Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Art Fight

Ohhh yeahhh, I know about it, you know about it, and most likely not everyone knows about it, but it's nearly Art Fight time!!
Last year Werewolves took the win (wooo!!! that was my team) and now it's Seafoam vs Stardust, I'll be on the Seafoam team.
I feel like I did pretty good last year, I mean, not to brag, but I had a 100% attack ratio (I literally submitted only one attack on the day before it ended :v). But this year, oh boy this year I'll do even better :D

You can find me here: , and will you be participating on Art Fight this year?? If so share your Art Fight page so I can attack you >:D

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Long days v2

Yesterday was a veery long Sun- wait didn't I say this already?
Anyways, I just finished two very tough weeks of university and finally have a tiny bit of a breath to relax and assimilate all the things that happened, kind of like calm before the storm. If you have ever been in a state where you feel like you're glitching in and out of reality due to how exhausted you are... I feel you, and I hope you never experience that again, and if you haven't, I hope it stays that way for you.
But now I have just enough time to have healthy habits again, and I can stretch that to have a bit of extra time. Which means! I hopefully will be uploading again on this Friday :D

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Serious matter

I know I said that I wasn't uploading until Friday, but this is a serious matter... termites... they are dangerous insect that will eat wood and various decaying plants.
And how are they a serious matter? I hear you say, well it is believe me, you know what is made of wood? pencils, THEY EAT PENCILS AS WELL, I don't even know how they got into my metal case for my graphite pencils. My poor 6B pencil was attacked :c at least it was not the staedtler one.
Anyways, take care of your 6B pencils, don't let them near termites and be careful yourselves B+C= P

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There is nothing like going in a trip to the mountains at a lake to spend the day there... except when it's crowded with people and the sun is beating down on you : /
Yeah, one does not really enjoy that sort of trip, especially when you would rather stay home and draw, don't get me wrong, I'm an outdoors person, but more for colder temperatures and a bit more silent places (I enjoy my silence). Anyways I was intending to read and sketch on my sketchbook, but that wasn't possible.
It was just an experience, and I didn't really enjoyed it much. And then it was finally time to head back... At long last, I got a window seat so I was able to see through it.
While heading back it was the time for the sun to set, and it was amazing, nature, it is just beautiful, the wind was chilly out and I finally had gotten the cold temperature I had been missing in the heat of the day... It made me think, maybe it wasn't so bad, the trip there was enjoyable, even if I got the middle seat, I got to read, even if just one chapter of my book, I had hamburgers for lunch and they were pretty delicious, even if I had to seat on the dirt. Sometimes it just takes a bit apreciation to really enjoy things, I went out without any sort of intention to go, and returned having seen and amazing sunset, well life is like that most of the time.
Anyways, thanks for reading my random talk about enjoying sunsets and how they manage to make me smile : )

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Little update

I guess since I didn't upload anything on Friday I will do a small update on this post.
Phew, I finally have time on my schedule to do stuff, so guess what? I will do exactly that, stuff!! I am currently working on something to upload hopefully before or on Christmas.
And ALSO, I opened a Deviant Art account, the name is RLtheArtist, because RioLucario was already taken :b oh well, anyways, I plan to upload only digital art there to practice and do stuff, as for this ART Street page I will upload everything else. Here is the link:

That is a wrap and have a nice week and happy holidays to all B+C=P

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I just loOoOve sculpting, specially when I use paper mache as method to make the skeleton stiff and it just falls of.
Ok, so here's the context, I've been doing a small sculpture of a feline, and to do an animal sculpture one usually does a skeleton, like we humans we have skeletons that give structure to our body. Cool, the problem is that the wire I'm using isn't as thick as not to be so malleable to the point it deforms itself. How do I solve this? Giving structure to the skeleton, I did so by adding paper and masking tape, and to finish it off I was adding paper mache to it (by the way, if you don't what that is, it's a homemade modelling paste that uses cardboard), well, the problem is it just keeps falling off, and now I'm going crazy D:

ANYways, that's just random thing I wanted to say.

