Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Dumb rant-
This is bullshit. Whatever’s going on is just stupid and needs to stop. I do not condone pointless pissing contests over who can get the most people to hate another person. It’s ridiculous and immature and it needs to stop now. I don’t care what happened or who started what but it needs to stop. Someone needs to learn to be the bigger person and either apologise or just move on. Now don’t come to me with your aggressive “um actually”s and “it’s my opinion”- quite frankly, I don’t give a shit. The fact that you’re continuing to argue your own point for a certain side shows your inability to fully understand and make an unbiased decision. You can have your opinions but that doesn’t mean anyone has to agree and vice versa- just stop being brats about it. This is a community of artists- not a fucking Primary school playground- so start acting like you belong here and contribute something useful to the community leave. We’re all allowed to form opinions of those around us but being abrasive and stupid about said opinions is immature. As artists, we can express our feelings in the form of something... worth admiring- not witch hunting. So learn to be a civil human being or get the fuck out. Simple as.

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