Thought it would be cute to animate my oc Ji-Ji in a sneeze… Oh and part 1 of chapter 2 is up!

I'm not a professional artist, but plan to be some day. Stay tuned to watch my progress!
Oh, yeah, and I just so happened to be self taught. If you need any pointers don't be afraid to ask.
(Just don't ask about horses. Them and I don'ts gets along.)
- sallyorali
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
Pen tablet
Huion G10T
Future goals
To Become A Character Designer & Animator!!!
A little peek into Chapter 2!!!
I have 80+ followers and I haven't drawn a milestone thank you....
I'm terrible at being social....
So I'll be working on that, but is there anything you peeps wanna see in general???
Here's a sneak peek of a soon-to-be-released project! Stay tuned for the full post tomorrow!!! (Or later today if it's morning for you ^^)
Here's a little sneak peek of what I'm working on! Page 3 will be done soon (I already have the inking done), so that's great!
I also have a favor to ask... For those of you who haven't stopped by to view one of my latest posts please do here:
I'm really proud of this one and would love to see it level up to the highest it can go! And I want to thank all of you who have already shown your support!! 😉❤
Also, I have a DTIYS challenge going do if you're interested stop by here:
Thanks for all of your support!!
Plus---> HELP!!! I'm becoming an architect!! LOL
I never knew I would have to draw up floor plans... but they are EXTREMELY useful! Another tip: Do your research! I did some heavy info crunching last night and made some hard-core decisions and made several realizations...
1.) I'm drawing from right to left <<<---
2.) Who knew there was some much that went into page dimensions??? (bleed lines, safety lines and so, much more....)
3.) Plan, plan, plan!
So far I've written the complete manuscript of Chapter 1. Does anyone wanna read that or would ya rather wait until the pages are done???
Thanks for Stopping By (and I spread unto all of you my happy happiness!)
I wanted to do OC-tober, but I'm late so... that's not gonna happen. LOL Plus... there aren't any official lists anywhere. I thought about making one up but...... I'm too lazy (dun dun duuuuuunnn)
Soon I'll have an art dump ready LOL
The first pic is if Mordici and his brother Tin-K had their hero-villain roles switched, the second is Tin-K as a villain (as he is), and the third is my take on Sally from BOFURI (a request long over due).
18 more days until I start on new requests!
Oh, and if you haven't already, go check out my latest work!
And for those who have Thank You!!! (//U^U\\)
I wasn't always the artist I am now... Here's an ooold concept of Mordicī, (like super old) vs. a redraw I did today.
I had the old one inside an old notebook which got wet because of my carelessness 😅, but it still lives.
A lot has changed since then, but the concept is still there!
Have any old concepts ya wanna share??? Share them!!
Thanks for droppin' in!
WIP!!! After doing the requests, it's time for me to get back to drawing the IAHO gang. And I decided to warm up with none other than...... Mordicī!
Aiming for a WWII feel and who knows... this might be an arc of the manga... >v>.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Heeeeey everyone, I've got an announcement!! I'm opening requests on October 20th!
Only 3 slots are open so I just wanna let everyone know so they can put their requests down and that I can consider it!
Examples of finished requests:
Go Check 'em Out!!!
Almost forgot to post this here! I'm almost finished with him, just gotta paint his weapon and go over some finishing touches. I know that I'm taking forever with this. 😭😭
~Sally 💖💖
Update!!! I've finished the line art and putting down the base colors! Now here comes the longest part.... rendering 😭
But it'll be fun and I'll try to keep everyone updated with my progress with more stories. Hopefully, I can pull this off!
I haven't colored in the bonus page (which is why it isn't included) but it's coming along nicely!
Thanks for Stopping by and Viewing!!!
~Sally 💖💖
The Last chapter of the first book of the Rebekka web novel!
First off, I would like to thank all my readers for stopping by and reading this web novel! The next step now is moving into the editing stage. I have no doubts that the actual book will be much longer (because of the extra changes), and when the final version is released, I promise you will be the first to know! It's funny to think that it has been a year since I had released the first chapter of this web novel and it's been a truly awesome experience with every post release since then. So once more I thank you my readers because, without you, I wouldn't have written this far.
~Alison Bankroft~ 𝒜ℬ
Here's a WIP!!! I'm also including a few more requests (want to try to draw at least one from everyone who requested). I hope they look fine. 😅 This is my third time doing fan art soooo...
Hopefully, I'll have these finished soon. Taking me some time since I'm doing my comic and other side projects.
Until the next post,
~Sally 💖💖
> Lhyr I'm so glad it looks great! And to think I was so nervous about this... ^^
Levi looks perfect! The others are great too ^^
> ׺Ƒąժҽҽº× np np :D ooh it will, youve got a lot of good ones to work with, and its satisfying to see it come together
> Leieryx ^^ Thank You!!! It's gonna be so exciting to color everything!
As promised, when it came time for the Last Meal, Rebekka was in one of the kitchens of the garrison making a luxurious double-layered Raspberry and Lemon cake. It helped after a long day to get one’s mind away from the violence and despair.....
