Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

12 hours / Day
I’m free i'll be taking requests in batches of two a week
im going to fucking scream

ok so this is from my phone bc for some reason, my computer wont let me login and I dont know what to do
i don't want to restart/system erase since that's literally all of my fucking files just thanos snapped because my computer wont stop bitching with me
im so goddamn scared im crying and i've gone on the support forums but nothing works

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  • weather update: after 12 minutes of me panicking, i held the power button instead of just tapping it and it worked like my computer had me so fucking scared

  • aw im sorry :((!!

wow im creative

this all happened last night and im still salty/happy from what happened
So, me coming back from my awesome, radical vacation decided that the best thing to do was to reunite with my computer. which was a great idea! But. But but but, my computer, being the lovable dickhead that it is after being decommissioned for two weeks straight, just didn't run smoothly at all. So, I, being the tech wizard that i totally am, simply shut down and hoped for the best. I boot up my computer and open up Clip Studio, only to be met with "Your license for Clip Studio Paint Pro has expired. Thank you for choosing our program." And I couldn't believe my eyes; it turns out that software/tablet bundles come with a limited warranty license, something that I skimmed over while reading the instructions, some fateful two years ago. So, I panicked. Wonderful, really. I spent the best of two hours trying to regain my trusty program, but it was to be paid for, something that couldn't really happen. My only choice was to downgrade from Clip Studio Paint Pro to Clip Studio Paint Debut. A minor inconvenience, really, but I was devastated, heartbroken, if you will. But, as Newton's Third Law stands true, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, which only meant that something good to counteract such a calamity must be put into place. While I searched for the license key to my now expired program, I stumbled upon what could only be described as a miracle. The downloadable drivers, personalized for each Wacom product. My computer, as lovely as it is, had outdated drivers that weren't compatible with my pen pressure settings. I had learned to adapt, yes, but nothing could compare to the sweet joy of opening up Clip Studio to learn that my computer bestowed mercy upon my tablet. I downloaded the drivers and installed them and now, much to my joy, I can use pen pressure.
tl;dr: my computer is big meanie but now i have a better art experience and maeyo can be overly dramatic when they really want to be

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before i do this

ok so im planning on doing adopts but the only problem is that i dont know what the fuck im doing
so if y'all could like educate me on adopts that'd be super great

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  • > 「!soundbite!」 np uwu

  • > Neyuslie uwu thanks broski <3

  • I can help my mayo brother!! There’s different types of Adopts! These are the ones that usually matter the most! FCFs = First come First serve DtA = Draw to adopt(someone draws it and you choose which entry is the best) OtA = Offer to Adopt(Offers such as art, characters, etc) BtA = Backstory to Adopt (Give the bab a backstory and you choose which is best) - And batches can range to any number! But I keep myself towards 3-6 usually. Also please notify me if you do a batch or reserve me a bab, i love your art brother <3

  • well like i kinda want to know the different types of distributing adopts, how big batches should be, etc.

hrrrrgggg vent

legit here just so I didn't have to publish a work that really didn't need to be published
I don't vent often either so this is just hhhhh
but in all seriousness, I feel like the only part of me is work
I just finished a week-long project with several drawings that should've burnt me out but didn't
nice and all
but I came straight home after school and started drawing at around three
its nine rn
I've literally been drawing for almost six hours straight
and for as much as I draw, I don't feel like I've improved at all in the past six months
like yeah, maybe I understand facial structure more, and yeah, maybe I understand hands a little better, but I haven't really made any groundbreaking progress with my art
but whenever I don't draw, I feel like I'm not being productive enough and that I can do better
I want to take a break, but its almost like I can't at all
It's such a horrible feeling to have your life revolve around something that won't even make you successful or anything.
No, this isn't me saying goodbye to the platform, I'll still be here for a good while

ok thanks for listening to my TED talk

goddamnit cavetown, giving me feelings
haven't had those in years

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