イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

move-in-day- a new chapter

Aahhh it's move-in day. I am about to start college!😭 I feel like I been on this website forever. Can't believe I've been here since 7th grade(year 7) and now I'm going to a university. I would like to thank everyone who have been supporting me throughout the years. This is not a goodbye message; I would still continue to be on this website with my inconsistent posting schedules. I understand that college is a new challenge that I will face and I don't know how frequent i will post once the semester starts. Even so, my love for art will never die. Thank u everyone and thank u Medibang for giving me a platform to post and all my followers, friends and non-followers for liking, staring and saving my art. You guys mean a lot to me. Thank you!
