イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

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Chris Pine Coneさんがコメントしました!

Random writing prompt crraapp

The prompt was freedom, attic, cave.
This is my first half of the stuff I've written for it I'm sorry it isn't the best
"Talk to me, that's all I ask. Start from the beginning or whatever you're comfortable talking about"
"We found you in your attic, can you tell me about that at least? We're trying to do everything we can to help you"
My attic is my cave, my escape. My mother and father were out when I found the attic...I was looking through my closet when I found the door that lead there. It was completely empty other than cobwebs so I assumed my parents didn't know it was there...I mean they never even mentioned it. I now have lots of things I stole in there and hide...
"Yes, well, may I ask what you'd do in the attic?"
I would sleep in there sometimes...especially when dad was home. The unearthly noises my parents made when they fought were muffled by the attic floor and walls. I'd also carve pieces of wood I'd find.
"What all did you place in the attic?"
Pillows and blankets, books, some cards from friends, A few carving tools, food that I'd find, a small lamp, some stuff to hide behind, newspapers....normal things.
"When was the last time you saw your father?"
I'd say...about a week ago. Mom says he's with some slut named Jenna now.
"When was the last time you saw your mother?"
Just yesterday, she is usually only home at night.
"Will you tell me your name yet?"
...No...I...what's the point?


Chris Pine Coneさんがコメントしました!

Part 2 of last post

I'll be able to give a little more info bc this one is a lot shorter (sorry it's so choppy)
Kevin: He's the main boi, he's 16 and all of his emotions are some form of pissed off. He's kind of everything wrong with my OCs but I love him nevertheless. He hates most of his family.
Berte: Berte is the first person he makes friends with. She's 14. She likes bunnies if you like bunnies she likes you. She sadly doesn't have a nose and is usually called weird and thrown around bc she's so short.....yeah she doesn't have many friends.
Kanndemere: Kanndemere (or kanno for short) is 16, super awkward and shy, and prefers to keep to himself. He's extremely pale and doesn't get out much, which isn't a shock knowing his family. He runs away at the first sight of blood and rarely talks to people he doesn't know. He's also really klutzy...like seriously he trips every 6 seconds.
Chaz: He's sporty, douchy, and hates showing emotions ya know a normal highschooler. Chaz is 17 and isn't that social. He hates smartasses and is almost never seen without his headphones. He's good at reading people and knowing who to avoid. He will usually decline if you want to go out at night. Some people suspect he's hiding a few secrets.
Overall they're a bunch of weirdos but hey they can be weird and sad and complain together so yay.


Chris Pine Coneさんがコメントしました!

Help again pls I'm sorry

I want to make some creepy characters and such based off of creepy spirits/human like creatures from mythology, it's for a universe thing.
I'm having some trouble finding some, I'm asking for any human like monster/spirit etc from any folklore
So far I've made a list of this (if you don't know what they are I reccomend looking them up)
Krasue (like what I just drawn for Halloween)
Futakuchi-onna (the two mouthed women things)
Kappa (it's a water thing...that likes cucumbers...and murder)
Chochin obake (it's a lantern head...ghost....thing that like to play pranks usually)
Nukekubi (a demon...thing that can detach its head)
Langsuyar (basically the same thing but the stories are much darker)
Siren (Mermaid or bird things that enjoy singing and eating people)
Wendigo (cannibalistic demon things)
Banshee (a female spirit that is usually an old hag, when you see one it means death is near)
Pacong (a ghost...corpse...thing wrapped up in things and you have to hug it apparently)
Fairy/pixie (the forest things how do you not know what this is?)
And in have the things like demons, angels, werewolves, vampires, etc.
If anyone has any cool creatures pls tell me I'm still looking everywhere for things
