插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


New perspective (another poem thing???)

First off this is the last poem thing this month, i know fucking hooray
Anywho i have a new perspective on my friendship with 'Violet'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my friendship with her has turned out to be less painful than i thought, for, now instead of a pitfall our friendship is a road, and yea sometimes she's the one making the potholes, but shes also pretty much always the one with the concrete. We both have our faults and that is just fine, i dont know what i would do without this friend of mine.
This one is pretty clear, and i MAY have overreacted just a tad. I do have other friends, but only one who is as close to me as Violet and that is Max. Max is pretty great he just got married the other day, i was the officiator, it was great. The thing is, Violet and i both have jealousy issues mine are just less demanding and more fueled by loneliness. Anywho back to the subject, Violet is more real with me, thats how i know the laughter she shares with me is real, when shes in a bad mood shell tell me (or ignore me) while shell fake a laugh with her other friends. And through her rough exterior and most of her mean interior there is a kind and caring person, who buys me gifts when she goes places (no, i dont ask her to) and invites me to come to plays and movies with her and her family.
Thanks for listening to my problems
May you're days be better than mine,
........................................... Tall


  • WILL EDIT LATER WROTE THIS WOTH MY STUPID PHONE, i got grounded until i can do something nice to one of my family members without being asked (fucking stupid right?)

New perspective (another poem thing???)

First off this is the last poem thing this month, i know fucking hooray
Anywho i have a new perspective on my friendship with 'Violet'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my friendship with her has turned out to be less painful than i thought, for, now instead of a pitfall our friendship is a road, and yea sometimes she's the one making the potholes, but shes also pretty much always the one with the concrete. We both have our faults and that is just fine, i dont know what i would do without this friend of mine.
This one is pretty clear, and i MAY have overreacted just a tad. I do have other friends, but only one who is as close to me as Violet and that is Max. Max is pretty great he just got married the other day, i was the officiator, it was great. The thing is, Violet and i both have jealousy issues mine are just less demanding and more fueled by loneliness. Anywho back to the subject, Violet is more real with me, thats how i know the laughter she shares with me is real, when shes in a bad mood shell tell me (or ignore me) while shell fake a laugh with her other friends. And through her rough exterior and most of her mean interior there is a kind and caring person, who buys me gifts when she goes places (no, i dont ask her to) and invites me to come to plays and movies with her and her family.
Thanks for listening to my problems
May you're days be better than mine,
........................................... Tall


  • WILL EDIT LATER WROTE THIS WOTH MY STUPID PHONE, i got grounded until i can do something nice to one of my family members without being asked (fucking stupid right?)


I have terrible friends (a poem??)

Being friends with her is like having a hole in my heart being slowly filled with concrete, layer after layer until it is almost to the top. Then along she comes, with a jackhammer tearing through the layers like paper, making the hole bigger and it starts all over again.
so basically this means that my friend (ill call her violet) is a bitch but i love her like a sister. we get along fine every day, shes like my only friend (sad i know) but she gets upset over the smallest things. Take today for example she was walking home and wanted me to walk with her but i couldnt because it was literally snowing and my mom FORCED me to ride the bus home. What is the logical thing to do? just be like 'oh, okay maybe next time'. NOPE not for Violet her reaction was to IGNORE me all day. I may be coming off a bit dramatic, but it honestly hurts someone you are close to the ONLY person you're close to ignores you because of something minor like not being able to walk with them. Some ppl might be like 'get a better friend' Hell no! my mind is fucked up and she is the only person who doesnt judge me for it cause she's just as fucked up.
thanks for reading,


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap also, thanks for listening to me venting and trying to help, it may not seem like much but it means a lot to me

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap i'm like also her main target, like she has plenty of other *cough* bitchy *cough cough* friends who she gets on with just fine, she sees them like every weekend and has this secret hand gesture thing w/ them so i really dont know with her

  • > Talltiger1023 Okay yeah. What I said in the first comment is likely not what’s happening. So yeah. Likely a bunch of things are going out of control and she is just taking it out on you. I don’t know what you should do in this situation. Maybe you could ask a councilor or someone if you’d like advice on what to do to help her or you.

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Maybe, 'cause, like i said, we get along fine pretty much every day, we laugh and tell funny stories. There are just certain days when she is upset at me for no reason


I have terrible friends (a poem??)

