It actually really does and I really wanna play it but I’m admittedly not that much of a gamer? Still though, I’d maybe like to actually give it a shot since... well, I’m taking a course based heavily in gaming so like... yeah.
That aside though, I’ve been working on some concept art for a unit in on my course and I’m actually super proud of it?? Like, I’m so confused on how it came out as good as it did?? Like, especially since backgrounds aren’t my thing and I don’t tend to do them often- if at all really
Idk, I just wanted to share but didn’t think it was worthy of a full post so-

Collabs- Open
Commissions- Depends (?)
Art Trades- Closed
Customs- Maybe??
Requests- Nupe
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Emberblaze was murdered
Loopydoo Poppycock
Locket the skeleton
Discord- Cappy#3375
Line- cappy_succubus
TH- AlmotherOrion
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I guess
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
- Fandoms
- Memes
- Fanart (occasionally)
- Why leave the EU
- Children running nations
- Klance lives
- Vodka is best horse girl
- Why Adam
- Why
- Otayuri happens
- Don’t lie to me
- 4 Voltron wannabes
- Seriously
- Fuck off Circe
- Rex no-
- More memes
- A shit ton of memes
- Sidon is actually an angel
- Link the disaster gay
- Omniverse was the best iteration of Ben 10
- The Saturday’s need a reboot
- I miss Zack
- And Danny
- Randy where are you
- Jake wtf- where’s the old you
- Fight me
- The original was better
- Edward is my new
- blond
- closet son-
- I have too many children
- I am a hoarder of children-
- You cannot have any
- Get your own-
- Alphonse is precious I loaf-
- America’s Ass
- Tony lowkey be into it though-
- Riperroni Scotty boi-
- Noobmaster69
- Winry can fuck right off-
- Lucy Heartfillia 2.0
- Parental!Roy is best Roy
- Work Place:Trees
- Gender:Female
Time spent online
I have no life outside of the Internet so...
Pen tablet
Currently? Apple Pen Gen. 1
Favorite music
The whole Pray For The Wicked album by P!ATD- also anything ADTR
Favorite color
Yellow- I’d say white but that’s a tone and not a colour
Favorite TV show
I’d say Generator Rex but I despise Circe so much-
What you eat when hungry
Anything lying around and within reach
Things you always carry
Food. A lot of food
I wanna go to Pride but nooo-
Future goals
Idk- going to space probably
Thing you interested in
Uhhh... cartoons? Video game theory... idk what else

It’s literally what the title said and I’m having a crisis
Ok so, I’ve been messing around and writing fanfics and headcanons recently so I figured “Hey, maybe I should try drawing them!” So I did. The fic I started on a whim is called Shenanigans through the Multiverse which I’ve been updating rather frequently with new chapters over on AO3. It was more of a... idk, joke thing? But then I actually started enjoying writing it and so it’s become a little project of mine along with Goharon’s Trial and Billie’s Universe (which I still don’t have an actual name for hnnnnn-). But anyway, since I actually started writing it, I decided that I’d whip out my chest of old headcanons and take a crack at them again! It’s been pretty fun, actually- messing around and making AUs and things. Most of it has been centred around Ben since my attention is glued to him atm but I am working on others as well- mainly for Ed (FMA), Randy (RC9GN) and Link (BoTW). There are others I’ve been working on a bit as well like Jake (AmDrag) and Zak (TSS) since I started rewatching them both recently and I’ve been familiarised with a lot of the subject matter and things again. Anyway, like I mentioned, I’ve been working on headcanons for Ben 10 and decided it’s about time I fleshed it out properly. I can’t go into a whole lot of detail buuut it’s basically about a species that popped into my head called Primal Annodites. They’re like the annodites in the show but they’re pretty ancient and considered extinct. That is, until Marlious, one of the Primals, bonds himself to Ben in a bid to keep himself alive and hidden due to rogue Primals trying to hunt him down. Ben basically gains access to Marlious’ powers -including a pretty powerful new form- but, since Marlious is still sorta a thing, Ben can barely control them. They do come in rather handy