To Read More Visit:
Sorry, this one is late, but sometimes things just are! Please stop by and read this chapter!
---> If you have not started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin the adventure! <---
Thanks For Reading,
~Ali 💖💖
Here ya are! Another adopt for your collection! Once again thank you so much for participating in my contest!
~Sally 💖💖
> Lhyr No problem at all!
I can't wait to draw her! Thanks for the adopts 😄
It's just like last time! Choose a character and I'll upload the high-quality version of them!
> Lhyr Alright! Just one moment...
The girl with the purple shirt! :D
The first two are winners from Instagram, so please go check them out!
If you want to read the commentary, it is on the original post which is also on Instagram. The link:
Sorry I couldn't post it all here. I don't have enough slides....
Anyway, I just want to give another thanks to all of the contestants. Honestly, I'm surprised at this time around. It was a much larger turnout than last time and for that I am thankful!
I don't know when the next contest will be, because I have a lot of things on my plate right now. Just be on the lookout, okay? 😉
Also, I will DM the winners with the prizes, so winners please look out for that.
Thanks again,
Crouching in the low underbrush, Rebekka struggled to keep her breath steady. Beads of sweat slowly slid down the edges of her face. A few got into her eyes and she blinked them away. The heat was sweltering! She shifted in her crouched position, hoping to give some alleviation to her burning thighs, but that only made a gush of heat rise. And to make matters worse.....
To Read More Visit:
---> If you have not started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin the adventure! <---
Thanks For Reading,
~Ali 💖💖
I Almost Forgot! Exclusive Content for my Supporters!
Here's my latest post from Sketch to Finish!
Also, if you haven't already, feel free to leave your comments on the actual post, and to like and/or favorite it! The link is:
Thank You All so Much, My Wonderful, Wonderful Supporters!!!
OMG, I'm so HAPPYYYY! I've finally reached level 4! And it's all because of you guys!!! I'm literally crying on the inside! 😭😭😭
I've included a sneak peek of my next biggest project. Just my way of saying : Thank you so, so, so, so much!!!!!!
~Sally ❤❤
> Ciinnanya! ^^ Thank you!! (hmm... I have a feeling I'll have a bunch of "Thank You's" to give out. lol)
aaaaaaaaaaa congrats!! You deserve it!!
> boiledsunflowers Aw, thanks Sunny! And please call me Sally... or Ali. Either one.....
> Leieryx Thanks Lemon!! ^^
It's been so long since I've written one of these... I've finally finished another chapter of my web novel: Rebekka! I'm really sorry for the wait, really I am. So as a sort of apology I have two versions:
The shorter regular release, containing nearly 2,000 words...
...Or the longer full-length chapter containing 7,000 words...
(This version has a password. Password is... lengthy )
The choice is yours! Usually, I release chapters in pieces of 2,000 words, but I thought to be fair, I would make the rest of the chapter available for those who want to read it. And this chapter was so long! I thought I could finish it in 2,000 words, but I surprised myself!
As always thanks so, so much for reading and being the wonderful supporters you are!
~Ali (Ali is short for Alison, which happens to be my pen name!)
---> If you have not started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin the adventure! <---
I know it's been some time since I've posted the latest Rebekka (a little over two months actually) but School is finally out for me, so I can get back to writing! I'm sorry for the wait, but I'm working on the next chapter. Here a Sneek Peek for all of you!!!
Rebekka nodded her understanding to Yorin and he patted her shoulders.
“Let’s continue, aye?” he said, “We’ll be late if we stay here any longer.”
Rebekka sighed but solidified her will. “Alright let’s get out of here.”
Yorin grinned. “Think you can beat me to the garrisons?”
Rebekka cut a glance his way. She was about to ask if he was too old for it but studying his physique (he happened to be wearing light armor rather than his usual suit), she decided he may be quite a challenge.
Rebekka returned his grin. “You win, I’ll bake you a whole cake,” His brows raised at this, “I win, you tell me more about Bastōn.”
“One, that’s Commander Bastōn to you, and two, challenge accepted.”
At Yorin’s last word, Rebekka readied to sprint, but suddenly Yorin kicked a leg from under her. She fell to one knee as he skipped ahead.
“And three Lieutenant,” he called back after her, “Never underestimate your opponent!”
Laughing, Rebekka got to her feet and bolted after him.
To say that Rebekka lost the race would have been a complete understatement. She lost pitifully, hands down, and absolutely. And though Yorin won by a few feet, it looked like he could run another mile or two!
As she leaned against a lamppost of the square to catch her breath, Rebekka realized she had no chance of winning since the first step. Yorin knew the way back to the garrisons and she didn’t. Simple as that. The moment she gained the advantage, she wouldn’t know what turn to take and Yorin passed her every time. As they neared the garrisons, however, Rebekka began to gain on the crafty old man, but it was no use. Now she had a cake to bake.
“How- *pant* how old are you anyway?” Rebekka asked between breaths.
“Forty-two,” Yorin replied and quite smugly.
“Why you’re hardly old at all!”
