Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


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Announcement of release of first solo exhibition commemorative calendar

To commemorate the exhibition, a limited-time goods calendar has been released by Kawachi Art Materials.

時間 11:00~19:00
場所 カワチ画材心斎橋店 店内ギャラリー「心斎橋・画人画廊」
大阪市中央区東心斎橋1-18-24 にて開催予定です!

international shipping is available(The holidays on the calendar are based on Japanese specifications.)
#イラスト #オリキャラ #うちのこ

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お礼と書籍のお知らせ Thank you and book informatio

Thank you very much for always viewing my illustrations and for your warm feelings ^^
We are currently preparing for our first commercial publication.
Although the frequency of updates on SNS will be slower,
We are also working on new works. The books range from illustrations drawn in the past to new works specially drawn this time.
We are planning to post a lot. I will draw with all my heart, so I appreciate your help ^^
Thank you very much for always looking at my pictures and for your warm feelings ^^
We are currently preparing for our first commercial publication. Although the update frequency of SNS will be slow,
We are slowly working on new works. The books range from illustrations drawn in the past to new works specially drawn this time.
We are planning to post a lot. I will draw with all my heart, so I appreciate your help ^^

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