for when the Omnitrix wigs out but they aren’t easy to control. Along with the lack of control, Ben’s appearance alters slightly to reflect the Primal’s nature- changes which are very easily noticed by others such as fangs. Ben does also have the tendency of going feral in certain situations where he’s in distress or upset in some way but he tends to snap out of them rather easily upon noticing a familiar face. Along with these traits, the abilities Ben’s gained or had heightened prove to be rather volatile- such as his control over mana. Gwen does try her best to help him out but the mana tends to fluctuate when Ben’s not even aware of it so, until he’s figured out a way to better handle that, the Plumbers assigned Ben an ability dampening device- aka. the “choker” shown. It only really works half of the time though. I might write this whole thing up in a document and post it somewhere at some point- I really need to start properly keeping track of this stuff. You can also find the fic I mentioned earlier in this link here:
Okay, so, I’m making this post so I can gush about DOOM Eternal and New Horizons ‘cause honestly, while I’ve never played an Animal Crossing game in the 17 years I’ve been in existence, seeing the friendship between the two fandoms has made me want to play it more than ever. It’s one of the most precious things I have ever seen- like, there’s just something about both games being polar opposites and having one of the best friendship between fandoms I’ve ever seen. It’s crazy but I back it in its entirety. Especially in a time like the one we live in currently, it’s so wholesome to see. I dunno, there’s just something about waking up in the morning, going onto youtube and seeing my recommended full of shitposts and videos featuring Isabelle and Doomguy. It warms my heart in a way I honestly didn’t think was possible and that alone makes me really damn happy.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I would like to kindly urge you to look at the music video Doom Crossing: Eternal Horizons
Ok so, I finally watched the movie Onward with my sisters and can I just say that it’s probably like one of my favourite Disney movies ever?? Like, it’s so fucking wholesome it’s unreal. I cried several times and honestly, Ian stole my heart cuz I relate on a spiritual level. Barley is also a whole mood and the entire movie is just so gorgeous and endearing. Even if it’s not technically my favourite Disney movie, it is definitely up there cuz it is just such a joy to watch. If you haven’t watched it, I would say that you, my friend, are missing on out a fantastic movie so what are you doing here? Go watch it and tell me what y’all think
I wanna draw more BenRex stuff but like... my knowledge of ship art is... mediocre at best xd
So I’m open to suggestions that are... pg13- nothing like totally off the rails cuz I’m just not about that?? Plus, they’re my kids and I don’t actually feel good drawing them like that ;w;
So I’m open to suggestions cuz my unquenchable thirst for more BenRex ship art is undeniable and I don’t really know why. I actually think it’s taking over my life and I think I should be worried?? But I’m not?? Idk xd
Anyway just like... throw ideas at me I guess TwT
> WolfCrys Oml yessssssssss
Me: *starts trying to draw more shitpost stuff of BenRex+Zak*
Also me: *ends up with a piece better than any human drawing I’ve dont recently*
Side note- I really, REALLY fucking ship Ben and Rex. Like, I don’t know why or how but I do. It’s gay, it’s fluffy, it’s wholesome and it makes me so soft looking at them. Like, I actually love these two idiots with all my heart- they’ve literally taken it and ran off so now I have no choice but to follow. They may be leading me into the pits of hell but you bet your ass imma follow them ethers and back. Also, can spiritually relate to Zak here since this is actually lowkey based off of something that happened to a friend of mine irl lmaoooo
