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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

Name: Eiz
Sex: Female
Age: 16

Personality: Eiz is smart, kind, and cunning. Her reassuring presence makes her a favorite to most of the people she meets. In the heat of battle, she’s calm, collected, and considered a prodigy in strategic warfare.

Way of Speaking: She tries to adjust her demeanor depending on who she’s speaking to, but she’s generally very well mannered and considerate. She’s still a kid, and can’t help losing her composure when she sees cute things.

Ability(s): Bloodlust. Whenever her back is against the wall, Eiz’s personality completely changes and she goes into an uncontrollable frenzy; her strength and speed increase immensely, allowing her to destroy anything and everything in her path. However, the capabilities of her bloodlust concerns her, so she tries to compensate by using her intelligence instead.

Likes: Cute things (cute to her is ugly to most people)
Dislikes: Blood
Weakness(es): Strength
Character's Trainer: Athena (A Greek goddess)

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