with harleys leaving post, i think its time for me to consider whether i'm staying or leaving too. medibang can't give much to me anymore. it's not how it used to be, and we need to come to terms with that. unless medibang becomes any less dead, i don't see the point of coming on here. i'll post art here maybe if i feel like it, but for now i'm going to stay inactive
i met great friends here. its hard to leave after all this time, but a lot of the people that made me stay are inactive. they've moved on, and it's time for me to move on too. thanks to those who supported me, even after i got frozen, and to the 127 people who follow me now. it means quite a bit <3
if you would like to contact me, i'm most active on discord. my tag is sergei#8379

any prns + terms except it/its
17 y/o
agender aroflux polysexual
aries entp-t 8w9
- i'm inactive here. if you want to contact me, you can find me on discord: sergei#8379
- you're free to use any of my old art on here as pfps, banners, etc! all i ask is for credit. this also goes for tracing or reposting
- men
- murder cats
- philza minecraft
- capitalism
- yeah thats about it
- Work Place:Hell
- Gender:Male
Life Event
- 04/2005 birthday(4/17)
Favorite music
grandson, glass animals, the neighbourhood, jreg
Thing you interested in
writing, drawing, history, photography, baking, music, and more!
Favorite color
red & yellow

idea credit from my brother
was trying to show him a picture i drew of kylov and he yelled "BOXED LIKE A FISH" cuz he was playing his xbox LOOL
hes just sitting there
"yeah, i'm apart of the dream smp"
i'll keep this short but this relates to the thing i've been doing every monday n shit and posting placeholders
not doing that anymore. there's really no underlying reason as to why? i just think it's boring and i rush the art since i get angry at myself whenever i can't think of some art or finish it. i think i'll just work on quality wbf art (like the dsmp poster thing i made on my newest post) or actually post some ACTUAL art for once
it wont be all ocs since i want clout goddammit but a lot of it might be dsmp since i like drawing the characters. atm im not really in the fandom but idk man i might become one of those stans soon. praying i wont though
also, please hope i finally get my fucking schoolwork done for once for i am failing school. just look at god and say "make sergei stop watching tommyinnit and do his damn hw jfc"
yeah thats about it i dont know what else to add. thanks
also whenever i do post, like my bio says, ill only do it on mondays or tuesdays. maybe if i can get things to change itll change to the weekend (saturday & sunday, or maybe friday night) but mondays and tuesdays for now def
little vent/rant but i fuckin hate home ec so much. we have to do this project where we make a video n shit for a recipe of food from our homeland. too much effort, but maybe thisll push my grade up idk. i checked my grades and i have an F in culinary LOL help me
> WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank you. your support means a lot <3 i will try my best
> sergeidearest You can do it!! I know is hard but you don't lose anything for trying!! We believe in you!!
just checked and the second semester ends on december 8th. hell na i hate my life
if i fail this class i have to retake it :weary: and it sucks. thought it was pretty cool but not really im never taking this class again
so, after months of having the name prez/president, i have finally changed it yet again, and i'm super happy i did. i go by sergei now (rifle is a funny nickname you can also call me). i still go by kivun as well dw lmao its still my real name
i changed my name because i got bored. prez is the name of one of my ocs or sonas, not even my main persona. it was another reason why i changed it but not the main one. i've had thoughts of changing it for awhile, not like ky where i was desperate since that name was associated with bad, bad people. sergei was one of my options for my discord friends, and we all agreed that it'd be a cool name idk. i'm not russian, so there's no meaning behind it, really
sergeidearest or dearestsergei will be my user for almost every platform i'm on. sergeisrifle might also be another one but i havent used it yet so i can't be sure. twitter's being a bitch so i cant change my user yet and i'll have to slowly work on my carrd. my pronouns page is done though
changing my socials is a pain, and though i understand if i'm mistakenly called prez by the people that know me. if it makes you feel better to call me that for awhile until you get used to my new alias, that's fine idrc lol
i still go by he/him and all that shit. i'm ok with other pronouns though idk just not feminine terms like lady, girl, wife, etc
additionally i WILL post something today. i promise. i just have to think of something funny
that's all for now. not a very interesting post but yeah
tl;dr: changed my name to sergei or rifle. i still go by kivun too. you can call me prez still and its ok if its on accident. besides that nothing's changed
i've been feeling terrible recently (got my second covid vaccine n shit), so this week's shitpost is gonna be pushed back to next monday. additionally my sister's bday is on thursday so i've gotta save up my art skills for her gift :eyes:
new carrd is done!
