Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I've made a feddy

Look at this goober

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  • > ☆•~Frog~•☆ Aww that's amazing :D I couldn't ever my animals would just eat everything I make TvT Thank you!!! I started learning like a month ago. Mom's been crocheting all my life thought id pick up the hobby and see what I can do ya know?

  • > Muna Sketches :0 you started as well ? Crocheting is a cool thing to do ! :3

  • You crochet? I just started learning a week ago! I made a sock shaped thing that my hamster lies in all day lmao That's so good!

  • > Hope299GAMES Sure! May take a while tho so I'll tell you when I post it!


Don't starve is getting easier, taking more risks that pay off instead of paying me d e a d - also getting better at keeping willow sane. I like Wendy too but I think I'll main willow for now [gonna try every character I unlock at least once tho]
Art is being made the second coloring page is done :3 just also been doing a lot of reading [just finished the Shiver junji ito collection and starting on the wizard of oz] and playing new games lol [don't starve and dishonored: death of the outsider].

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Somewhat repost

To get it out of the way would anyone be interested in coloring pages from me? Free to download and color and post on here just credit me. I thought I'd repost cus most people didn't see it lolol-
OG post:
Soooo for context in my home-county we have a local event where there's music and street vendors and food trucks and blah blah blah, well my boyfriend suggested we could totally just get our own booth and sell my artwork with stickers and posters aaaannndd....coloring pages/books.
As for the actual question would any of y'all be interested in coloring pages if I make any? They wouldn't be hyper detailed [or I'd at least try to not make them hyper detailed-] just coloring pages you'd be free to download and color and post here if you'd like.

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  • > KimbariShiruba Buena saber :D [I hope that's the right phrase-]

  • A mi si me gustaría 👏🥰❤!


Soooo for context in my home-county we have a local event where there's music and street vendors and food trucks and blah blah blah, well my boyfriend suggested we could totally just get our own booth and sell my artwork with stickers and posters aaaannndd....coloring pages/books.
As for the actual question would any of y'all be interested in coloring pages if I make any? They wouldn't be hyper detailed [or I'd at least try to not make them hyper detailed-] just coloring pages you'd be free to download and color and post here if you'd like.

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  • That sounds cool!

Now it IS my birthday

Aw shid I'm old as hell-ok not really but I already got the back pain for it

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  • > KimbariShiruba Gracias :)))

  • Feliz Cumpleaños atrasado! 👏🥳🎊🎉🎈

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Awwwww thank you Ollie <3 Currently 11pm in my timezone my day was amazing. Went bowling for the first time [got second place idfk how lmao-] got some amazing gifts including a junji ito Manga HECK YEAH spent time with one of my friends and my boyfriend A N D had my favorite breakfast. I'm going to a big local event in my area tomorrow too to spend some birthday money in such a good mood lolol

  • EEEEEEEEEEEE HAPPY BDAYYY !!!!! <333333 ik i've already said it but, you deserve more birthday wishes =] have a lovely day, Hope !!!! ^^

TNOAF: Stuff that made art easier for me

Exactly what the title sounds like been a while since the last TNOAF-
As for digital:
1. Folders. Fellas, do you use a lot of layers? Are you bad at keeping track of em? Maybe there's a few sketches you made and despite never using them you don't wanna delete them but they add like 4 extra layers to your drawing but you can't part with them-Welcome to folders. At least in Ibis Paint you can make a group of layers called a folder and open and close the folder as you please to access said layers. I use this in particularly big drawings and use folders for my shading layers then lighting layers then effects then lines etc etc, so a huge drawing may have something like 20-25 layers but thanks to folders it can only appear as 4 or 5 when they're all closed.
2. CUSTOM BRUSHES! Even if you don't use pen pressure these are so useful. Speed sizing is a thing too btw-but customizing your brushes to your workflow and the way you like to draw will make your life so much easier. Depending on your program you can make everything from custom line art brushes to stamps [great for comic making] to patterns.
3. Learning how blending modes work. There's videos on this but also just playing around and seeing what color/saturation does what on each mode is helpful.
As for traditional:
1. Find the paper you like to use. Try out different papers like printer or cards took or mixed media or....idfk recycled greeting cards-whatever you like to use with your materials. Not only does it help with art flow it helps with consistency.
2. Keep your workspace clean. It doesn't sound like much but it helps especially if you use paints or charcoal or anything else already messy, keeping the area clean will make it harder for smudges and clothes and other things to be ruined unless you don't mind that. The same goes for keeping your supplies organized and knowing where they are, if you're multimedia like me this is important.
This last one goes for both:
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY USE YOUR TOOLS!!!! It's not cheating if you're supposed to use it. Rulers, line tools, frickin mechanical pencils can't believe I've seen arguments for this one-it isn't cheating to make art easier and/or more enjoyable. You don't gotta suffer for 6 hours take good art my guy. Art puritans say you need to labor over every little detail of your work nah I ain't trying to use my sanity and feeling in my hands in the same day- tools are there in your programs and art kits for a reason. Even bases are there to help you, just credit the program [cus programs offer them now] or original creator. Same goes for 3D models they're there for you to use just say you use them.
That's all for now, maybe this'll help someone maybe not idk bruh-

