Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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WIP for my OC’s backstory

Acer sprinted on the hard concrete, panting hard. His friend Loki right by his side. His paws were bruised and cracked, and he longed to take a break, but he knew that if he did then his enemies would catch right up. “Acer, we can’t keep this up much longer.” Loki heaved, looking at Acer with a worried look. Acer just kept looking forward at the houses that seemed to never end. “Acer!” Loki yelped, there was a hint of anger in his tone now. There was a short pause of silence before Acer growled, “We have to keep going, we can’t let them get the stone.” Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. “So what if they do get the stone? It won’t mean anything to us, would it?” Acer slowed down into a fast jog and glared at Loki, his eyes flashing in the moonlight. “If they get that stone that we are after, my whole species could die! That stone is the key to our lives.” Acer snarled. He stopped running, and Loki skidded to a halt, letting out a yelp as his claw got caught into a crack in the sidewalk. Acer looked at him for a few moments before pushing his hair back on the right side to show a black symbol on the side of his head. “If they get that stone, they will be able to control us.” He said in a calmer tone. He flicked his tail “Hey, wait bu-“ Loki began but Acer continued running. Loki just stood there for a few seconds, both shocked and a bit confused before darting after him into the cold, dark night

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Runways (unfinished story, written by me

Darkness edged on, closing in on Violet’s shaking body. The oxygen seemed to have been sucked out of her lungs, and whispers slowly filled her head. No. Not here, not now. She willed herself to calm down, digging her claws into the dirt. Cold winds blew around her, brushing her fur in all different directions. “Violet.” A soft voice came from behind her and she whipped around, her grey eyes wide with fear. A silvery cat appeared from the darkness that surrounded them. Violet didn’t recognize this animal at first. She scanned him over, taking in every piece of fur on his pearly white coat. He noticed her confusion, and took a step forward. “Its me, Ghost.” Something inside the she-cat clicked. Ghost. Shoving the whispers and echos inside her head away, she took a step towards the tom-cat and nuzzled herself in his fur. “T-The dreams... they came b-back...” Violet murmured, letting the tears well up in her eyes and the emotions choke up her words. He purred softly, brushing his tail against the cold floor and placing a gentle paw on one of hers. “You’re awake now. I’m here. We are okay.” Ghost’s voice was calm and reassuring, and Violet slowly let her guard down. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of his touch prickle through her pelt. Though his words could never calm these dreams, the violet furred she-cat accepted them, and her racing heart began to slow.

“Pebble! Stop!” A fiery orange tom yowled, sprinting after the fleeing kitten. “You have got to come back!” He mustered up the last of his strength and flung himself at the blue-grey she-cat. They both landed with a thud in the dust, and Pebble gave a half-hearted yowl. “Why’d you run? Huh? You could have gotten me killed!” The older cat demanded instantly, anger burning in his green eyes. She stared back at him defiantly, her ears pinned. “I hate you and everything you stand for, Dragon! Your better off dead anyway!” She turned to bolt but Dragon placed a paw on her tail to stop her. She slowly looked back at him, not yet admitting defeat. He took a deep breath and forced himself to keep his cool. “Why do you hate me, Pebble? What did I ever do? All I’ve done ever since you were born was wait on you paw on paw.” Something softened in the she-cat’s yellow gaze, but it was only slight. “I want to be a normal cat, I dont want to be waited on, and I want you to leave,” she whisked her tail away from him, “but because of you, I’m stuck as a prisoner.” Dragon took a step back and eyed her carefully. “Then what do you want me to do? I’m not going to die just so you can be free.” His voice was softer now, and he locked gazes with Pebble. She sighed and glanced around, before lowering her head in defeat. “You can come with me. We... we can run away.”