its not completely finished since i have to get my en pronouns link and id like to change a few things (for example, the aesthetic/colors...... i thought neon would be a good choice but 💀) but besides that im finally fucking done. took 2 WEEKS.
so basically me n a couple of my friends + the quiet kid were making pancakes in home ec for extra credit (since the term ended today) and we got done and the pancakes tasted fucking amazing, but i only took 3 (we made like 20 lmao) since i didn't want to be rude and there were quite a lot of people in our group. so i was abt to take my plate back n wash it but i saw more pancakes left on the plate we took from so i was just going to take the rest of them but then the quiet kid grabbed them and dumped the rest in the garbage ............. like............. :sob: i wouldve EATEN those........ pain.
Press f for the pancakes
i know i sound like im antagonizing the quiet kid but im genuinely not this was just a lighthearted post lmao
i think i say this far too often on this platform when someone or myself vents/rants about not receiving enough attention here, but hell, i'm going to say it again. medi really IS dead
i don't like ranting about that kind of stuff since i'm not the type of person to want attention unless it's from a person i like or some of my friends. additionally, in the past i even said i didn't want a lot of followers on the art-based platforms i'm on just in case 1) it increases the platform's attention to me and it'll possibly get me banned since i'm a person that doesn't believe in censorship and 2) i don't want to turn into one of those instagram "aesthetic" artists that draws for fame instead of fun. but, this is different?
it's not just me that isn't getting enough attention. i don't want to self deprecate and say my art sucks but i also don't want to be arrogant and say i deserve more attention, but god damn, i think, at this point, we are ENTITLED to say that about our own pages.
i'm not going to go ahead and say that the people who get a shitload of attention and followers on this platform don't deserve it. there are truly some amazing artists on this platform, and even if it's a little biased since anime artists generally get the majority of the attention, it's a fucking japanese website. i don't expect it to be any more different, but i wish it was like the good 'ol days where people would be surprised at the amount of attention and support they gained on each post, regardless of the quality of art or the art style. now, it's the complete opposite, and it's pissing me off. a lot of my friends and followers on here deserve WAY more attention than the amount they're getting. no wonder we all moved to discord lmao
> CoffiiBeano yeah sadly :(
> umbriiel yeah same here. it's sad already that you don't get much attention but it's even sadder now that everyone's left
Bro honestly this is so true and I don't really have anything to add to your statement cuz everything you stated is just- so accurate /gen
that’s why i don’t really post on here anymore, it’s literally just for nothing. i just get on here to see what friends who are still on here are doing, and it’s usually not much.
didnt plan on posting two topics in such a short timespan but holy fuck
so i have a project i need to get done (and its so short but so is my attention span) in home ec. havent done anything yet, right, so my home ec teacher asked me if i needed help or smthn and to show her what i have done so far since obviously im not reliable considering my many unfinished assignments because fuck school i guess
i didnt know how to work my way around it so, i just showed her what i had done (which was nothing lol) and she asked me if i needed assistance and IT WAS SO FUCKING EMBARRASSING HELP
idk this probably shows her i'm not trustworthy or reliable or smthn. havent checked my grades in that class and the term is ending this week so im just waiting for hell to unleash 💀
my family probably won't care since i wont get lower than a 50% or anything in such a short duration unless my teachers hate me or something lol ill be good though, thankfully. a 75% is fine for me (had an 89% last time i checked)
2-3 days later i am still not done vibing
probably will delete this later when im done with the project lmao
i feel like you can feel the second hand embarrassment from this post my friend could :sob:
What is your name? president/prez and any variation of those (ie: prezident), also kivun for close friends
Orientation? heterosexual
Gender? cisgender, male
Are you dating anyone? yes irl
Do you have a crush? not currently but i get them occasionally
What country do you live in? israel
Summer or Winter? never experienced winter so summer
How many languages do you know? hebrew, english, getting there with german, bits and pieces of russian and japanese
Have any tattoos? How many? none, but i'd like to get at least 1 in the future maybe
Have any pets? How many? What are their names? had some in the past, but they died. my aunt currently has a gray and white cat named atlas that i love very much :)
Ever been to another country? Do you want to? been to plenty of countries in the middle east and have visited france and the united states once. i'd like to visit more in the future, esp germany, holland, and scandinavia
Favorite school subject? home ec and art
Favorite beverage? pepsi, water
Favorite food? children
Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? i prefer video games, and then books, and movies last
Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? for video games, minecraft and cs:go, cod, halo, basically any first person shooters lmao. for books, i really love the hunger games series and harry potter, and also additionally the warrior cats series. for movies, again the hunger games and mcu (specifically the venom movies) but idk thats kind of it lol i rarely watch movies
Ever been in a physical fight? yeah, ever been shot in the leg?
