Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I’m free 3-5 PST
So What The Hell Happened ???

Hey ya'll ^^ Nova here.

The past year has been pretty rough. I broke a lot of promises. I made a lot of mistakes. I've been skipping a couple of classes. And I think I've been clinically diagnosed with depression.

Before people start feeling sorry for me, lemme just say that in no way shape or form am I TRYING to get people to pity me. In fact, it's the exact opposite. I WANT you guys to know everything, and I want you to know all the stupid mistakes that I've done. It's not only to lift a little bit of weight off my own chest, but to reassure you guys that I'm doing okay and that I'm not dead or something.

So: What the hell happened???

I unplugged myself suddenly from all internet/social media accounts in October of last year. I thought that would be the easiest way to solve my problems. I was overwhelmed with requests, school, and other personal issues, but I didn't want to face them. So I didn't. I ended up running away from my problems, which is probably the worst thing I could have done.

I believe I've had depression for these past 3 years, but it was only recently that my pediatrician talked with me about it. I had some...incidents happen that were caused by my depression, and because of that, I couldn't really bare to be around anybody in real life or the internet. I felt ashamed of myself as a person. I had myself convinced that the only way to solve my problems was just to not face them at all.

And obviously, that wasn't really a solution. In fact, the plan backfired. I truly think it actually ended up boosting or enhancing my depression rather than making me feel better. I had all these guilty thoughts on my mind...and at one point, I even thought about taking my own life. But that's not the case now. I've had a bit of a...revelation and I think it's time for me to stand up for myself. THIS is the only way I can get rid of the guilt.

So, where am I getting at, exactly? If some of you guys were close to me during last year, you'd probably know that I made a promise to get all of those art requests done, but I didn't. I broke a promise, a HUGE promise, and I'm deeply ashamed and disgusted in myself for betraying people that put their trust in me. I was naive to think I could have handled such a big task at such a foolish age.

Let me just say now: I take the promise back. It's been a WHOLE year since that promise, and I still haven't fulfilled it. I'm just gonna say it outright and say that there is no possible way that I can complete it. The people that made the requests would probably be to upset with me to even accept my art, and I wouldn't blame them. I mean, who spends one year trying to draw an art request?? That's crazy logic. It'd be a waste of time for both me and the people who requested me to draw for them if I decided to give them their artwork now.

Plus, they owe me nothing and I owe them nothing. It's not like they're paying for it, so it doesn't really matter either way.

I'm NOT going to be doing any art for anybody unless they do it by commission, which I will try to set up in the summertime, but for now, I will NOT be doing ANY MORE art requests. No exceptions!

Later on today, I will delete all previous artworks (except for art trades and art requests, of course) and start my account off on a blank slate. I hope you guys understand, but this is mainly for me. I've been suffering and been weighed down with guilt and regret for the past year. This is probably NOT going to benefit anybody else but me. I know that sounds selfish, but I really need this. I can't go on living with the guilt that I've been living with.

Thank you for reading and understanding. I hope you all have a nice day ^^

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So Apparently, I Look Like a Boy?? (rip)

//Okie, welp, this is more of a shitpost than anything else. But really, I just wanted to vent 'bout this. I hope some people can relate xD//

Okay, so one day, around the start of the summer, I asked my mom to cut my hair short so that I wouldn't feel as hot as I did. So she cut it and when it dried, I realized it was just barely touching my shoulder. I asked her why she didn't cut it the way I wanted and she said dad wouldn't like it.

She said.

Like, whut?! Have you even SEEN my cup size?! (You most likely didn't since the only people I'm friends with are online r.i.p.). I'm starting to get the feeling he may be thinking I wanna be a boy/Transgender.

I have no problem with transgender people, they're cool with me! I just don't wanna change myself to a boy cause I feel like my biological sex, a girl. I don't think he understands what it means to be "transgender." Just because I like my hair short doesn't make me a boy right? :/

What, is he afraid I'm lesbian? Welp, that's semi true...? I'm bisexual, but I'm still living in my little rainbow closet ;w; He's Christian and my mom recently converted to Christianity, so he believes that being gay is a sin. I'm Christian too (naturally) but I don't think it's necessarily a sin :/ I found a video that explains it better than I do, but I'm debating whether or not I should put it up (because it might start some... *sniff sniff* d r a m a).

But yea, my dad's an old fart (I still love him tho <3) and I guess he just believes girls should act like girls? He approves of stuff like women's rights and how women shouldn't be stereotyped by men. But I think deep down inside of him, there's still a little bit of expectation of what a girl should be because he was raised differently than you and I. One of those "expectations" being girls shouldn't cut their hair to look like boys. Idk anything, I'm just assuming. Don't think he's a horrible dad :P He's not that bad, but I don't like everything that he likes.

