插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Help Me Choose Some Names!
Short story:
I had a sudden inspiration to create a new story from a dream.

Long story:
I had a dream two nights ago that really turned into a desire to make it into a story. I don't remember ALL of it, but it was pretty vivid, which is why I remember some key details of it. First off, there are two boys in the story. One's a rich kid while the other is...not so much :P The rich kid and his family take a trip to the woods to go camping. In the middle of the night, while his parents are sleeping, the rich kid wanders off into the woods. The next morning, the parents wake up and find out he's missing. They immediately start calling for him and trying to find him.
Meanwhile, the rich kid is still alone and walking through the woods. He lost his way back, so he kept walking all night. He was tired, cold, hungry...He tripped over a tree root, but when he got up, he saw a house in a clearing nearby. It stood on stilts and had a rope ladder leading up to the doorway, and it had a straw roof as well. Reluctantly, he walked up to the house and climbed slowly up the ladder. He knocked on the door three times to see if anyone was home. It was silent for a long time. He was about to knock again when suddenly, the door opened just a crack. Through the crack peaked a tired-looking eye. The person on the other side opened the door carefully. The rich boy stared at him. The person in the house was a boy, about as old as him (13-14 yo). He had a skinny figure, and he had messy hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but he was wearing long, baggy pants. The forest boy peered at the rich boy quietly. Then he swung the door wider and let him in. ~The rest I'll leave a mystery for now cause this is getting WAAAY too freaking long~

Basically, I need help trying to choose some names for the two boys. I'm planning on making a romantic relationship develop between them the older they get because that was what was portrayed in my dream. I also came up with some interesting names for the story. I'm thinking of making it into a manga and entering it into the Universal Manga Contest. Problem is, tho, I can't choose names by myself because my star sign is Libra, and I almost always find making decisions difficult. Woop-Dee-Doo! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

*ahem* anyway, the polls are up! I left an illustration of the boys below. Unfortunately, you can't choose multiple answers and you cannot vote twice. Choose carefully!! What names do u think fit them?

Character Names:

If you even read the "long story" (which I highly doubt that xD) Then please help me choose a name for my manga. You can choose more than one favorite, but you can't vote twice. So choose wisely! ;3

Manga Names:

The results of the polls will be released on September 28th (my birthday :D)!