Being friends with her is like having a hole in my heart being slowly filled with concrete, layer after layer until it is almost to the top. Then along she comes, with a jackhammer tearing through the layers like paper, making the hole bigger and it starts all over again.
so basically this means that my friend (ill call her violet) is a bitch but i love her like a sister. we get along fine every day, shes like my only friend (sad i know) but she gets upset over the smallest things. Take today for example she was walking home and wanted me to walk with her but i couldnt because it was literally snowing and my mom FORCED me to ride the bus home. What is the logical thing to do? just be like 'oh, okay maybe next time'. NOPE not for Violet her reaction was to IGNORE me all day. I may be coming off a bit dramatic, but it honestly hurts someone you are close to the ONLY person you're close to ignores you because of something minor like not being able to walk with them. Some ppl might be like 'get a better friend' Hell no! my mind is fucked up and she is the only person who doesnt judge me for it cause she's just as fucked up.
thanks for reading,


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap also, thanks for listening to me venting and trying to help, it may not seem like much but it means a lot to me

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap i'm like also her main target, like she has plenty of other *cough* bitchy *cough cough* friends who she gets on with just fine, she sees them like every weekend and has this secret hand gesture thing w/ them so i really dont know with her

  • > Talltiger1023 Okay yeah. What I said in the first comment is likely not what’s happening. So yeah. Likely a bunch of things are going out of control and she is just taking it out on you. I don’t know what you should do in this situation. Maybe you could ask a councilor or someone if you’d like advice on what to do to help her or you.

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Maybe, 'cause, like i said, we get along fine pretty much every day, we laugh and tell funny stories. There are just certain days when she is upset at me for no reason


I have terrible friends (a poem??)

Being friends with her is like having a hole in my heart being slowly filled with concrete, layer after layer until it is almost to the top. Then along she comes, with a jackhammer tearing through the layers like paper, making the hole bigger and it starts all over again.
so basically this means that my friend (ill call her violet) is a bitch but i love her like a sister. we get along fine every day, shes like my only friend (sad i know) but she gets upset over the smallest things. Take today for example she was walking home and wanted me to walk with her but i couldnt because it was literally snowing and my mom FORCED me to ride the bus home. What is the logical thing to do? just be like 'oh, okay maybe next time'. NOPE not for Violet her reaction was to IGNORE me all day. I may be coming off a bit dramatic, but it honestly hurts someone you are close to the ONLY person you're close to ignores you because of something minor like not being able to walk with them. Some ppl might be like 'get a better friend' Hell no! my mind is fucked up and she is the only person who doesnt judge me for it cause she's just as fucked up.
thanks for reading,


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap also, thanks for listening to me venting and trying to help, it may not seem like much but it means a lot to me

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap i'm like also her main target, like she has plenty of other *cough* bitchy *cough cough* friends who she gets on with just fine, she sees them like every weekend and has this secret hand gesture thing w/ them so i really dont know with her

  • > Talltiger1023 Okay yeah. What I said in the first comment is likely not what’s happening. So yeah. Likely a bunch of things are going out of control and she is just taking it out on you. I don’t know what you should do in this situation. Maybe you could ask a councilor or someone if you’d like advice on what to do to help her or you.

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Maybe, 'cause, like i said, we get along fine pretty much every day, we laugh and tell funny stories. There are just certain days when she is upset at me for no reason


I'm writing something

I'm starting a new story that I just came up with literally like two minutes ago. I might be posting it on medibang so if you want to read it or think it might be interesting just keep your eyes open.

The story is about three friends. Ash a quiet girl who wants to be a leafblade, Max a happy guy who wants to be a flameheart, and Violet (her name might change) a loud and relatively angry girl who wishes to be (a position i have not yet thought of) If anyone thinks of a position and what they specialize in please comment down below and it will definitely be considered.

The two positions i have so far are:
Leafblades: Leafblades specialize in throwing knives, their knives are shaped sorta like (elliptic) leaves, hence the name.
Flamehearts: Flamehearts specialize in arson and other fire-related things



I have terrible friends (a poem??)

Being friends with her is like having a hole in my heart being slowly filled with concrete, layer after layer until it is almost to the top. Then along she comes, with a jackhammer tearing through the layers like paper, making the hole bigger and it starts all over again.
so basically this means that my friend (ill call her violet) is a bitch but i love her like a sister. we get along fine every day, shes like my only friend (sad i know) but she gets upset over the smallest things. Take today for example she was walking home and wanted me to walk with her but i couldnt because it was literally snowing and my mom FORCED me to ride the bus home. What is the logical thing to do? just be like 'oh, okay maybe next time'. NOPE not for Violet her reaction was to IGNORE me all day. I may be coming off a bit dramatic, but it honestly hurts someone you are close to the ONLY person you're close to ignores you because of something minor like not being able to walk with them. Some ppl might be like 'get a better friend' Hell no! my mind is fucked up and she is the only person who doesnt judge me for it cause she's just as fucked up.
thanks for reading,


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap also, thanks for listening to me venting and trying to help, it may not seem like much but it means a lot to me

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap i'm like also her main target, like she has plenty of other *cough* bitchy *cough cough* friends who she gets on with just fine, she sees them like every weekend and has this secret hand gesture thing w/ them so i really dont know with her

  • > Talltiger1023 Okay yeah. What I said in the first comment is likely not what’s happening. So yeah. Likely a bunch of things are going out of control and she is just taking it out on you. I don’t know what you should do in this situation. Maybe you could ask a councilor or someone if you’d like advice on what to do to help her or you.

