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Polunochnitsa and Poludnitsa

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4 years ago

  • August2020_Contest:Horror

  • medibangpaint

  • Spirit

  • Picture

  • Ghosts

  • Ужасы

  • ARTstreet

  • Slavicghosts

  • Призраки

Ghosts of Slavic mythology.

Polunochnitsa (midnight spirit ) – a nightly and evil spirit that takes the form of an old woman, a girl, worms or ravens. Attacks small children at midnight and deprives them of sleep. Causes diseases of insomnia. Can replace a newborn child with a demon.

Poludnitsa (Midday Spirit) - Mistress of fields (rye, wheat, etc.). She takes the form of a woman in peasant clothes. She is credited with the swaying of plants and the noise in the fields. It is believed that working and harvesting at noon was prohibited. If the prohibition was violated, the spirit punished the victims. She directed sunstroke, chopped off her head and played with it. According to legend, the only way to escape is to solve her riddles. Some old people believed that Poludnitsa, on the contrary, guarded the fields, the harvest was getting richer.

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