插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 YunScribbles的插画


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浏览数 430


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Name: Roxi
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Roxi is extremely loud on most occasions, unpredictable, sadistic and loves to joke a lot. Her unpredictability makes one wonder what actually goes through her head sometimes. She knows that she's not very well liked due to how unpredictable she can get, but she wants to keep it that way.
Way of Speaking: She either slurs a lot and sound like a gangster, talk in a proper and refined tone or sound really cute. She also uses lots of profanity.
Ability(s): She uses a diamond-hard detachable mace which can extend for as long as she wants. The weight of the detached part can also be increased on her command, which deals heavy blows to enemies.
Likes: Anything that tastes sweet
Dislikes: Men, getting attached to someone else
Weakness(es): Bats. She loves them so much. Also girls.
Character's Trainer: Loki (Norse god)
Trainer's Comment: I sure as hell do love this kid, but she really needs some chill once in a while.


    时间顺序 YunScribbles的插画




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