Paws drummed on the cold stone floor. They all marched in unison, one leader yelling orders at the rest of his group. A scrawny light brown cat rushed forward his claws clinking against the rock. “Nettle,” he cleared his throat and approached the lead cat, crouching low to the ground to give her the dominance, “m’am.” The black she-cat raised her head glaring down at the lowly servant. “What?” She spat, letting her claws glisten in the rare light that shone through the earthy roof of the cave. “P-Pebble is gone, as is Dragon. Hollow and the rest of the security suspect he ran off with her.” The young cat stated the facts, praying she wouldn’t lash out at him. Nettle’s eyes hardened with hate, and she got to her paws. “Find them, and kill the tom. Pebble, though...” She snickered, “Bring her back alive.” He nodded, and rushed off, only to be stopped by Nettle’s harsh call. “Pine.” The cat skidded to a stop and turned around. “I want you to lead the search.” The lead cat’s dark green eyes glistened as she knew giving the leadership to this cowardly tom would terrorize him. Pine gulped. “Y-yes m’am.” He loped away into the shadows he was bound to.
Though it was morning, no light shone into the cell Ghost and Violet were held captive in. The she-cat awoke first. She could see the tom’s silver pelt just barley in the dark, and she felt her fur prickle with embarrassment. This cat is not mine. He can never be. But still, Violet yearned for him. His touch, his voice, the expression in his eyes when she stares into them. I have to let him go. The sound of Ghost yawning jerked her back into reality. She looked at him. “Morning,” he mewed, getting to his paws, “How’d you sleep?” She glanced away, “Fine, how about you?” The she-cat busied herself grooming down her chest fur so she didn’t have to make eye contact. He walked over and sat in front of her using his paw to lift her head. Violet didn’t fight his touch.
“Look at me, Violet.”
“I am.”
“Promise me something, okay?”
She nodded.
“Dont lie to me.”
He pulled the ‘lying’ card. The light purple furred she cat sighed. “Okay, Ghost. I promise.”

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Runways (unfinished story, written by me

Darkness edged on, closing in on Violet’s shaking body. The oxygen seemed to have been sucked out of her lungs, and whispers slowly filled her head. No. Not here, not now. She willed herself to calm down, digging her claws into the dirt. Cold winds blew around her, brushing her fur in all different directions. “Violet.” A soft voice came from behind her and she whipped around, her grey eyes wide with fear. A silvery cat appeared from the darkness that surrounded them. Violet didn’t recognize this animal at first. She scanned him over, taking in every piece of fur on his pearly white coat. He noticed her confusion, and took a step forward. “Its me, Ghost.” Something inside the she-cat clicked. Ghost. Shoving the whispers and echos inside her head away, she took a step towards the tom-cat and nuzzled herself in his fur. “T-The dreams... they came b-back...” Violet murmured, letting the tears well up in her eyes and the emotions choke up her words. He purred softly, brushing his tail against the cold floor and placing a gentle paw on one of hers. “You’re awake now. I’m here. We are okay.” Ghost’s voice was calm and reassuring, and Violet slowly let her guard down. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of his touch prickle through her pelt. Though his words could never calm these dreams, the violet furred she-cat accepted them, and her racing heart began to slow.

“Pebble! Stop!” A fiery orange tom yowled, sprinting after the fleeing kitten. “You have got to come back!” He mustered up the last of his strength and flung himself at the blue-grey she-cat. They both landed with a thud in the dust, and Pebble gave a half-hearted yowl. “Why’d you run? Huh? You could have gotten me killed!” The older cat demanded instantly, anger burning in his green eyes. She stared back at him defiantly, her ears pinned. “I hate you and everything you stand for, Dragon! Your better off dead anyway!” She turned to bolt but Dragon placed a paw on her tail to stop her. She slowly looked back at him, not yet admitting defeat. He took a deep breath and forced himself to keep his cool. “Why do you hate me, Pebble? What did I ever do? All I’ve done ever since you were born was wait on you paw on paw.” Something softened in the she-cat’s yellow gaze, but it was only slight. “I want to be a normal cat, I dont want to be waited on, and I want you to leave,” she whisked her tail away from him, “but because of you, I’m stuck as a prisoner.” Dragon took a step back and eyed her carefully. “Then what do you want me to do? I’m not going to die just so you can be free.” His voice was softer now, and he locked gazes with Pebble. She sighed and glanced around, before lowering her head in defeat. “You can come with me. We... we can run away.”

