6 years ago
Name: Jade
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Personality: She has schizophrenia, which makes her always does delusions. But, she can controls it really well and make that her strength. Besides, she is very clever psychopath. When she fights enemies, she always delusions that she is in the beautiful world and she gives every children gifts issued through her pistol, which actually she kills every enemies mercilessly. She can also act very well and make her enemies believe in her.
Way Of Speaking: She can be cute when she act, but she talk like a psychopath when she's serious.
Abilities: She shoot the bullet from her gun. The bullets can manipulate time, or can look at the enemy's past when it hit them, or even can make her go to their own past and give them the worst nightmare and make them die slowly.
Likes: Knowledge, Screams, Blood, Glory.
Dislikes: Useless People, Arrogant People.
Weakness: Her height.
Character's Trainer: Mammon (One of seven deadly sins).
Trainer's Comment: None.