插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Free as a bird


The internet is a beautiful place-

Have y’all seen the news? Almost 1 million people are planning to raid Area 51. Honestly- it makes me and my friends’ plan to hijack a plane and fly to Arizona to find the Blue Lion sound fucking normal. I don’t even know whether this is a completely serious thing or not but, even if it isn’t, it’s absolutely hilarious. If I didn’t live in the UK and was over 18 with enough money to travel, I’d totally go. I wanna see them aliens and anime girls, man. There could be so much shit down there and I really wanna see it. But, you know- I likely can’t due to the fact that my mother has said I can’t go... unless I, somehow, find someone to take me. I really would like to see all the people dressed in Naruto costumes storming the base though. Hell, if I could go, I’d dress up as Edward or Alphonse Elric and do some mad alchemy but alas- it seems unlikely. I’m curious though- does anyone who lives in or around Nevada actually plan on going? Because I’d honestly love to see what comes out of it



Hi! I have a question :)

Hi guys, I know we don't know each other and some of you or most of you will ignore me.. (huhu) but oh well, I still believed in the goodness of your hearts. hehe. So to make things short, My artwork sucks, well I am just a beginner to this kind of stuff so forget about it. Uh so, my question is, to you my fellow artist what brush size do you usually use in your line art, let say if you're using a drawing pen. As you will notice at my artwork, If you have a time to look, it was reaaaally boring, I mean it didn't have a life or something. So I think the big factor for that is the lineart and (of course the color too). So that's it. Hopefully someone will notice me. Thank you!







So uh... Im looking to get a redesign for Amber. Since I got Clover redesigned, I was sorta hoping to get one for Amber too. I’m willing to offer any form of payment (within reason, obviously-) for the help. If Amber is to be redesigned, all I ask is that her colours remain the same and that she keeps her flower crown and the colours. Other than that, go nuts with it- I’m not picky with patterns but I will be slightly picky with overall designs.

Anyways, here’s Amber’s TH; https://toyhou.se/3558251.amber