What do you want to do when you're older? travel internationally and meet some of my friends across the globe, if possible. also get out of the hellhole that is my country
Favorite fictional character? michael de santa from gta v, niko bellic from gta iv, benrey from hlvrai, haymitch abernathy from the hunger games, prussia from aph, idk a shitload. i could go on, really
Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? i've had surgery many times in the past and i've only broken a bone once maybe
Favorite genre(s) of music? indie, alt, hyperpop, crunkcore, idk almost any genre of music
Favorite song(s)? any song by rucka rucka ali, jreg, and billy marchiafava. but specifically, probably space ghost coast to coast by my g dave bayley (glass animals)
> Mr. I believe in Haymitch supremacy
> WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE haymitch is god and yes they are
SOMEONE WHO ALSO LIKES HAYMITCH. And yes, children are really delicious.
little update for those who care about my weekly shitposts for some reason?? LOL
this week, since its a friend's bday and they're on here, im gonna focus on making better-looking art for them and such when i can get the phone. idk if it'll be exactly on their bday since i have school on that day but definitely sometime this week!
just a little heads-up since i really like making those but i'm also trying to be a good friend :sob:
if i made it a little too vague, just clarifying i meant that the next time i post one a shitpost it'll be next week. skipping this week for the bday post. sorry about that LOL <3
not posting this since i only want to post funny things but i drew these out of pure boredom
first image is kylov with the ace flag and kivun with the bi flag
second image is swap kylov/volyk with the poly flag and swap kivun/kevin with the demi flag
its not canon but love them. appreciate them
not drawing this so heres a 5 minute nagito version instead LOL idk im bored
1) sansmaeda or komaedream fuck you all
2) neither
3) komahina
4) komamiki
5) a sex slave
6) the sex dungeon
7) yeah he likes the sounds my mom makes in bed (hes my father. i would know)
8) no
9) drown him
10) he sucks and hes overrated but hes a decently developed character so he gets a pass!
11) no id return him to sans instead
12) fuck you go to hell komaeda
HELP jfdkfhs it wouldve been funnier if i put this on discord instead but i was bored yesterday :sob:
i guess this isn't really a vent but i'm hella nervous so its sort of just?? idk im not on discord rn so i cant rant there so youll have to deal with my bullshit :sob:
i just took a biology test and i really thought i was gonna do decent. i didnt overdo the studying stuff, i was kinda chill abt it since i did well on the last two but this time...... holy shit?? only 38 out of 60 points?? imm??
i do think i got one question wrongfully incorrect, so thatll probably give me 40 points in all but thats still .......bad. below average?? no idea how im gonna get graded. i regret not studying more because it was definitely the questions that had topics i forgot to study abt like the math since its boring LOL but im nervous????? i really dont want to fail this class since im doing well in my other ones and this one's my hardest. i'm in 11th, so umm....... help? im shaking i KNOW i can probably make it up and its not a big deal if i promise to study more on the next one!!!!!! but this is so bad im already missing like 2 assignments from when i was sick from this class and i had an average grade but idont know what im going to get HELP. i probably just ruined the note taking for the entire class bc he said we could all continue to take notes if we did atleast average or above that but IDK I PROBABLY RUINED THAT FOR THE ENTIRE CLASS ..............!
idk i just.............. really needed to get this out. regardless of overreacting...........
i feel so bad since i thought i was gonna do well and i wore my cross/star of david necklace today to give me good luck. thanks, god!!! youre so helpful :)
sdkhwajkgdhjwj. its not a big deal but ....... im tired. and im stressed and shaking amd.........................
anyways thats all LOL thanks for reading through my rambling if you did??? im trying to not publicly vent anymore but this is less serious and i see people on here complaining abt school and stuff all the time so....... its fine? idk. i use passive aggressive question marks and exclamation marks too much im sorry FHIDGUDKG
have a few.....skrunklies............ they make me feel so much better
omg ignore this please i want to keep it up so i can copy paste on discord................. but reading this ummmm what the fuck LOL im ok, just to clarify. i was having a panic attack of sorts and really needed to get this out so yeah
did this thing because i was bored LOL
didnt think it was worth posting so i guess its gonna chill here for now
> CoffiiBeano thank you!! :D
I love this omg
> BushBabyOrigins all you have to do is look up "my ship in 5 minutes poly" and i think itll pop up :)
sounds like me i guess??
