Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Im Bored (again)

I have't been on in a while and i'm pretty bored so here we are.
A friend of mine (who is on here) has children that are plants. I saw all of these photos of them in her previous post and i was wondering.... could i do something like that.
Now, before you say i'm weird or she's weird, it seems like something i could totally do. so give me some ideas on what could be my "children" and let me know what to blow some money on.
Also, I've been working on creating a song that i'm pretty sure is actually another song, but recreated. I might create a twitch account so i could do something live or i could go over to a friends house to do the songs with me.
Have a good day/night me dudes ;)

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Life, as we know it.

How do you guys see life. Know that other people have different perspectives on what life truly is. One definition of life is all living things ( well duhhhh). My way of seeing life is... HELL.
Not all people can agree with me and I don't blame them either. Some people come from a totally different background and life is just perfect for them. Others have came in from a screwed up background and everything they work for is destroyed.
Neither of those are my way of seeing life. I see life as torture because theres always gonna be the one person who will try to take you down, then you end up proving them the F wrong.
When i was in fourth grade i met this kid and we became pretty good friends. Then I find out that he was abused. Well that was a total lie and we are no longer friends and every time he tries to be friends with me I tell him "we are no longer friends and he has nothing to do with my life anymore because you are a liar." and then problem solved for the next month or two. yeaaa!

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I've been slacking

Im sorry that i haven't been active for the last few weeks (or maybe more)but i really haven't been on the site lately. if you follow mxrkus than you would understand what i'm about to say. LIFE HAS BEEN CRAZY FOR THE LAST FEW WEEKS ( or maybe more)!!!!!
i honestly think that life itself is trying to toy around with me. I mean like who ( or what) would want to make my life a living hell ( or make it worse than hell) except for my enemies. And i obviously don't have any friends so who will be my enemy. If i'm bringing this down on you guys then I'm sorry for that, but what i really need is nice hot cup of tea sitting on a leather recliner and watching my favorite show in the world.... The Goldbergs. By the way a shout out to Adam F. Goldberg who is the star and producer of the show.
By the way let me know on what i could have really strong opinions about that could lead to a really big argument between us.( that was sarcasm if you didn't pick it up) but really let me know what to talk about.#LIFEiSHELL

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dumb little vent thingy

so do you ever have people talk to you and stuff that are like considered the 'popular' ones at school or whatever and then you get really excited and you start saying things without thinking beforehand and then they kinda look at you weird and then you get really nervous and anxious and feel like they're whispering about you behind your back and stuff and then the moment you feel like "oh they're talking to me they must be my friends now ahh" you're back to feeling like the odd one out while everyone else is in their little cliques and then it bothers you for the rest of the day and ruins your concentration and focus on the actually important things that you should actually be worrying about

ehhh i'm sorry i just needed to get that out

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This is quite a bit for a vegetable now isn't it. I mean, like look at it. Whats the first thing that pops up in your head when you see a fucking eggplant emoji followed by the water droplets emoji that your mother sent you by accident. Well, now you know your mom lives in the 21'st century.
Honestly I think that eggplants are are overlooked by people because people have dirty minds when they see the eggplant emoji( especially coming from your mother). like come on people please have some maturity in your lives.
Let me know what you want me to write about next. I think it might be how screwed up today is. Anyways, that's it for now. Have a good day/ night.

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It has left me no choice but to talk about... potatoes.
They are kind of good, but not the best. You see, they're so plain and out of flavor that they make my number 6 on my fav foods list ( i should really make one of those). The reason it is number 6 is because you can add spices and make them good.
Take mashed potatoes for instance. They are mashed up boiled potatoes, right. you add salt, pepper, milk, butter, and other ingredients to add flavor. That is why i like/ dislike potatoes.

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None of it is mine.

Almost all this artwork on this page is not mine. Yes, i can draw really well but I don't think it is worthy to be on here. If you want something hand-drawn i will make it and send it to you directly. I don't want my own artwork on here because i think it good. i have a few friends that are really good at art. I know mxrkus personally and i have another friend who has done really good art in the past. I might be able to post their art on here If they want it on here. I don't think people will get that mad at me for doing this and i never post anything that is copyrighted.( the last thing i need is to be sued) I'll post later on some other topic. let me know what you want me to right about. I really want to do a topic that is for other people. I dont think this page is just for me. I want to have other people decide on what they wanton here. Let me know what you want and when you want it. Thanks again fo all the support on here. have a good day/night. love you all.

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None of it is mine.

Almost all this artwork on this page is not mine. Yes, i can draw really well but I don't think it is worthy to be on here. If you want something hand-drawn i will make it and send it to you directly. I don't want my own artwork on here because i think it good. i have a few friends that are really good at art. I know mxrkus personally and i have another friend who has done really good art in the past. I might be able to post their art on here If they want it on here. I don't think people will get that mad at me for doing this and i never post anything that is copyrighted.( the last thing i need is to be sued) I'll post later on some other topic. let me know what you want me to right about. I really want to do a topic that is for other people. I dont think this page is just for me. I want to have other people decide on what they wanton here. Let me know what you want and when you want it. Thanks again fo all the support on here. have a good day/night. love you all.

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What do you think?

I've been wondering if people would really want something funny, deep, sad, or a happy setting of artwork. If so i would really like you to let me know. I know you guys like my" KJU" art work and i posted another one. If you guys want me to post something specific, i will do so. just leave a comment on what you guys want, i''ll write it down and pick a random piece everyday for the month of May, 2018. Again, just let me know what you guys want. You guys have shown me great appreciation for my artwork. I'll post on another subject soon enough, so let me know on you guys want me to post on my MY space.

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How do you....

I have been wondering how you get more followers. It has came to concern because i had just made an account a few weeks ago. If any body knows, please tell me what you like and I will post something on that topic. I'll also send out shout-outs to some people who have made this career possible. I love to make people on here happy. Anything you guys want i will post it on here just for you. I'll make art personally for you and i'll send it to your page. Thanks again for all of your support. I find talking to you guys more than real people. I hate having face-to-face coversations with people. Any topic i will post on here for you. Just let me know.

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