Welp thanks for reading this all the way to the end I guess? xD I need to continue doing my homework sooo I'll reply to any comments I receive later on tonight ;P See ya

(I posted a pic of Haruhi cause y not? Fits the mood, rite? xP)

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  • > wolfyicecream Yea, like, c'mon now. We're living in 2017, for darn sakes xPP

  • > ♡ Honey Cone ♡ :D

  • There is nothing wrong with girls/women with short hair. There are styles where short hair can still look feminine. So your parents shouldn't have a problem with it UNLESS you were asking to be like bald or something. Perhaps I am speaking out of line since maybe your family belongs to a traditional denomination. Then again I'm a dude who only has 2 hairstyles: Short and "you need a haircut"

  • Its kewl if u wanna be guy

Quick Update

Hai guys! I can't log into my Scratch account for some reason but just to let u guys know, I am doing fine :) We didn't have to evacuate yesterday. I'm not so sure about today tho. We packed some essentials just in case we need to leave, but I hope the fire doesn't come much closer than it did yesterday.
But yea, that's pretty much it for now :) Thnx for reading

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  • > wolfyicecream Lol yeah, you were right! Thanks! :)

  • See i told you that you were gonna be fine and im happy to hear ur doing well

  • > SuperNova //P//A//W// Great ^^

  • > Magjic-starr Okay, I will! :)

..I'm Very Worried..(EDIT:Getting Worse)

I'm really scared! There's a fire burning in Anaheim Hills right now... I live in Irvine, so I can see the huge smoke cloud and it's very scary! I'm doing school rn and I gotta go back and study in a minute (I'm writing this from my school laptop ;w;). But man, it sure is worrying me... God bless those living in Anaheim Hills. I hope none of them get hurt.

We may have to evacuate. My mom got an alert on her phone saying that a mandatory evacuation is in affect for Orange Park Acres, North Tustin, & East Orange. It's not where I live, but it's REALLY close. I'm so concerned not only for me, but for my friends that live around my area too...In case we do have to evacuate, then I'll try to keep u guys up-to-date with what's going on. All I can ask from u guys now is to pray for us..

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  • > SACandy It's okie! <3 I deeply appreciate your understanding! Thank you very much :)

  • Please please please be safe... Sorry I know I commented earlier but you did update it and oh boy...

  • np :)

  • > wolfyicecream Thanks, wolfy.. I'm still a little worried, but thank you very much for the comfort <3

So, I'm not dead yet...

Hey, guys! Nova here.

Some of u might...*MIGHT* have noticed that I haven't been really active lately. I've been feeling really depressed for some reason, idek. The first week of school started on the 28th of August, which was pretty much the start of my inactivity here.

All the assignments I had to turn in, the delay I kept putting on art requests/trades, and all the guilt for not finishing them on time made me extra stressed and I eventually started feeling the depression I felt the last time I tried to do something kinda like this. So, since requests were officially closed on the 22nd of September, I'll make sure to complete any request before that date. I'm sorry I haven't posted what I was supposed to complete.

I don't wanna use my "depression" as an excuse for being offline for so long, nor do I want anyone to feel sorry for me. I delayed these WAAAY too long. I've delayed up to MONTHS, and that is TOTALLY unacceptable of me to do. As a result, I might not do requests ever again, or at least not during school weeks, because all it does is stress me out, and sometimes I crack under pressure as well.

PikmanDude, I can't promise anything, but hopefully I'll release the album art as soon as next week.
Frostedlemon, like I said before, I can't promise this, but I hope to release your art request as soon as next week or the week after.
Pancakes24689, I am SO SO SO sorry for delaying the last art trade with you! But I've finished it already, so I will be sharing it later on today.

FuzzyButter20, I'm nearly done drawing Rhea! I hope I can share it next week.
Alanaanita, I am SO sorry for delaying the request for so long!! The outline is done, so all I gotta do now is colour it in. No promises, but I hope to release it two weeks from now.

This apology doesn't excuse what I did. In fact, the reason I think I stayed off of here so long is that I was afraid to admit I was putting everything off. I'm human, and I make mistakes as well as you do. I can't say sorry enough, though. The only thing I can promise though is that I'll complete EVERYTHING listed above! If I've missed your request, contact me by friending me and messaging me and I'll make sure to complete your request as well. Thank you for understanding. Have a nice day.

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  • > Ghost.E Thanks for the understanding. I'm getting better. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest since I posted this apology letter, but I really cherish and appreciate your understanding :) so thank you very much

  • > Naegiki Thank you for your support...I've been in a real slump lately, but I'm starting to feel better. If I feel like I need someone to talk to, then I'll refer back to you. Thank you once again for your support <3

  • I've never felt depressed, but I know how it feels to be stressed out of your mind. I've been to the point where I start crying or, have a nosebleed (believe it or not..) If you ever need someone to talk to I'm (usually) here! I'm not all that interesting, or good at comforting people, but I'll try!