god this reminds me so badly of the evil zodiac sign article craze lmao that shit was wild
> ratwithanx fr
their art is so beautiful and gorgeously atmospheric?? tbh i'm surprised they're so underrated when imo comparing them to all the overrated anime artists (who post god tier art too, don't get me wrong) their art has the same level of quality?? honestly please check them out and if you enjoy their style of art, it wouldn't hurt to give them a follow <3
weird post but why are all these younger people so much more talented than me?? im not saying these kids r normally bad artists just bc theyre younger but i just found a page where a literal 13 y/o girl posted drawings of masterpieces whereas im just making shitposts at the age of 16. damn
> WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank you! most of my actual posts on here are half a year old so maybe im just not logically looking into this. still, i appreciate it
> ratwithanx tyvm! i'm so glad :)
This is relatable. And also, your art is amazing, don't need to feel bad.
i still enjoy your art tho :0
i'm alot better now so ill be more active!!! also updated my carrd since the last one looked ugly
anyways im making refsheet.net pages for the unholy trinity so ill post those when im finished with them! fanart of them will be posted on there with credit, but only with your consent in mind, so if youve drawn fanart of any of them could you let me know if itd be alright to add them to the galleries in their pages? otherwise ill ask
ty! :)
got my first covid shot today and i got the flu shot yesterday so i am going feral
anyways this means that idk when ill post more placeholders or trmv updates but im definitely working on the wiki!! id say i got more pages done but thatd be a lie lmao
also idk if ill be on discord much or try to be?? homework is getting heavy esp when i had to miss school bc of being sick and i cant rly risk any sleepless nights. my teachers are getting concerned with me falling asleep in the back of my classes listening to the minecraft soundtrack
anyways, not super important but i thought i'd let you guys know since i don't have that much to post about anymore? oh well. next post will probably be another placeholder LOL
have a great day/night! :D
> Mr. Thx!
> /-/-ShO0K you too, dude!
Goodnight! Hope u have some good dreamz!
so i think i've put this on the family server already, but i haven't gotten a chance to explain my thought process? i know i said i'd include my friends in it, but i think that's changed to only friends who are involved with my projects and stories (ie: kurt and tex). ngl we can always make an og medi/discord group wiki lmao it would be kinda fun
anyways, staying on topic, i've made a wiki about myself. aas narcissistic as it sounds it might actually help me keep track of my ocs and stories, and maybe it would help you too if you ever read the stories and stuff i post in the future. this includes triumvirate, before i break, etc etc since i'm too lazy to make an individual wiki for each story. it's still in development, but i'm taking it slow and it probably wont get done for awhile because i have a SHITLOAD of ocs. itll probably still be a wip even if i post it to the public to read
anyway pretty short update but i thought it'd be cool to let you guys know. technically not only a triumvirate update, but oh well. so far ive gotten trmv kylov's page done. working on the rest of the trmv pages. it takes a while
also, off topic, but did you guys hear about the countryhumans wiki taking down?? LMAO god idk whether to be ironically disappointed or glad? it was because it was offensive or something. its kinda great people got offended over twinks with country flags as their heads
i think polandball's wiki got taken down too, but they've moved to another website so theres no stopping them really
anyways thats abt it. 2 updates in one day LOL oops
meant to say that the countryhumans and polandball wikis were taken down but the way i typed it looked kind of weird
so i did try logging onto discord last night, but the verification things happening again so i have to wait awhile
just thought id let people know LOL im not dead or anything
sidenote but god i update way too often and thne get mad when people dont respond right away on a dead website?? not rlly relevant to this but it bothers me when i do and i guess i want people 2 know im self aware of it, but yeah. thats it
i have problems but im trying to be more chill on the internet. this is why mum banned me anyways relevant to the update, i think by next month itll get checked out? its just payment problems that make it happen and stuff but if it happens before then thats cool i guess
for the medi friends of mine that have seen my old posts (or people that don't know me but are curious), would you guys like to see me repost or unprivate my privated posts? not including the ones where i vented/ranted since public vents are cringe but i've been looking at some of them and it makes me curious
for me, a lot of them were privated for various reasons, but most commonly because they were either associated with a fandom that i didn't want to be associated with any longer (*cough* countryhumans) or they were just generally cringeworthy and it repulsed me to see them on my page
however, looking back on some of them, i'm still a little proud and nostalgic, and i know some people that know me (or knew me) could probably miss them or something and if a drawing depicting a cringe countryhumans design makes them happy, then i'd be willing to unprivate them
keep in mind that i wont unprivate them all LOL some of them are still too repulsive imo, but if you'd like to still see any specific posts that u remember, dm me on discord (president#0806) or twitter (@literallyprez)!!!
