Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

So, I'm not dead yet...
Hey, guys! Nova here.

Some of u might...*MIGHT* have noticed that I haven't been really active lately. I've been feeling really depressed for some reason, idek. The first week of school started on the 28th of August, which was pretty much the start of my inactivity here.

All the assignments I had to turn in, the delay I kept putting on art requests/trades, and all the guilt for not finishing them on time made me extra stressed and I eventually started feeling the depression I felt the last time I tried to do something kinda like this. So, since requests were officially closed on the 22nd of September, I'll make sure to complete any request before that date. I'm sorry I haven't posted what I was supposed to complete.

I don't wanna use my "depression" as an excuse for being offline for so long, nor do I want anyone to feel sorry for me. I delayed these WAAAY too long. I've delayed up to MONTHS, and that is TOTALLY unacceptable of me to do. As a result, I might not do requests ever again, or at least not during school weeks, because all it does is stress me out, and sometimes I crack under pressure as well.

PikmanDude, I can't promise anything, but hopefully I'll release the album art as soon as next week.
Frostedlemon, like I said before, I can't promise this, but I hope to release your art request as soon as next week or the week after.
Pancakes24689, I am SO SO SO sorry for delaying the last art trade with you! But I've finished it already, so I will be sharing it later on today.

FuzzyButter20, I'm nearly done drawing Rhea! I hope I can share it next week.
Alanaanita, I am SO sorry for delaying the request for so long!! The outline is done, so all I gotta do now is colour it in. No promises, but I hope to release it two weeks from now.

This apology doesn't excuse what I did. In fact, the reason I think I stayed off of here so long is that I was afraid to admit I was putting everything off. I'm human, and I make mistakes as well as you do. I can't say sorry enough, though. The only thing I can promise though is that I'll complete EVERYTHING listed above! If I've missed your request, contact me by friending me and messaging me and I'll make sure to complete your request as well. Thank you for understanding. Have a nice day.

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