“Hm, hm, hmm,” he laughed, “Perception is everything isn’t it?”
“Perception and lies.”
“Lies?” He seemed offended by the word. “I never lied about anything. I have only said statements and let those around me believe what they wanted.”
“Partial truths.”
Yorin let her catch her breath for the next few minutes.
“Soooo…. What cake are you baking me?”
Rebekka chuckled some before replying, “Matina was right about your sweet tooth. Have any raspberries?”
“Raspberries? Hmm… well, I’d have to check with the cook… Why?”
“How does a double-layered Raspberry and Lemon cake sound?”
“Oh ho! Why that sound most delicious!” His excitement deflated some “Only problem, and I’m quite unhappy to say this, is that Matina is bound to find out about the cake, so instead of it being solely for me, we’ll share it. It can be a dessert for dinner. If you can invite your friends, it’ll be most splendid.”
“Why Yorin, that’s a wonderful idea! I think it’ll be perfect to get everyone’s mind off the Axon for a moment.”
Yorin did a short bow. “Glad to share these wonderful old ideas.” He winked as Rebekka laughed. “Now let’s go and get those cadets up and ready.”
“Oh, I have to get Mason and the others. They said they’d be by the fountain.”
“Right! You go on and fetch them, then. There’ll still be enough time for me to show you how everything goes.”
The two departed, Yorin whistling jovially as he went.
Rebekka walked to the fountain in thought. Yorin was right about one thing for certain. She had a responsibility now. She didn’t like it, but it was there, nonetheless. But how would she become a lieutenant? She was given the title sure, but if she were to command the rest of the cadets, she would have to have an authoritative figure. She knew that there would be a few that will put her newly begotten authority to the test...
Rebekka’s thoughts drifted to thinking on what new doors would open for her since she was now lieutenant. If she could have the freedom to go anywhere as she pleased, that could allow her to study the integrity of the Axon’s gates and walls. It was even possible she could get her hands on an accurate map of the entire place. And if that was a possibility, so was planning an escape. The odds were certainly against her, but she had to try.
In her thinking, Rebekka had allowed her feet to take her where they wanted, and she ended up stopping near the fountain. Its crystal waters bubbled softly as a spring, adding a strange calm peace to the gloomy late morning. Perhaps several days ago, Rebekka would have thought it a sad little fountain, but now she thought of it as a nice addition to the place. It was actually possible that the fountain was the best place of the Sect.
Rebekka suddenly realized she had forgotten what she came for and grinned some. Idle thinking would get her into trouble if she indulged in its mystical fruits too often. She sighed away her thinking and began her return to the garrisons. Yorin said he would be waiting for her and she had a feeling that if she took too long the old man would not have a problem giving her a verbal reprimand about her tardiness.
That's it for now!
If you're interested in starting from the very beginning, the link is just below!! --->>>
Thanks For Reading,
I was worried that you've might given up on Rebekka, I'm glad to know you'll keep up writing!
Once again I want to thank you for participating in my contest! I'll be coming out with more contests very soon so stay tuned! 👀
Alright,I'll stay tuned!
It's been a year since I created the website Ali's Books and Arts. To commemorate such an event, I have posted a snippet from my upcoming novel "Aurora". It'll only be available for a week, so I suggest you stop by for a visit!
Here's the link to the never-before-seen Snippet! Happy Reading!
I haven't been posting (here at least), but it's only because I have exams to do soon and I've been studying, so art is slow.
Lhyr, I'm still working on those adopts. Don't worry I haven't forgot about you!
Okay, so hopefully I'll be posting on the regular soon aye?
And the winner of the coloring contest "Adventurous Duo" is..... Lhyr •~•!!!
Congratulations! Being the only entry, you instantly claim the grand prize -- A free commission from me of either an oc or of a favorite character, and an adoptable oc! Please send me a direct message of your request and I'll start working on it right away!
I also encourage everyone viewing this to take a visit and leave a comment on the artwork's page! Find it here:
Special Note: Thank you Lhyr •~• for your participation in my contest! You're one lucky winner, to instantly claim the grand prize without any competition!
In the next contests I hold, I strongly encourage others to join! there are great prizes if you do!
Now that you mentioned it's really hard to tell them apart! I should've used a slightly darker pink on her clothes or something yellowish/orangish Thanks for your critic, I'll pay more attention to that on my next paintings 😊
That's the first time I've ever won a contest😆! Though I would've liked it more if it had more...competition? But I can understand why not many people could make it, School could go easier on us 😔
> Leieryx I understand. I kinda figured people were busy. Everyone's in schools after all! : )
oh its really pretty! sorry i didnt join im m a d busy
This is just a release to say that the Coloring Contest - featuring the Adventurous Duo - has officially come to an end. But don't worry! If you didn't get to participate this time, I will be hosting other contests in the very near future!
Tomorrow, I will be releasing the winners of the contest and the commentary I have for their entries!
Until Tomorrow,
No post today! Just a tradition sketch I might finish tomorrow. If not tomorrow... Thursday!
Whhyyyyy are my gifs always soooo messed up!!!!!!! ;^;