Paws drummed on the cold stone floor. They all marched in unison, one leader yelling orders at the rest of his group. A scrawny light brown cat rushed forward his claws clinking against the rock. “Nettle,” he cleared his throat and approached the lead cat, crouching low to the ground to give her the dominance, “m’am.” The black she-cat raised her head glaring down at the lowly servant. “What?” She spat, letting her claws glisten in the rare light that shone through the earthy roof of the cave. “P-Pebble is gone, as is Dragon. Hollow and the rest of the security suspect he ran off with her.” The young cat stated the facts, praying she wouldn’t lash out at him. Nettle’s eyes hardened with hate, and she got to her paws. “Find them, and kill the tom. Pebble, though...” She snickered, “Bring her back alive.” He nodded, and rushed off, only to be stopped by Nettle’s harsh call. “Pine.” The cat skidded to a stop and turned around. “I want you to lead the search.” The lead cat’s dark green eyes glistened as she knew giving the leadership to this cowardly tom would terrorize him. Pine gulped. “Y-yes m’am.” He loped away into the shadows he was bound to.
Though it was morning, no light shone into the cell Ghost and Violet were held captive in. The she-cat awoke first. She could see the tom’s silver pelt just barley in the dark, and she felt her fur prickle with embarrassment. This cat is not mine. He can never be. But still, Violet yearned for him. His touch, his voice, the expression in his eyes when she stares into them. I have to let him go. The sound of Ghost yawning jerked her back into reality. She looked at him. “Morning,” he mewed, getting to his paws, “How’d you sleep?” She glanced away, “Fine, how about you?” The she-cat busied herself grooming down her chest fur so she didn’t have to make eye contact. He walked over and sat in front of her using his paw to lift her head. Violet didn’t fight his touch.
“Look at me, Violet.”
“I am.”
“Promise me something, okay?”
She nodded.
“Dont lie to me.”
He pulled the ‘lying’ card. The light purple furred she cat sighed. “Okay, Ghost. I promise.”

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Runways (unfinished story, written by me

Darkness edged on, closing in on Violet’s shaking body. The oxygen seemed to have been sucked out of her lungs, and whispers slowly filled her head. No. Not here, not now. She willed herself to calm down, digging her claws into the dirt. Cold winds blew around her, brushing her fur in all different directions. “Violet.” A soft voice came from behind her and she whipped around, her grey eyes wide with fear. A silvery cat appeared from the darkness that surrounded them. Violet didn’t recognize this animal at first. She scanned him over, taking in every piece of fur on his pearly white coat. He noticed her confusion, and took a step forward. “Its me, Ghost.” Something inside the she-cat clicked. Ghost. Shoving the whispers and echos inside her head away, she took a step towards the tom-cat and nuzzled herself in his fur. “T-The dreams... they came b-back...” Violet murmured, letting the tears well up in her eyes and the emotions choke up her words. He purred softly, brushing his tail against the cold floor and placing a gentle paw on one of hers. “You’re awake now. I’m here. We are okay.” Ghost’s voice was calm and reassuring, and Violet slowly let her guard down. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of his touch prickle through her pelt. Though his words could never calm these dreams, the violet furred she-cat accepted them, and her racing heart began to slow.

“Pebble! Stop!” A fiery orange tom yowled, sprinting after the fleeing kitten. “You have got to come back!” He mustered up the last of his strength and flung himself at the blue-grey she-cat. They both landed with a thud in the dust, and Pebble gave a half-hearted yowl. “Why’d you run? Huh? You could have gotten me killed!” The older cat demanded instantly, anger burning in his green eyes. She stared back at him defiantly, her ears pinned. “I hate you and everything you stand for, Dragon! Your better off dead anyway!” She turned to bolt but Dragon placed a paw on her tail to stop her. She slowly looked back at him, not yet admitting defeat. He took a deep breath and forced himself to keep his cool. “Why do you hate me, Pebble? What did I ever do? All I’ve done ever since you were born was wait on you paw on paw.” Something softened in the she-cat’s yellow gaze, but it was only slight. “I want to be a normal cat, I dont want to be waited on, and I want you to leave,” she whisked her tail away from him, “but because of you, I’m stuck as a prisoner.” Dragon took a step back and eyed her carefully. “Then what do you want me to do? I’m not going to die just so you can be free.” His voice was softer now, and he locked gazes with Pebble. She sighed and glanced around, before lowering her head in defeat. “You can come with me. We... we can run away.”