You ever just accidentally assume smth and make things really weird and awkward between you and another person? Cuz I’ve done that a lot and it’s honestly fucking with my anxiety but I genuinely don’t know how to deal with it??? Like, it’s really hard for me to talk to people in the first place but fixing a miscommunication is so fucking hard and it’s just makes me wanna cry every time cuz it feels like I’ve done something really wrong by bothering someone about something. I kinda thought I’d gotten better with it recently but nope- anxiety is apparently going to be the death of me. I dunno why- maybe I’d just be better off asking beforehand if I don’t understand something? I just really hate bothering people and having them have to deal with my shit. It makes me feel really bad and I just- I dunno, it sucks. I know this is mostly my fault cuz I kinda misunderstand things sometimes but it doesn’t make it any easier for me to forgive myself? Like, situations like this I’ve encountered fucking haunt me when I have nothing to really think about and it kinda makes me feel like a tiny bit of a failure. I sorta know I’m not but that’s the mindset I go into every time I have to bother people by asking questions or talking to them. Maybe I’m overreacting though? I mean, I probably am but I’ve kinda always been like this I guess
Hey, hey, hey everyone! I’ve come bearing news, of sorts. It’s not... great news, honestly. I thought that since this artists is fairly wide-spread, I’d go ahead and make this post to inform everyone. As the title states, this is not an ‘artists beware’ or a call out. Please, please, please do not actively seek her out. Anyways, as I was saying, I’ve decided to take it upon myself to let everyone here know that you should keep away from bella.toons. This is her main insta handle which is currently disabled but she does have a private account as well that I would highly suggest avoiding. spicydoodle over on DA has made a post about all of this already here . It’s a great read and fills you in on pretty much the whole things. They’ve tried talking to her but, as of now, she have not been responding. The vast majority of comments posted on her TH and insta have been either hidden or deleted- much as if she’s attempting to do some form of damage control. I really do not suggest talking to her but, if you do, please be polite about it. The last thing needed in this situation is white knights. I’ll be linking her TH, private/commission insta and DA so you all know to avoid her should you come across her.
I once again highly suggest reading spicydoodle’s journal and coming to your own conclusion on her behaviour.
Like the very intelligent human being I am, I left my MAWP entry for Planet Imia till the last second and now I’m sorta struggling with ideas of what to do. I have the idea for the characters sorted (obviously-) but I’m slightly stuck on the background. I was initially going to do a Christmas tree and a little mini scene behind Yuri and Natalie but idk. I’m tempted to try it but I’m not certain it’s an idea I wanna totally stick with. Suggestions would be great though cuz God knows I need the help rn xd
I really miss being active on here, honestly. I would be but I just don’t feel like the community’s here anymore, yk? It kinda sucks ngl. I don’t regret coming back but, at the same time, it makes me realise why I left in the first place. Idk if I’ll hang around very often anymore but I’ll try. I don’t just wanna outright abandon this again.
Finally coloured the first part of Hank’s concept sheet and I’m proud, ngl-
I got new babies! I love them both to pieces- they’re precious and I adore them hhhhh-
MediBang won’t let me update my posts atm so I’m leaving this here cuz I finally finished it and I’m so damn proud of myself rn-
I’m still only sketching it out and I’m already crying
I’m working on a little concept/sketch page for Hank so I can further expand upon his character. I’ve been wanting to do one for him and my other babies for a heccin while so uhhh... I finally decided to. It’s only a WIP at the moment though ;w;
Good ol’ Saorise. I’ve had her for so long yet I still haven’t completely fleshed her out as a character. I’m working on it though. On her original piece, she had a a really cool set of markings on her chest so I figured that I’d give her some more. Those can be seen on her arm and neck. I’ll probably make her a proper reference showing off the markings on her legs and lower abdomen since she is very much covered in them. I’ll go into more depth when I finish this piece for her though.
