일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Official Drawing Lessons on ART street Vol.21 -How To Use a Background Image-


We will show you how you can use background images. There are many background images available for purchase on ART street. Use resource images for a high quality background!

1. How to paste the background image

First of all, we need to paste the image.

⑴ Open the background image with MediBang Paint.

⑵ Go to the Edit menu and choose Copy.

MediBang Paint resource background

⑶ Open the illustration that you want the background to be.

⑷ Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste.


MediBang Paint resource background

⑸ Once you paste the background, go to the Selection menu and choose Transform.  Adjust the size and angle.


MediBang Paint resource background

⑹ Click OK and you’ve placed the image to your illustration!

2. Use the background image in your illustration!

We will show you how you can apply a background image to a character illustration!

⑴ Paste the background image, and adjust the size and position.

MediBang Paint resource background

⑵ Use the Bucket tool to add colors to the sky and building.
Also change the color of the lineart by checking “protect alpha” on the layer panel.

MediBang Paint resource background

⑶ Use “clipping” to add shadows to the buildings.
Then use the pen to draw clouds.
Let’s also merge the background layers.

MediBang Paint resource background

⑷ Use the fill tool and place a rectangle at the center.
Clip the merged background layer to the rectangle.
Duplicate the background layer, and place it below the original background layer.  Go to the Filter menu and choose Hue to adjust the colors.

MediBang Paint resource background

⑸ Find a tone pattern from the cloud materials, and paste that as well.
*You need to log in to use the cloud services.

MediBang Paint resource background

⑹Adjust the colors, and it’s done!

ART streetイラスト講座-第21弾- 素材を使ってみよう! (背景編)

ART street


Try this with your artwork!

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