Bakemon Contest Results Announcement!
Entry Period: July 31st (Fri) 2015 - October 31st (Sat) 2015
Desc She will eat her prey only after played with them
Desc HUngrY! HUngrY! I WaNT HuMAN FLEsh!
Desc 「出る杭は全て打ってやる」、そんな気まんまんだが、自分の頭が釘っぽいことには気付いていない。
Desc ジム通いの弁慶さん
Desc 未亡人の吸鼓さん
Desc I don't know the reason, but everytime i sing men fall asleep
Desc I'll drain your essence when you are sleeping
Desc 以夢中見過的鹿精為靈感,非常喜歡祂的優雅。
Desc 将棋指しの東洲斎爺
Desc 我們家的爸爸 經常忘了帶他的腦及手機 好像一個無腦怪
Desc 葬儀屋の花菱さん
Desc Rum! Gold! Girls! But the main thing is the reputation!
Desc A demon disguised as a school girl? Or a school girl disguised as demon? I used to common Shojou fantasy theme, but changed it by making the demon a little more hideous, the school girl's hair: more disheveled and disastrous, and strange tights beneath heavy armor. Don't worry, I don't even entirely understand this creature myself.
Desc koshka.... I dont know how to make a good background.... I need learn more about it.
Desc 사회에 적응중인 고블린을 창작해봤습니다. 고블린 특유의 똘끼는 남아있지만, 현사회의 젊은 세대를 닮아가고 있습니다.
Desc 一个悲伤的人,戴着面具微笑
Desc 古着屋の天狗さん
Desc 煙草屋のひょっとこ爺
Desc 外表看似冷酷 但內心充滿著溫暖的心
Desc Finally, it's done! Took me a little longer than expected~ 終於完成了!時間比我預期的還長~ (´・` )♡
Desc 我的小阿姨 漂亮 嫵媚 會做生意 又精打細算 很像一隻嫵媚的狐狸
Desc 骨董屋の小六さん
Desc 学校帰りのいろはちゃん
Desc 我的老闆娘漂亮又精打細算 很像一隻嫵媚的狐狸
Desc 友人の二面性を表現しました。
Desc 穿著小雞裝的妖怪
Desc 我们都是外表坚强内心柔软的核桃人,各自有着自己异想天开的梦想。
Desc 鼻子是喇吧,驚訝時會發出震耳的聲音 喜歡趕流行 不會在沒化妝的情況下出門
Desc I NEveR STop EaTing HUMAn DReaMs!
Desc 愛邊看電視邊放屁的爸爸。
Desc 噛み砕くことを至上の喜びとするバケモン。 より硬い物を求め彷徨う。 主食は石。
Desc 一位在乎別人看法的女孩
Desc 居酒屋の美踊さん
Desc ミュージシャンの写楽さん
Desc 鬼月期中總是有些人會現出原形, 如我身邊結實精壯的好友,每當大太陽底下體育課跑步時,體表肌肉就會太過脆弱而不小心融化露出體內器官。 總是要吹上幾小時的冷氣才能將皮膚"捏"回原狀。
Desc 大家好, 我是高師大工業設計系學生- NKNU/Industrial Design 我的嘴巴很大很凸,可能因此而善於聊天。 希望可以認識很多人一起交流一起畫畫!
Desc 有一種人很愛假正義之名行惡魔之事,自以為自己在維護正義伸張正義.其實內心比誰都壞,所以正義跟惡棍一線之隔.別以為戴著面具就是英雄,殊不知背後展開的是惡魔的翅膀.
Desc Korea soldiers ate chocolate pie with tears. I tried to express the hearts of those Choco Pie.
Desc An experience from leading an excursion of restless kids in a forest merged with our favorite Russian fairytale about Baba Yaga and her chicken-legged hut.
Desc 每個人的心中都住著一個惡魔 毫不留情審判著他人的好或不好