Counter: 2), would you get mad?
Mom- I would, but I mean, if it’s makes you happy, then I’m by your side.
Tiny- So you really aren’t against gay,bisexual,et cetera?
Mom- Look, if it makes them both happy, and they cause no harm, then that’s ok. I’m a very (Iforgottheword) good person. I’m not against the race you are, what religion you’re in, what sex, whatever. Just as long as they’re happy, leave them alone.
Tiny- *nods* Ok.
Mom- *rubs my back and smiles* I’m proud of you, y’know. You’ve become like me. Not your dad.
Tiny- *smiles as well*
That gave me less of a spook to tell my mom about Echo and I :’0
The only part that worries me is the internet part.

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I should stop texting her.
She hates me.
I talk about her too much.
I should shut up.
I should burn in h3ll.
I should just stop.
Nobody gives a Hoover dam.
I’m always talking to her every single day.
And I’m guessing it’s just annoying.
I should just squidin’ stop.
I’m annoying.
And everyone can agree on that.
Even her.
I’ll stop.
I’ll just cut instead.
It helps.
I don’t care what ppl say.
I should just keep quiet.
But what if she hates me then?
What if I hate her back?
What if we stop talking to each other?
What if we stop being cute to each other?
What if we unfollow each other?
What if we unfriend each other?
What if we stop loving each other?
What if.......we break up?

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My life is falling apart-

When ur trying to get hw done but then depression comes along and slaps u in the face so that all u can think about is the suppressive feeling of hopelessness. And wanting death instead of thinking about ur important homework- :")
Why did i have to be born with adhd and anxeity?
Life rn is more painful than death
I have 2 Ds and 2 Fs due to my inconsistent medication changes and my depression. So i cant focus on my hw- :") so i dint end up doing it and now im failing in highschool and in all my AP classes....
Isnt life F U N ?

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My life is falling apart-

When ur trying to get hw done but then depression comes along and slaps u in the face so that all u can think about is the suppressive feeling of hopelessness. And wanting death instead of thinking about ur important homework- :")
Why did i have to be born with adhd and anxeity?
Life rn is more painful than death
I have 2 Ds and 2 Fs due to my inconsistent medication changes and my depression. So i cant focus on my hw- :") so i dint end up doing it and now im failing in highschool and in all my AP classes....
Isnt life F U N ?

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The usual conversation of irl friends

All- *talking and laughing*
Hatter- And they were like, “OOOOOHHHMYgerrrrdddd, why do u FXXXing talk like DAT?”
Joy- Ikr! *whez* You’re so fxxxing funny, Hatter!
CY- Pretty punny if you ask me~
All- *whez cri laugh*
Squidy- Oh oh!!! Remember that time when that dog just ran up to us and started licking our faces like we were just BEEF????
All- *whez cri laugh x100*
Me- Hahahahaha!!! I guess you can call it pretty “ruff”!
All- *look at me with a smile like “Wut.”*
Me- Heh heh, get it? Ruff? Rough? It’s a dog?
All- ...
Hatter- Anyyywaysss...
Me- *in my head* Ohokjustforgetme.Iwanttodieanyways.Goodjob,Tiny,youfxxxingfailedatbeingcool.
All- *whez cri laugh x1983:!&*
Me- *cri*

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It's ok to vent

Real life can be tough
Very tough
Extremely suffocating for some
So I think it's ok to vent online
At least that way, you won't have to completely bottle up your feelings
Plus, there will be people who may sympathize and give some solid advice
Even if they don't understand that much, at least they're trying
And if they're trying, they care
I'm not saying to use the internet as a way to replace therapy btw
Seek a professional out if you need it
Even if it's their job, they chose it so they can help people out, they still care

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It's ok to vent

Real life can be tough
Very tough
Extremely suffocating for some
So I think it's ok to vent online
At least that way, you won't have to completely bottle up your feelings
Plus, there will be people who may sympathize and give some solid advice
Even if they don't understand that much, at least they're trying
And if they're trying, they care
I'm not saying to use the internet as a way to replace therapy btw
Seek a professional out if you need it
Even if it's their job, they chose it so they can help people out, they still care

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I has depression now.
Oof my blood.
My dad, is an idiot.
My mom, is an idiot.
doG Hoover dam.
Just for one day, ONE DAY , can’t my parents JUST SHUT UP? OMG.
Why do I have to be tortured like this???...................
Of all families.......mine is the worst..................
I’m sorry.......
I’ve sinned again.......

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It’s not that my parents would disapprove...
I just feel like they’d treat me differently...
I mean they’ll support me... but... idk...
I mean they think my 7 y.o sis might be lesbian :/
And they think my 10 y.o brother is going to be gay bc he hangs out with more girls then boys .-. Which is weird bc I feel like he’s more of soft type and would go for girls
But that’s just me.
Should I tell them?...
What if they take everything away from me...
I mean I haven’t put out any person info out...
Would they get mad?...
Help me...

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_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

School- Come to school already!
Me- Comin’! Just give me a sec!~
Mind- Wait.
Me- ???
Mind- Let’s have a pep talk.
Me- About...what?? °^°
Mind- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Me- ..?
Mind- Her.
Me- *hangs myself* FXXX THiIS SHET IM OUT!!
My mind is like a huge ticking bomb when it comes to thoughts :T
I think of something, it scans it to remember things.
Later on, it suddenly “goes off/explodes” and I just remember something bad,embarrassing,dumb,etc.
Brains are such a beautiful thing
( ̄∀ ̄)b

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_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

School- Come to school already!
Me- Comin’! Just give me a sec!~
Mind- Wait.
Me- ???
Mind- Let’s have a pep talk.
Me- About...what?? °^°
Mind- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Me- ..?
Mind- Her.
Me- *hangs myself* FXXX THiIS SHET IM OUT!!
My mind is like a huge ticking bomb when it comes to thoughts :T
I think of something, it scans it to remember things.
Later on, it suddenly “goes off/explodes” and I just remember something bad,embarrassing,dumb,etc.
Brains are such a beautiful thing
( ̄∀ ̄)b

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