  • Hope you feel better soon. I will always be here to comfort you

Help Me Choose Some Names!

Short story:
I had a sudden inspiration to create a new story from a dream.

Long story:
I had a dream two nights ago that really turned into a desire to make it into a story. I don't remember ALL of it, but it was pretty vivid, which is why I remember some key details of it. First off, there are two boys in the story. One's a rich kid while the other is...not so much :P The rich kid and his family take a trip to the woods to go camping. In the middle of the night, while his parents are sleeping, the rich kid wanders off into the woods. The next morning, the parents wake up and find out he's missing. They immediately start calling for him and trying to find him.
Meanwhile, the rich kid is still alone and walking through the woods. He lost his way back, so he kept walking all night. He was tired, cold, hungry...He tripped over a tree root, but when he got up, he saw a house in a clearing nearby. It stood on stilts and had a rope ladder leading up to the doorway, and it had a straw roof as well. Reluctantly, he walked up to the house and climbed slowly up the ladder. He knocked on the door three times to see if anyone was home. It was silent for a long time. He was about to knock again when suddenly, the door opened just a crack. Through the crack peaked a tired-looking eye. The person on the other side opened the door carefully. The rich boy stared at him. The person in the house was a boy, about as old as him (13-14 yo). He had a skinny figure, and he had messy hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but he was wearing long, baggy pants. The forest boy peered at the rich boy quietly. Then he swung the door wider and let him in. ~The rest I'll leave a mystery for now cause this is getting WAAAY too freaking long~

Basically, I need help trying to choose some names for the two boys. I'm planning on making a romantic relationship develop between them the older they get because that was what was portrayed in my dream. I also came up with some interesting names for the story. I'm thinking of making it into a manga and entering it into the Universal Manga Contest. Problem is, tho, I can't choose names by myself because my star sign is Libra, and I almost always find making decisions difficult. Woop-Dee-Doo! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

*ahem* anyway, the polls are up! I left an illustration of the boys below. Unfortunately, you can't choose multiple answers and you cannot vote twice. Choose carefully!! What names do u think fit them?

Character Names:

If you even read the "long story" (which I highly doubt that xD) Then please help me choose a name for my manga. You can choose more than one favorite, but you can't vote twice. So choose wisely! ;3

Manga Names:

The results of the polls will be released on September 28th (my birthday :D)!

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  • > Venteni It's okay! Those names sound very interesting (in a good way >w<)! I'll keep those names in mind. If more people make up names for them, then I'll probably eventually make a poll out of that. If not, like I said, I'll keep your suggestions in mind!

  • > SuperNova //P//A//W// I came up with those srry))

  • Rezx and soi?

  • Btw, the same night, I had a dream me and Luka ( were a thing...not complaining tho :P


I would like to remind everyone that logo/banner requests, ARs, and ATs are still open! They officially end at the end of summer (or September 22nd~) even though I'm about to start school soon. Request anything you want me to draw for you! ;)

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  • > SuperNova //P//A//W// Oh its up to you then! Im fine with Rhea or Rita :)

  • > FuzzyButter20 Lol, not quite (unless you call a quick sketch a drawing :P) I could restart and draw Rhea ^^

  • > SuperNova //P//A//W// Hmm have you drawed her yet? I wanna ask if you could draw Rhea instead :>

  • > FuzzyTheButter20 Sure thing! ^^

ATs/ARs Are Open!

So the end of summer break is nearing for me, and I would really appreciate it if I could do Art Trades and Art Requests before going back to school. ARs are completely free of charge! All you have to do is ask and give a description of the person you want me to draw! As for ATs, request whatever you want as well! Also, if there is an OTP/ship you'd like me to draw fanart of, please, don't hesitate to message me and request for it! (I accept all ships, so don't worry about them being straight or not :P). So yeah, that's pretty much it! Thanks for reading! I hope to get working with some people soon! ^^

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  • I'm finished! seeing as how the others provided a link... I guess will too then:, I hope you like it.

  • > SuperNova //P//A//W// (sorry for the late reply.) Alright I'll get started on it as soon as possible! Thank you as well.

  • > Naegiki Sure! I'd be glad to! ^^ The art you've already provided is just fine. And if you could, can you please draw Kosta? I hope this picture is enough to reference. If not, just tell me and I'll make a new sketch ^^ Thank you very much :)

  • If you don't mind; would you like to do an art trade? if so, could you draw Helenna? (she's in my most recent doodle.) I could post a better reference doodle of her, if you'd like! Also, what would you like me to draw?