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Avatar's live action serie

I just saw the trailer for the live action series, and I'm scared.
Having seen the old unspeakable live action that was made, also sorry for reminding that exists, I'm scared it becomes something like that. But also, I have heard that the One piece live action is good... sooo... that puts me... at ease?
That series is my favorite series of all time and has a very special place on my heart since my childhood, so all I hope is that it doesn't gets ruined in a live action form... again.
Or I could wait to hear if it is good and then watch it, if it is not, then I don't and that's how I can avoid seeing it be ruined :D (but still, hopefully it doesn't goes that way, because I personally don't even see why turn it into a live action, the animation and series is beautiful as it is)

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Mindful Thought

Today I remembered how important is to see what others do not thinking "I'll not there yet", but instead seeing it as how good you'll eventually and inevitably will become.
Yeah yeah, I know, even though both are seen from the same moment it really does matters how you see things sometimes. I have recently been feeling overwhelmed by how others just are infinitely better than where I currently am, but today, I saw something just amazing... and... thought: "I will be doing things like that at some point..." just that, and it made me want to move forward again.
Sometimes, I forget how important is to also have people by your side that comprehend you, and go out to do things you like, just for the fun of it. If anyone reads this, do me, and most importantly yourself, a favor, go out with whomever makes your life special, because time wont last forever, and don't get started on saying things such as "hey, I don't have anyone" because I assure you, you do, and you are special, there is no need to compare to others and reduce yourself, you are worth for being you, not for being someone you are not.

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Update + Introduction

This is something I've been meaning to do for a while now. I know that there has been a consistent innactivity on my page here, something to be worked on, but that doesn't mean I'm not taking this seriously. In fact quite the contrary, this post meaning is to establish my commitment to my art page. I plan to keep this page going towards a good direction.
As for Magical Legends... I... this is hard to tell, but I'm putting that on an freeze, as I was working on it as it went, which wasn't good, and it doesn't help that I've recently changed my mind as to what it will become, something much MORE complicated. Not to worry though, it's still becoming a thing, just that it will take a while, well anyways, on with the good stuff.

Well, here I am, my real name is- ha! As if I'm saying that as the first thing of myself! Anyways, I know I introduced myself on the ML's pilot, but that doesn't count.

About me:
Who am I?
You can call me RioLucario, because that name is soOo oRiginal, and I'm an aspiring to be artist, more specifically a comic artist or mangaka, if I shall ever become worthy of that title.

What do I do on life?
Currently, I'm taking my university studies, so yeah, I am sleepy and busy almost always, it comes with any sort of studying by default.

What are my plans for the future?
Uhhhh... Subsist? Well, first things first, I plan to finish my studies, then I'll see what life has in store for me. But as to what I want to happen, I hope to be able to make art for a living B+C=P, I love art and don't see myself anywhere else, and I mean I L-O-V-E art, I'm an art enthusiast and get excited to see people doing art.

Where else can you find me?
Currently nowhere else

That's all the most personal I'll get

About my art:
What kind of art do I do?
Well I'm a traditional artist and will probably exclusively be for a while until I figure out how to get better to a point I feel comfortable in digital.
I draw with colour pencils and am suffering from my decisions of not colouring when I was on school ._. which was like... a long time ago. I have also been trying out new techniques, such as acrilic paintings and graphite pencils, but the one I enjoy the most are colour pencils.

What do I draw?
Humans, because... I'm a human... And is what I know the best...
I have also tried out drawing animals, and backgrounds, but am no good at it, so I'll keep trying.

What do I use to draw?
Faber-Castell (please tell me this isn't considered as promotion) colour pencils on top of regular paper, and I use any pen to ink, which I should probably do something about because it really does makes an impact on the final result.
In digital, I use good'ol and trusty Medibang paint Pro, of course.

Other things about me:
Things I like: kindness, humbleness and regular good traits
Colour: I like red, pure red, because it's the colour of passion, which moves me, and love
Animal: Canids, specially wolves, I also like jaguars, raccoons and in general I like animals, they are cool.
Games: Pokemon, who would've seen that one coming? Minecraft, because it allows me to build and it is fun to play with friends.
Pokemon: Riolu and Lucario, like seriously? Who could really see this one coming?
Shows/Anime: The Avatar, Fullmetal Alchemist and others
Comics/Manga: Africa, Naruto and others
Music: I don't know much about music, but mainly anime music and rock, among other genres but the ones with vulgar themes, those ones are a no go for me

Things I don't like
Politics (If you know about history you'll know why), violent themes, proudness (as in ho-ho am the absolute best of the best) and other general bad/rude beheaviours.

Well, that's all I'll say, too much to be truth, and am nervous because I don't want to break any of this sites rules with this post °__°'

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