Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

AhiBean! left a comment!

I'm sorry

I'm probably going to delete this post but I just want to say this first....
I intended to be a kind and supporting person on this account but I've been going through some very very rough times lately so...just know if I suddenly stop being active for awhile or act depressed just know that I dont want you to get an image of me that I'm a depressed and sad person. I'm doing my best, I really am. I want to be a supporter.... but lately I'm not doing too good of a job and I'm sorry that I disappointed some of you guys. I'll try to get better.

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AhiBean! left a comment!

Should I continue Vendetta?

I've just been really busy with school and stuff, so I haven't had time to write, but also I think I lost the script I had for the entire book of Vendetta. eek. Soooooo idk if I even wanna continue, I've just lost inspiration for it yknow.
I post the chapters but I only get a few comments that say "Ooooo" or "this is great". And although I'm so grateful for the compliments, I'd like some real criticism sometimes. I promise I won't get mad unless you sound rediculous, oof.
If you think its good so far thanks for the support, there's like a 50% it'll either be discontinued or not. Good news though, I have had another story I've been working on for a while, I haven't published it though.
What do you guys think?

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