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emanu_eru left a comment!
So, I’ve decided to leave MediBang or Art Street or whatever the hell it is now. I am very grateful for all of my friends on here but I simply do not wish to stay any longer. It is not because of anyone on here- this is my own personal descision and I was not influenced by outside forces. I did not think I’d decide to actually leave in the end but here I am. If you wish to stay in contact with me, you can always note me on DA or message me on TH- hell, you could even DM me on discord if you really wanted to. All of that is on my profile so feel free to contact me anyway you wish to. It’s hard to say goodbye as I’ve made some really good friends here but I feel as if this is something I need to do. I will make a final post either tomorrow or later today for everyone else who deems it “important”. I may still try to comment on things but I’d rather detach myself in the way of posting. Thank you all for being here and thank you especially to those who’ve helped me in times when I desperately needed it. It means the world to me that I have friends I can talk to if something is bothering me. And for that, I am especially sorry for leaving but this is something I need to do for myself.
-Your crazed Jazz lord Almother, Ein.
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Hi guys, I know we don't know each other and some of you or most of you will ignore me.. (huhu) but oh well, I still believed in the goodness of your hearts. hehe. So to make things short, My artwork sucks, well I am just a beginner to this kind of stuff so forget about it. Uh so, my question is, to you my fellow artist what brush size do you usually use in your line art, let say if you're using a drawing pen. As you will notice at my artwork, If you have a time to look, it was reaaaally boring, I mean it didn't have a life or something. So I think the big factor for that is the lineart and (of course the color too). So that's it. Hopefully someone will notice me. Thank you!
emanu_eru left a comment!
I have finally lost one of my old sketchbooks and now I'm sad
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What's up?
emanu_eru left a comment!
I am so sick of the behaviour on this stupid website, yeah some of you are actually good people, but some just act like absolute fucking five year olds! I am so done with the attention seeking whores on this website that just fake vent and do stupid thing for attention, none of you are funny or cool because you joke about suicide and depression, I would care if you vented if you didn’t fucking spam constantly and, oh I don’t know, LISTENED TO THE PEOPLE CARING ABOUT YOU?! HONESTLY I HATE ALL OF YOU, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE *mic drop*