Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Yer A Lizard, Harry Two liked!


hey uhh an update since its been awhile since ive visited this place

im doing pretty well. im back on discord. some people know this. trying to sneak around is kind of hard, laying low is even harder but ive promised myself to come on the internet every 2 days so its evened out.
im trying to draw more and more, and ill post on here once i get the chance.

just letting u guys know im good. love u

also for the discord people idk when ill be able to get on discord again since my mom's phone refuses to download discord cuz no money, but hopefully ill be able to get on tomorrow since thats when pay day happens

to honour you ash and me made our pfps deformed harry potter and snape. we didnt even know it was your bday till ren told us so it was completely coincidental lmao
pls make a discord account. we want to talk to you aa

anyways. hope everything's good with you medi peeps. sad that you cant come on discord, we have an rp server up and its super fun
thanks for being here and keeping things alive (?) while im not able to <3

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