Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Hey guys

I'm in a sappy mood sorry...
I'll keep most of the details of this to myself for now but this drawing is going to be addressed to a few certain people in my life. Some IRL some I talk to on here. It's going to be weird talking about some of this considering how small my account is compared to most....but...well...yeah...
Well...that's probably all I should say.
I hope you have a good day or night, I really do. I know a lot of you are still going through shit...if you have a sucky day or night I hope I can make it at least a little better for you in some way or another <3

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Chris Pine Cone left a comment!

Boop boop bedoop

"I'm sorry just calm down...Lets change the subject a little bit, what is the best memory you have with your friends?"
Well...I have to say with Rose....probably when we went to the local fair in 8th grade. I managed to save some money and she had some for games and prizes...Everything was overpriced but we were having so much fun. She won me a small duck and I've kept it ever since.
"Ok, your best memory with Tyler?"
Oh that's a hard one we've already done a lot of shit heh...Um...Probably when we graffitied an abandoned house a few weeks after we met. We talked a lot and spent the whole day there, I don't know why I guess we just click.
...When we were in the 7th grade, we were in woodshop and she had finally finished her birdhouse with little cute decorations and she was some of the happiest I've seen her. Next to hers was mine that sucked it was super simple but she was in love heh...She would get so happy over small achievements she was amazing to be around...I don't consider myself a believer but I now pray every night that she'll be ok.

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Chris Pine Cone left a comment!

Random writing prompt crraapp

The prompt was freedom, attic, cave.
This is my first half of the stuff I've written for it I'm sorry it isn't the best
"Talk to me, that's all I ask. Start from the beginning or whatever you're comfortable talking about"
"We found you in your attic, can you tell me about that at least? We're trying to do everything we can to help you"
My attic is my cave, my escape. My mother and father were out when I found the attic...I was looking through my closet when I found the door that lead there. It was completely empty other than cobwebs so I assumed my parents didn't know it was there...I mean they never even mentioned it. I now have lots of things I stole in there and hide...
"Yes, well, may I ask what you'd do in the attic?"
I would sleep in there sometimes...especially when dad was home. The unearthly noises my parents made when they fought were muffled by the attic floor and walls. I'd also carve pieces of wood I'd find.
"What all did you place in the attic?"
Pillows and blankets, books, some cards from friends, A few carving tools, food that I'd find, a small lamp, some stuff to hide behind, newspapers....normal things.
"When was the last time you saw your father?"
I'd say...about a week ago. Mom says he's with some slut named Jenna now.
"When was the last time you saw your mother?"
Just yesterday, she is usually only home at night.
"Will you tell me your name yet?"
...No...I...what's the point?

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