Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Habits of the Heart
Didn’t mean to name this thing after a song but oh well. So... I kinda have a little thing I was planning to do on Valentine’s Day. There’s this girl I used to date and we were really close n’ stuff but we broke up cuz of this guy. I felt like it was kinda my fault since I let my insecurities about my sexuality get in the way of things. We kinda took a break for a while but we’re still really close now, actually- she’s one of my best friends- second only to my sister-from-another-mother, Bon. I don’t know whether to do it or not but I wanna ask her out again. Some part of me thinks that it’s an awful idea but there wouldn’t really be any sort of reprocussions if she said no- I think I’m just worrying out of courtesy, really. Should I ask her? Shouldn’t I? I dunno- a few of my other friends irl are like “fuckin’ go for it, ya pussy” which, I do appreciate the sentiment behind what they’re saying... just not how they phrased it. But yeah! I kinda just want opinions on whether I should or shouldn’t do it .w.;

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