I had a fucking Moment™ today while I was out getting my braces repaired with my dad. I came out to my family a few months back and he’s been trying to understand me and my feelings more so, whenever we go out and it’s just the two of us, he’ll ask me how I am n’ stuff. He’s aware that I used to have a crush on someone who, at the time, I’d considered a pretty close friend. I dunno why but I just started going on about her for a while. It got to a point when I started talking about her ex-girlfriend. Now, my dad may not be very well acquainted with the LGBT community but he seemed to realise something in the middle of me talking. He had asked me if I was jealous of the girl who was dating my friend/crush. Initially, I was kinda like “Me? Jealous? Please- that’s ridiculous-“ but then I thought about it a bit and I was I realised, in that one moment that, yes, I had been jealous of that girl. Now, normally, I’m not the envying type but she was the first person I ever truly had feelings for so... it’s not all that surprising, now I think about it. The other thing I thought about today was how little I actually care for pronouns. I remember a while back, when I was talking to someone over dm in discord and they just called me a he or him. At first, I was kinda thrown by it but I didn’t actually think to correct them and say that I was a girl. My best friend happened to be looking over my shoulder while I was messaging them and she had asked if I was gonna correct them. I’d told her no, sorta as a joke and to see how long they’d go without knowing I was actually female. Of course, they found out relatively soon after but it got me thinking. I don’t know exactly what to do with this information yet but I think it’s kinda interesting. For now, I think I’ll just stick to female or neutral pronouns but, once I become confident enough and more certain of it, I’ll probably just go with any and all pronouns. You could probably call me a gnome or troll and I’d likely still respond- mind you, I’d probably be slightly pissed at the... height comparison but I’d still respond anyways. I just don’t think it’s all that important what I’m addressed as- whether it’s male, female or non-binary. But, for now, until I work out the details, imma stick with what I already go by and take it a step at a time.
Art block is annoying as fuck. I’m lacking such inspiration rn and it’s kinda starting to upset me since I do have owed art to do. I think I’m gonna try to work through it though- not posting isn’t really helping in anyway. That being said, I was working on a little something for Tati today since I rarely ever draw her.
I may draw Dior next once I work through some of the artworks I need to do. I haven’t actually drawn her since I first made her for the Owgel MYO xd
reeee i love that art ;;
qwq I have a art block rn too
So, I was looking at iconic, old memes on YouTube- like ya do. I was feeling hella nostalgic for some reason so I started digging around. Then I found Nyan Cat. And I cried. I highkey used to hate it back in 2011 when it was released. I was probably about... 7? Maybe? Idk but uh... I’ve been sat listening to it for the past hour. I don’t know whether or not to be worried or not but that’s what I’ve been doing.
So, I had a random thought today. What if Billie and Remmy collectively decided that they wanted to try their hand at alchemy after watching Fullmetal Alchemist. Keaton, bless her tired, sadistic soul, says this:
Everyone’s immediately thrown for a loop as Keaton- the one who often loves senseless violence and destruction- becomes the group’s voice of reason and suggests that, that kind of alchemy may not be such a good idea.
Dior and Bast are both proud and unnerved by this whole event and Tatiana takes the time to simply wonder what her life became.
Yet another WIP- this time, of my contribution to the campaign for DeviantArt’s 19th Birthday!
> ☆~ԃɾαɠσɳ’ʂ ρυɾɾ~☆ I use a combination of programs- the ones I use are MediBang, Tayasui Sketches, Adobe Sketch and - more recently- Infinite Painter. The one I used for this though is Painter -w-
Also idk if I’ve asked this before but do you use medibang? Like to draw your art?