sidenote: trying to figure out how to reread the comments on privated posts, but maybe you just can't? dunno. maybe i'll have to unprivate a few that i didn't plan to originally
> RiiRen alright i think i was in class while typing this and i wanted to post something LOL but if u have any in particular that you kinda remember u can ask me on discord i probably wont post them here in a real post though, no idea why i said that
It would be nice seeing a few of em again mostly because the ones I've saved were all wiped out due to a device reset- even if they are associated with ch I honestly don't mind seeing any of your art bring on the nostalgia
i found out that wbf is actually NOT blocked on my chromebook
so to celebrate i drew some of the classic tumbr sexymen (minus russia but he should be a sexyman due to how worshiped he is on ch tumblr) with a touchpad from memory
ahalf the dream smp could be tumblr sexymen imo, including tommyinnit even though hes a minor which is gross but its not like its anything new from the website that glorifies mental illness and serial killers
> RiiRen note "og sexymen" i did draw dream x onceler though too i think but i forgot to post it here, but now the wbf link is gone since i deleted it. oh well
surprised dream isnt here we <3 tumblr
> Mr. ty!
nobody's really responding or commenting on my posts, but i'm still going to pretend like you see them lulz. im sorry im not really on discord rn. i do sometimes come on weekdays even with school cuz sometimes i cant really sleep, but i can never find my mum's phone? maybe shes hiding it or something but its only sometimes and on the days where i can find it shes awake anyway so umm yeah. frustrating as hell
hurredly (or however you spell it) typing this bc im in class rn but i have a 4 day weekend! (i think)
ill try to be on more often then since idk the next time ill get a break like that but yeah. ill try again anyways tomorrow
also im nearly finished with tmvr (triumvirate abbreviation) chapter 4 so thats fun. takes me about a week to write each chapter and beta read it.
im trying to also make a wiki for myself since im narcissistic, but if i eventually do get one working itll include my stories and ocs and stuff. just wanted to let u guys know that for some reason
anyways peace
> ɘƨυɒƧɘmoƨɘwA yoo nice. hope ur doing ok too!
> Mr. Yeah I have someone's old phone and they have insta so maybe I'll ask if I can post art stuff on there and my dad let me have friends on Steam so I guess I'm doing ok with that but ye hope ur all ok bruh
> ɘƨυɒƧɘmoƨɘwA shit man i feel u there im currently sneaking on disc these days, so maybe you're better than me by ignoring the urge discord gives lmao hope you can eventually get it back nonetheless, idk what advice to give besides trying to stay not sus so your parents can trust you more. maybe also try to get socials like tumblr or insta if youre allowed to? im pretty sure harley (horrid) is active on both of those and ash is active on tumblr enough
> RiiRen all good dog
trying to write triumvirate and get a decent amount of well-written chapters done before i show you guys is harder than i expected? excusing the fact that i'm trying to write each chapter novel-lengthy, the amount of beta reading or whatever its called on ao3 i have to do is absolute pain. besides that, i'm managing fairly well
i don't want to give spoilers out for those who're interested in reading it for themselves, but i'll leave a few basic points that i figured you'd like to see in an update to expand on the lore. i've changed it up a bit since using the writing channel or my own on discord on the fam server since the last one was written whilst i was still into countryhumans so yeah that explains a lot lolz
kylov is planned to be the main protagonist (along with the two other protagonists, kivun and prez) and will be introduced first. like i said before, he's a struggling minority in a fucked up dystopian united states with his boss as the literal dictator that calls himself a president. the other is just a popular celeb that secretly uses his services for the government because haha sexyman
other characters like sapphire and miera are gunna be introduced eventually, but they havent yet since i want the story to focus on our three protags rn cuz the prologue is a hell of a foreshadowing thingy. no idea how to phrase that in a normal sentence but okay
characters like grime and newsef will have their respective sub-plots or separate spin-offs or whatever if i feel like it. they will definitely be important to the lore in some aspect, though, and you'll see them pretty often later in trmv. keep in mind that theyre fairly new characters next to ocs like kylov and sapphyre who have been around for forever even before the fic
ignoring the characters for now, im keeping the idea of a dystopian world with more world power-like countries such as egypt or germany because those two are VERY important to the plot, and youll see why once i write them in. uk is also important but whatever its just funney bird lady queen you will see a lot of
might have more to add but it'll be in the next update or maybe in the comments/replies if im that desperate. if you have any questions, ask in the discord server (if ur in it) or in the replies lmao idm
keep in mind though that on discord ill take longer to respond
anyways thats about it. keep in mind this story is still changing as i write and develop ideas for the plot & its characters, so not all of this might make it into the story if i decide it to not for whatever reason
thanks for reading :D
- prez
> RiiRen sappyhyre thank you, though!