Paws drummed on the cold stone floor. They all marched in unison, one leader yelling orders at the rest of his group. A scrawny light brown cat rushed forward his claws clinking against the rock. “Nettle,” he cleared his throat and approached the lead cat, crouching low to the ground to give her the dominance, “m’am.” The black she-cat raised her head glaring down at the lowly servant. “What?” She spat, letting her claws glisten in the rare light that shone through the earthy roof of the cave. “P-Pebble is gone, as is Dragon. Hollow and the rest of the security suspect he ran off with her.” The young cat stated the facts, praying she wouldn’t lash out at him. Nettle’s eyes hardened with hate, and she got to her paws. “Find them, and kill the tom. Pebble, though...” She snickered, “Bring her back alive.” He nodded, and rushed off, only to be stopped by Nettle’s harsh call. “Pine.” The cat skidded to a stop and turned around. “I want you to lead the search.” The lead cat’s dark green eyes glistened as she knew giving the leadership to this cowardly tom would terrorize him. Pine gulped. “Y-yes m’am.” He loped away into the shadows he was bound to.
Though it was morning, no light shone into the cell Ghost and Violet were held captive in. The she-cat awoke first. She could see the tom’s silver pelt just barley in the dark, and she felt her fur prickle with embarrassment. This cat is not mine. He can never be. But still, Violet yearned for him. His touch, his voice, the expression in his eyes when she stares into them. I have to let him go. The sound of Ghost yawning jerked her back into reality. She looked at him. “Morning,” he mewed, getting to his paws, “How’d you sleep?” She glanced away, “Fine, how about you?” The she-cat busied herself grooming down her chest fur so she didn’t have to make eye contact. He walked over and sat in front of her using his paw to lift her head. Violet didn’t fight his touch.
“Look at me, Violet.”
“I am.”
“Promise me something, okay?”
She nodded.
“Dont lie to me.”
He pulled the ‘lying’ card. The light purple furred she cat sighed. “Okay, Ghost. I promise.”

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A unfinished short story by me-

Have you ever seen a floor covered in blood? At first glance, there is a simple beauty to it and how the red contrasts with the flooring of the room. It doesn't immediately register to you that what you're looking at is actually blood. Slowly, a stiffness builds up in your body as your mind begins to realize that the beauty is actually the sight of death. Then, what was a simple beauty becomes revolting. Seeing Avery laid out with a meter-wide red splotch under her wasn't beautiful. It was downright sickening. I remember glancing at Marcus who was staring at the dead body laying a few feet ahead of us, with shock in his expression. The train car jolted, and sent blood splashing up and spattering our feet. Must’ve been a rock on the railroad. I knew the waiter would be here soon to check on Avery and take her order for dinner, and I knew they’d accuse us once they found her dead. I looked back at Marcus. He looked sick. With a gentle touch I shook him back to reality. “We have to go.” I whispered, meeting his nervous green eyes. He paused, before nodding and letting me pull him away to our train car. Marcus is a tall 19 year old boy with messy brown hair and green eyes. I’ve known him since second grade, and because he lives close, we practically grew up together. Most people think he’s my boyfriend, but he’s not. There is nothing romantic between Marcus and I. And he agrees with that. “Why did she do it, Rain?” He asked, speaking for the first time since the discovery. Marcus’s voice is quiet but rough. He is a calm natured person, which is good for me because I often need him to restrain me from making rash decisions. “I think we both know, Marcus.” I replied at a whisper. I planned to keep my voice straight and clear and my emotions hidden, but the thought that Avery was gone hit me like a tsunami and I had to grit my teeth to keep the tears from pouring out. He must’ve seen my struggle and he put a hand on my shoulder. I hate crying. It’s something for the weak, and I, Rain Tavani, am not weak. I am strong, I am brave, and I will stay level minded. The speakers crackle and we hear the conductor inform the passengers that they should pack up to leave at the next stop, for a woman has been reported dead and it is against the state laws to continue the trip. I look back at Marcus. “Now we really have to leave. And we aren’t waiting for the next stop.”

The wind rushed past us with furious speed. We each only had a small bag of belongings we could bring, so we had left the rest in our room. Marcus and I snuck through the security and found ourselves standing on the edge of an open train car. We were going to jump, but who knows if we’d stick the landing.