literally most of my friends here and myself: "whO cArES" "what did medi did for us anyway? its not like we care about its 19th birthday after so many people getting frozen" (jk jk, this is really good btw uwuwu)
I started working on this baby in a new drawing program and I lowkey- highkey already absolutely love her
I got myself two new, beautiful babies today and I love them both to bits- I just gotta find the time to draw them now xd
So, I just worke up from another dream. Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on with me right now but whatever it is, it doesn’t want me to sleep. Anyways, this dream, much like the first one I had, was very much in the first person. I was sat in a theatre full of people. Don’t remember what we were watching but that’s neither here nor there. Suddenly, these two security guards run in and they’re being trailed by 4 or 5 people. Once the last person gets in, they decide to close the door and try to barricade them but that doesn’t work out well and the reason they ran in busts down the door. Like literally- throw the doors off their hinges. The person then proceeds to shoot and kill the two guards before moving onto the theatre full of people. They shoot a good 3rd of the people in the room and after a minute, they stop. I look around the room too, trying to gauge how bad the damage is and note that, while a shit ton of people were shot, none of the wounds look inherently lethal. It’s mostly just on the limbs. Once they seem happy with the damage they’ve caused, they start making their demands. It’s around this point that the person makes their way over the little corner with myself, a woman with blonde hair and a white dress with red and green flowers, a guy with red hair, some stubble and a black and white plaid jacket, a little girl with brown hair, tiny freckles on her face and hands and blue overalls and her brother with the same attire but with blonde, short hair. The person -who I learn is a woman by the voice and her body language- stops just in front of me to look down. She’s talking about how we should get in contact with people we know on the outside and talk them into transferring money over to an account so she’ll let us go. As she’s looking down at me though, I get the feeling that I’m glaring at her and she seems to stop and smirks at me. It’s around that point that I realised yes, I was indeed glaring at her and giving her the dirtiest look possible as she decides to put the gun to my head. The little group that I’m in- the adults anyways, the kids are just crying- beg her to stop and ‘don’t shoot her- she’s too young’. She leans down slightly with the gun still pointed at my fucking head and asks “Do you think I won’t shoot you?” Obviously, I’m kinda miffed about the fucking question and how she’s behaving and patronising me so I’m like “I don’t doubt that you will.” She grins (but it’s not the good kind) and steps back, lowering the gun. She gets about 3 feet away and then lifts it to shoot me again. She shoots and the blonde lady I mentioned earlier as she decided to leap in front of me and take the bullet... literally. So she lands on me and I’m panicking cuz I’m quite obviously pretty young with how these people are treating me and I don’t exactly know how to deal with gunshot wounds. At some point though, someone (who looks oddly like an 11 year old Gwen Tennyson) tries to escape. The lady shoots the girl and the entire room just watches in horror. Nothing happens for, what I assume is half an hour, before these two monster people appear from nowhere. One looks like a crocodile, the other looks like a bear. They fight the lady and a few of us collectively decide to escape. I take the blonde lady who was shot cuz of me and we run along with about 20 other people. We get outside and start running down the street. I happen to see two boys who look suspiciously like Ed and Al. Apparently we know each other though and it’s revealed to me that we’re undercover agents who were sent to blend in with the general population and stop shit like this from the inside. But, since there were so many people, we couldn’t and were given orders to bail. So we did. We run into (what I can only assume is) a mall and towards the food court. We all decided to sit down and try to blend in. Obviously, that’s kinda difficult when a fair few people are bleeding from fucking gun shot wounds. Me, the blonde lady (who’s name I found out was Freya) Ed and Al (that was also their names, apparently) stuck close together. It was around the 5 minute mark that the lady from earlier had made her appearance again and shot three of the 20 people who had escaped the theatre and killed them. And then she spotted me and shot at me. I figured “Oh shit, guess imma die,” but n o- apparently not. I simply lifted my leg and blocked the bullet with my fucking foot. It just... hit it and nothing happened. It didn’t hurt and the sound it made was surprisingly metallic. So it was then that I figured out that my leg was a metal leg. That was around the point I started waking up cuz the last thing I remember was getting up and standing next to Ed and Al. The weirdest thing though is, I woke up with the faint sensation of my foot tingling. Exactly where the bullet had hit.