I remember you mentioning Sappyhyre in one of our rps cool update nonetheless homie, can't wait
okay i misspelled sapphyres name i yelled at tex and kurt for doing it but then i go and contradict myself. fml
so idk how to start this really, but my school gave me a chromebook now that im back physically! i can leave updates here, and only here for now because i tried literally every other social media and its blocked. i have tried all the ways i can think of to bypass it, and they dont work. im too scared theyll find out and sue me or something if i use a vpn, so yeah. this for now during the times i dont sneak on discord
anyways, past all the boring stuff, how are you guys on medi? if any of you see this, i'm sorry if i'm inactive or something. ive sort of grown out of medi despite the nostalgia and i see no point in returning unless i have something important to say. if things were different maybe id be, but idk, really
this is it for now? dont really have anything important to note, but ill add it later if i do. dealing with school. school sucks. homeworks too much and i have to wear a mask all day
mum's getting suspicious. fml. cya 4 now
adding to this lmao uuh since i might not be able to get onto ao3 since i cant bypass it, i might just upload google docs of Triumvirate here so you guys can read! not guaranteed to write it on my chromebook, but if i end up doing so id be ok with that since my medi account is easy to access when im sneaking on and i can post it on discord too but yeah, even if theres a slim chance discord will see this, im taking it anyways i should be sleeping LOL not used to this new schedule
uhh ive been gone on discord for a bit, and i know i always come here to talk about it, but i wont make this too long??
my mom put a passcode on her phone 10 days ago, so its been practically impossible for me to try and get on without her permission. my last attempt was a week ago, and ive been pretty unsuccessful
i waited about a week to try again to diminish her suspicions or whatever, and only today i actually managed to get on. even then she was suspicious so im gonna have to continue this laying low thing
i tried to get on discord anyway about half an hour ago, and the verification required thing was on there, so ill have to wait for the first or longer to attempt to get on discord again aha
anyways, just letting people know because ik i keep having to leave and come back with context for certain times. dunno how i survived those 7 months last time but i dont want it to happen again
i know i say it time and time again and it practically means nothing at this point, but im really sorry for being dead on medi. idk why i just dont abandon this site completely, but last time i did i came back because of the memories and shit. tons of my friends are dead at this point on here, but for the people on here trying to keep it alive, props to you guys
i dont want to make this too long so ill end it here but yeah. thx for taking your time to read this. you dont need to respond tbh
- prez/kivun
I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR NEWS ABOUT YOU UGH I CRIED MULTIPLE TIMES ON HOW YOU WEREN'T ONLINE I THOUGHT YOU WETR DEAD SICHJENDD Anyways sorry, and I'm really sorry to hear that Prez. I think it's better if you just lay low atm, if you want to contact me in my social medias, just go to my email if you want to (ashley.work213@gmail.com) since ye. I really hope the problem will be sorted out soon, and dw buddy, we all miss you here on Discord. I'm really glad and super happy that nothing bad happened to you. What happened? Well, I created a new OC who was a priestess and was a half succubus jsjcid more stuff will come out later after I release a backstory + fanfic + art about her Again, happy you're safe, healthy, and alive. Love u sm /p
ohhh i see at least you're safe and all, dont wanna call it or anything good luck with everything still though also off topic but one of my friends asked me if i shipped drarry or not and i said no and then they just sent me a wattpad fanfiction thats fucking 46 chapters long to try and change my mind im
nothing much happened while you're gone tbh nothing groundbreaking at least, but that never happens here :'D btw how's the discord fam? I haven't been able to contact Ash since like 2-4 months ago q-q
i feel like shalom and hellavi would just walk up to him and yell "BOXED LIKE A FISH" randomly and then start saying it over and over kylov legitimately has to suffer with this eternal torment because they're both demons (well... shalom is almost there) and if he kills himself to escape or dies he's probably going to hell 💀