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Runways (unfinished story, written by me

Darkness edged on, closing in on Violet’s shaking body. The oxygen seemed to have been sucked out of her lungs, and whispers slowly filled her head. No. Not here, not now. She willed herself to calm down, digging her claws into the dirt. Cold winds blew around her, brushing her fur in all different directions. “Violet.” A soft voice came from behind her and she whipped around, her grey eyes wide with fear. A silvery cat appeared from the darkness that surrounded them. Violet didn’t recognize this animal at first. She scanned him over, taking in every piece of fur on his pearly white coat. He noticed her confusion, and took a step forward. “Its me, Ghost.” Something inside the she-cat clicked. Ghost. Shoving the whispers and echos inside her head away, she took a step towards the tom-cat and nuzzled herself in his fur. “T-The dreams... they came b-back...” Violet murmured, letting the tears well up in her eyes and the emotions choke up her words. He purred softly, brushing his tail against the cold floor and placing a gentle paw on one of hers. “You’re awake now. I’m here. We are okay.” Ghost’s voice was calm and reassuring, and Violet slowly let her guard down. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of his touch prickle through her pelt. Though his words could never calm these dreams, the violet furred she-cat accepted them, and her racing heart began to slow.

“Pebble! Stop!” A fiery orange tom yowled, sprinting after the fleeing kitten. “You have got to come back!” He mustered up the last of his strength and flung himself at the blue-grey she-cat. They both landed with a thud in the dust, and Pebble gave a half-hearted yowl. “Why’d you run? Huh? You could have gotten me killed!” The older cat demanded instantly, anger burning in his green eyes. She stared back at him defiantly, her ears pinned. “I hate you and everything you stand for, Dragon! Your better off dead anyway!” She turned to bolt but Dragon placed a paw on her tail to stop her. She slowly looked back at him, not yet admitting defeat. He took a deep breath and forced himself to keep his cool. “Why do you hate me, Pebble? What did I ever do? All I’ve done ever since you were born was wait on you paw on paw.” Something softened in the she-cat’s yellow gaze, but it was only slight. “I want to be a normal cat, I dont want to be waited on, and I want you to leave,” she whisked her tail away from him, “but because of you, I’m stuck as a prisoner.” Dragon took a step back and eyed her carefully. “Then what do you want me to do? I’m not going to die just so you can be free.” His voice was softer now, and he locked gazes with Pebble. She sighed and glanced around, before lowering her head in defeat. “You can come with me. We... we can run away.”

Paws drummed on the cold stone floor. They all marched in unison, one leader yelling orders at the rest of his group. A scrawny light brown cat rushed forward his claws clinking against the rock. “Nettle,” he cleared his throat and approached the lead cat, crouching low to the ground to give her the dominance, “m’am.” The black she-cat raised her head glaring down at the lowly servant. “What?” She spat, letting her claws glisten in the rare light that shone through the earthy roof of the cave. “P-Pebble is gone, as is Dragon. Hollow and the rest of the security suspect he ran off with her.” The young cat stated the facts, praying she wouldn’t lash out at him. Nettle’s eyes hardened with hate, and she got to her paws. “Find them, and kill the tom. Pebble, though...” She snickered, “Bring her back alive.” He nodded, and rushed off, only to be stopped by Nettle’s harsh call. “Pine.” The cat skidded to a stop and turned around. “I want you to lead the search.” The lead cat’s dark green eyes glistened as she knew giving the leadership to this cowardly tom would terrorize him. Pine gulped. “Y-yes m’am.” He loped away into the shadows he was bound to.
Though it was morning, no light shone into the cell Ghost and Violet were held captive in. The she-cat awoke first. She could see the tom’s silver pelt just barley in the dark, and she felt her fur prickle with embarrassment. This cat is not mine. He can never be. But still, Violet yearned for him. His touch, his voice, the expression in his eyes when she stares into them. I have to let him go. The sound of Ghost yawning jerked her back into reality. She looked at him. “Morning,” he mewed, getting to his paws, “How’d you sleep?” She glanced away, “Fine, how about you?” The she-cat busied herself grooming down her chest fur so she didn’t have to make eye contact. He walked over and sat in front of her using his paw to lift her head. Violet didn’t fight his touch.
“Look at me, Violet.”
“I am.”
“Promise me something, okay?”
She nodded.
“Dont lie to me.”
He pulled the ‘lying’ card. The light purple furred she cat sighed. “Okay, Ghost. I promise.”

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