I just woke up from the strangest fucking dream. I’d been kidnapped by the government and taken some place or the other and met this guy who was trying to uncover the whole thing. Apparently, people’s kids were getting abducted from home but I never did find out why. I escaped with another, slightly older girl, the guy and a large bear who wasn’t actually a fucking bear and they took me home. I’d went home after having an argument with the guy and found out that my parents were replaced with some weird-ass carbon clones or whatever while my sisters were kinda left in the dark about the whole thing. So the clones were trying to stop me pretty much the whole time up until I managed to escape the house and go with the group that I had escaped with. Aaaaand that’s when I woke up just now. It was so fucking weird, man but honestly? I’m tempted to make characters based around this and see where it goes. I haven’t had a proper dream in such a long time that it actually surprised me a fair bit that I had one... about the government, no less. I guess all the talk of conspiracies and raiding Area 51 dressed as Edward Elric finally caught up with my unconsciousness.
Have y’all seen the news? Almost 1 million people are planning to raid Area 51. Honestly- it makes me and my friends’ plan to hijack a plane and fly to Arizona to find the Blue Lion sound fucking normal. I don’t even know whether this is a completely serious thing or not but, even if it isn’t, it’s absolutely hilarious. If I didn’t live in the UK and was over 18 with enough money to travel, I’d totally go. I wanna see them aliens and anime girls, man. There could be so much shit down there and I really wanna see it. But, you know- I likely can’t due to the fact that my mother has said I can’t go... unless I, somehow, find someone to take me. I really would like to see all the people dressed in Naruto costumes storming the base though. Hell, if I could go, I’d dress up as Edward or Alphonse Elric and do some mad alchemy but alas- it seems unlikely. I’m curious though- does anyone who lives in or around Nevada actually plan on going? Because I’d honestly love to see what comes out of it
> Sock-baits backup Ikr?? I really wish I could be there in person tbh
Oh jeez that does sound hilarious
So, I was just casually working on owed art and commissions in the middle of the night- like you do- when I suddenly had this idea for a character. Literally, out of nowhere. I’m starting to think that I work best when I’m sleep deprived and on vacation. Anyways, I spent the last few hours making a WIP and I honestly wasn’t expecting it to look the way it does. I’m both shocked and proud of what my paranoid, sleep deprived brain can come up with in the wee hours of the morning. Once I’m done, I’m debating whether or not to make this an adopt or not but I’ll have to see- I may become too attached by the time I finish ówó
So, I’ve decided to leave MediBang or Art Street or whatever the hell it is now. I am very grateful for all of my friends on here but I simply do not wish to stay any longer. It is not because of anyone on here- this is my own personal descision and I was not influenced by outside forces. I did not think I’d decide to actually leave in the end but here I am. If you wish to stay in contact with me, you can always note me on DA or message me on TH- hell, you could even DM me on discord if you really wanted to. All of that is on my profile so feel free to contact me anyway you wish to. It’s hard to say goodbye as I’ve made some really good friends here but I feel as if this is something I need to do. I will make a final post either tomorrow or later today for everyone else who deems it “important”. I may still try to comment on things but I’d rather detach myself in the way of posting. Thank you all for being here and thank you especially to those who’ve helped me in times when I desperately needed it. It means the world to me that I have friends I can talk to if something is bothering me. And for that, I am especially sorry for leaving but this is something I need to do for myself.
-Your crazed Jazz lord Almother, Ein.
i’ll miss you man. good luck. stay awesome.
It’s my last day of exams for the terms and I got absolutely no sleep. Literally, I’m running on despair and angsty fanfics. But I did get to finally watch Milo Murphy’s Law and the new Ben 10 reboot. Okay, I know MML has been around for a while but I couldn’t be asked to watch it but, since I had nothing else to do with my life 5 hours ago, I decided to give it a try. I absolutely love it. I love that show to death and I’ve only watched four episodes. And for the Ben 10 reboot.... it honestly isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. I’m just confused by it. Probably because it doesn’t have any sort of plot at all but it’s aimed at kids- not the older Ben 10 fans like all the other variations that came before it. My conclusion is that not all reboots are bad and, while MML is pretty darn funny and quite original, it will never replace Phineas and Ferb but it’s still pretty darn good.
i heard about it