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Maybe, 'cause, like i said, we get along fine pretty much every day, we laugh and tell funny stories. There are just certain days when she is upset at me for no reason


I have terrible friends (a poem??)

Being friends with her is like having a hole in my heart being slowly filled with concrete, layer after layer until it is almost to the top. Then along she comes, with a jackhammer tearing through the layers like paper, making the hole bigger and it starts all over again.
so basically this means that my friend (ill call her violet) is a bitch but i love her like a sister. we get along fine every day, shes like my only friend (sad i know) but she gets upset over the smallest things. Take today for example she was walking home and wanted me to walk with her but i couldnt because it was literally snowing and my mom FORCED me to ride the bus home. What is the logical thing to do? just be like 'oh, okay maybe next time'. NOPE not for Violet her reaction was to IGNORE me all day. I may be coming off a bit dramatic, but it honestly hurts someone you are close to the ONLY person you're close to ignores you because of something minor like not being able to walk with them. Some ppl might be like 'get a better friend' Hell no! my mind is fucked up and she is the only person who doesnt judge me for it cause she's just as fucked up.
thanks for reading,


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap also, thanks for listening to me venting and trying to help, it may not seem like much but it means a lot to me

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap i'm like also her main target, like she has plenty of other *cough* bitchy *cough cough* friends who she gets on with just fine, she sees them like every weekend and has this secret hand gesture thing w/ them so i really dont know with her

  • > Talltiger1023 Okay yeah. What I said in the first comment is likely not what’s happening. So yeah. Likely a bunch of things are going out of control and she is just taking it out on you. I don’t know what you should do in this situation. Maybe you could ask a councilor or someone if you’d like advice on what to do to help her or you.

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Maybe, 'cause, like i said, we get along fine pretty much every day, we laugh and tell funny stories. There are just certain days when she is upset at me for no reason

I have terrible friends (a poem??)

Being friends with her is like having a hole in my heart being slowly filled with concrete, layer after layer until it is almost to the top. Then along she comes, with a jackhammer tearing through the layers like paper, making the hole bigger and it starts all over again.
so basically this means that my friend (ill call her violet) is a bitch but i love her like a sister. we get along fine every day, shes like my only friend (sad i know) but she gets upset over the smallest things. Take today for example she was walking home and wanted me to walk with her but i couldnt because it was literally snowing and my mom FORCED me to ride the bus home. What is the logical thing to do? just be like 'oh, okay maybe next time'. NOPE not for Violet her reaction was to IGNORE me all day. I may be coming off a bit dramatic, but it honestly hurts someone you are close to the ONLY person you're close to ignores you because of something minor like not being able to walk with them. Some ppl might be like 'get a better friend' Hell no! my mind is fucked up and she is the only person who doesnt judge me for it cause she's just as fucked up.
thanks for reading,


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap also, thanks for listening to me venting and trying to help, it may not seem like much but it means a lot to me

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap i'm like also her main target, like she has plenty of other *cough* bitchy *cough cough* friends who she gets on with just fine, she sees them like every weekend and has this secret hand gesture thing w/ them so i really dont know with her

  • > Talltiger1023 Okay yeah. What I said in the first comment is likely not what’s happening. So yeah. Likely a bunch of things are going out of control and she is just taking it out on you. I don’t know what you should do in this situation. Maybe you could ask a councilor or someone if you’d like advice on what to do to help her or you.

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Maybe, 'cause, like i said, we get along fine pretty much every day, we laugh and tell funny stories. There are just certain days when she is upset at me for no reason



I'm leaving. No not because of medi bang. Because I want to. I love all the support and love i got from all of you! But I think I'm going to take a break and work on my art skills. Who knows? Maybe I'll come back some day? But for now I'm leaving this account. You can unfollow me if you want I don't mind. Good by all of you and I loved all of your art. I'm not upset I'm just going to take a break. I love all of you and I wish you a good life and future! ❤ ~ I'll miss chu guys



Does it even matter

I might leave. I'm thinking about it but I dunno. Either way I'm taking a break and I dunno if it when I'll come back. I know a bunch of others say they're leaving and then they don't because everyone made them feel welcome even though they already are and have a shit tone of friends who are kissing their feet, but I don't feel welcome. I don't feel like I belong and I just see everyone else is either depressed, complaining about every small little thing that happens or just have everything going well and I don't see where I fit into that. And it's not like anyone but a few people cares. All I'm trying to say is that being here isn't as fun as it used to be. If I do leave, don't try to stop me. That's not gonna do a thing right now.