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...Does anyone know of any characters with June 17 birthdays? I've been trying to find characters from franchises I like but they're all like a day off or two TvT birthday must be cursed I'm allowed to say that as it is my bday too-im mostly doing this out of curiosity
The only character with a June 17th birthday I've been able to find is Pepper Pots n Pans from lalaloopsy ;W;

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  • > Hope299GAMES yup i have more (yes this is same person just on normal acc)

  • > 꽃 Those are all anime characters yes? Iiiii...don't watch anime-I keep trying to get into it but I haven't even finished LWA yet ;W; maybe I'll have to check out some with this list so I can have oNE MORE BDAY CHARACTER-Thank you for the list!!! That's a lot of names omg- I knew Iceland exists from Hetalia despite never actually seeing it the memes are everywhere lolol


Hello and happy pride ^v^

WOOHOO! I might have to put out some pride art again :>
Remember you are valid whether you're out or not, and no one has the right to dictate who you are and aren't! No one has the right to out you either >:|
Now the internet especially can be scary during these times sadly so keep a lookout and exit out of anything that's upsetting or unsafe! If you buy any pride merch try to make sure at least some of the proceeds aren't going to big cooperations and instead to charities and such, stores like taking advantage of us this month then forget we exist fr-
Stay safe! Love y'all <3

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  • > EriGloom 👑 Lol I get that I'm pretty neutral about myself at this point, still I like telling people who need to hear it they're valid incase they're questioning or feeling self conscious which I 100% was when I first came to terms with the fact I'm bi and don't really identify with purley girl anymore :]

  • > Galactic Reaper Thank you ^v^

  • Am I vvalid, am I not? Im neither Im existing 😎 Im vvery neutral about my sexuality if you couldn't already tell...I kinda dont care, it isn't relevvant to anything so therefore it is just a random lil fact to me💀

  • Happy pride month to you too ^^

b r u h

I'm gonna be 17 in like.....17 days wait what-not counting tonight as it is still the 31st in my timezone but it's late. Not ready to be 17 yet but I wasn't ready for 16 or 15 either lol we'll have to see how things go.

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  • > Hope299GAMES Sameee actually But I wanna become an adult just so i don’t have to listen to my parents’ rules anymore

  • > Hope299GAMES Yeah hopefully ill be able to get into something like that. Lol

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 You could! Most art schools also teach digital media too. Freelance is also always an option too freelance character designers can do traditional and just scan it in or take photos. Also idk about famous but who knows lololol

  • > Hope299GAMES Dam if you do, ill know a famous person lol. Im hoping to do something like that too but im not sure since im better at traditional than digital. I wonder if i could do character design but have a partner that can either help or trace over it digitally 🤔

Good morning!

Taking a break from school to say hello hello and good morning/afternoon/evening ^v^
I'm listening to the SSC 2003 cartoon rn and while doing school since I finished the 1980s yesterday. After this is 2007, 2009-18, and 2020.
The 2009-18 era is gonna be a doozy there's the 3d show that ran on the hub [anyone else remember that channel?] then the web series that next to no one remembers lmao. I'm having fun though sometimes you just need some wholesome content ya know?
That's all for now.

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  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Ohoho I do wonder lolol-

  • > Hope299GAMES Ooh cool! Guess what im binging all week

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Hehehe I was humming some of the songs this morning. Re-uploads on YouTube baby! The BBA and BitBC are reuploaded on the official channel but the 80s-2007 cartoons are all fan re-uploads. The BitBC cartoon is in full on Netflix too. Sadly I don't have any sort of DVDs or even vhs tapes ;W;

  • Once i read this i started singing one of the ssc theme songs ik, and my brothers just lookin at me like wth XD. Dam where are ya finding all them, do you just have dvds or are they on somthin like youtube? I dont think any of my ssc dvds still work sadly


SSC makes me so happy-I was able to help out on the wiki a bit yay ^v^
I wanna watch some of it but stupid school exists >:|
I have an idea for some designs where I design a villain for every era, the newest series has a lot more antagonistic characters than any other iteration, which I highly enjoy more conflict instead of friends kinda hating each other randomly-
The eras are the 1980s, 1990s, 2003-7, 2009-18, and now 2020 to now. Will this go through? Who knows.
Whatever happens I want to make some SSC art and post it it's been 3 months wtf man >:0

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