일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 NEOmirai의 일러스트

Hikariko<>Nori and Nora

즐겨찾기 6


  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト

  • Hikariko

Name: Nori & Nora
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: They come in a pair. Nori the serious one and Nora the wild one. Yin and Yang, but together they are one. They both like but one thing: messing with other people's minds. They acheve it by cosplaying each other and pulling all sorts of pranks. HINT: you can tell them apart by their breast size(padding can fix that though).
Speaking: They refer to themselves as "we". Talk at the same time.
Ability: Meta gate-each wields a key that can open it and use it to telleport. Meta gate full authority-when they combine the keys and open it at the same time, they can summon 2 of any hikariko's weapon they've both seen. These 2 weapons can't be identical to each other. These weapons are as half as strong as the original. They can't teleport.
Hobby: gambling
Weakness: beeing apart.
Trainer: Lada & Lado, slavic divine spirits of beauty and fertility.
Comment: They should try to tone the teasing down, or they might lose more friends.

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    신작순 NEOmirai의 일러스트




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